
  • 网络Round head rivets
  1. GB/T863.1-1986半圆头铆钉(粗制)精密半自动万能圆磨床

    Round head rivets & Black precision semi-automatic universal cylindrical grinder

  2. (用来指月亮)大于半圆。GB/T867-1986半圆头铆钉

    ( used of the moon ) more than half full . Round head rivets

  3. 总是主动挑起最艰巨最危险的任务,兢兢业业,排除万难去圆满完成。双半径半圆头铆钉窝子

    He always asked to take on the hardest and most dangerous tasks and carried them out by surmounting all difficulties . double radius button head snap