
qiān jīn
  • a thousand jin;weighty;jack


qiān jin
  • hoisting jack;jack;screw block;lifting jack
千斤 [qiān jīn]
  • (1) [a thousand jin]∶一千斤

  • (2) [weighty]∶非常重的;重要的;重大的--指责任或负担

  • 千斤重担

  • (3) [jack]∶千斤顶

千斤[qiān jīn]
千斤[qiān jin]
  1. 有种充满希望和解脱的奇妙感觉,好似卸下了一副千斤重担。

    There was an extraordinary feeling of hope and relief , as if a great burden had been cast off .

  2. 秤杆虽小提千斤。

    A steelyard is small but it carries a weight of a thousand catties .

  3. 目的:研究蔓性千斤拔药材的HPLC指纹图谱,为科学评价、有效控制药材质量提供可靠方法。

    Objective : To study HPLC characteristic fingerprint of Moghania philippinensis and provide a reliable method for scientific evaluation and quality control .

  4. 不要追求财富,千斤终究会散尽;

    Don 't go for wealth , even that fades away .

  5. 她自由地呼吸着,好象卸下千斤重担。

    She breathed freely , and a great weight fell off her .

  6. 蔓性千斤拔种子无菌苗萌发影响因素的研究

    The influence factors of germination of in vitro seeds of Flemingia philippinensis

  7. 壮药千斤拔饮对去卵巢大鼠免疫内分泌影响的研究

    Effects Research of Flemingia Decoction on immuno-endocrine of Ovariectomized Rat

  8. 大叶千斤拔&云南热区优良牧草种质资源

    Flemingia macrophylla & excellent forage germplasm resource in tropical area of Yunnan

  9. 不同产地不同药用部位千斤拔中多糖的比较

    Determination of polysaccharide in different medical parts of different habitats in Moghania

  10. 沉重的债务像千斤重担压在一家人的头上。

    A heavy deBt lay on the family like a dead weight .

  11. 我们发挥政府投资“四两拨千斤”的作用,引导带动社会投资。

    We guided and stimulated non-government investment by means of well-leveraged government investment .

  12. 水分胁迫对蔓性千斤拔种子萌发和生理指标的响应

    Response of water stress on seed germination and physiological characteristics of Flemingia philippinensis

  13. 如千斤重锤般向我袭来

    hit me like a ton of bricks .

  14. 蔓性千斤拔化学成分与质量控制研究

    Studies on the Constituents and Quality Control of Flemingia Philippinensis Merr . Et Rolfe

  15. 千斤子藤属的任何一种长绿攀爬灌木,具有芬芳的蜡质的叶子。

    Any of various evergreen climbing shrubs of the genus Stephanotis having fragrant waxy flowers .

  16. 烂麻搓成绳,也能拉千斤。(直译:草多可缚大象。)

    Many straws may bind an elephant .

  17. 春小麦精量稀播亩产千斤的生物学及生理学基础

    Studies on Biological and Physiological Bases of 7500 kg Grain per ha of Precision Drilling Spring Wheat

  18. 它是将陆地定向钻技术与水下人工攻泥器技术相结合,构成一种新的可控穿千斤攻泥器。

    It is a combine of directional drilling technique on land and manual mud - penetrator technique undersea .

  19. 财政政策作为促进绿色产业发展的重要政策工具将发挥四两拨千斤的支点作用。

    Fiscal policy as important policy tool in promoting the development of green industry will preform its fulcrum effect .

  20. 和“四两拨千斤问题”的影响可以是积极的,这可能是一个负数。

    And " skillfully deflected the question ," the effect can be positive , it could be a negative .

  21. 那天,当我离开电影院的时候,我感觉好轻松,好像肩头千斤重的负担被卸下来。

    I left the theater that day feeling as if an unbearable weight had been lifted from my shoulders .

  22. 他一想到这场灾难,两腿就像有千斤重,再也挪不动一步了。

    All the thought of the mishap his legs stiffened under him and couldn 't move a step further .

  23. 我们都是乖小孩,就算顶着千斤包袱也能往前走,并且一路有言笑。

    We are good children , even with jack burden , moreover walked all the way have talking and laughing .

  24. 千斤拔总黄酮的提取与纯化工艺研究

    The study on the extraction and purification of total flavones from Moghania philippinensis ( Merr . et Rolfe ) Li

  25. 在街上你看到七八十岁的老太太推着上千斤的垃圾,一点都不感到惊奇。

    You may not surprise if you see a seventy to eighties years old woman push a half ton trash cart .

  26. 以桶子功、千斤坠、五毒手为独门功夫,自宋代秘传至今。

    It is famous for bucket practice , kink-weight , and poisoned hand , taught secretly from Song Dynasty till now .

  27. 化学处理提高大叶千斤拔种子发芽率的试验不同产地不同药用部位千斤拔中多糖的比较

    Experiment of Seed Germination on Flemingia macrophylla under Chemical Treatment Determination of polysaccharide in different medical parts of different habitats in Moghania

  28. 要知道这些渔网装满鱼的时候重量有上千斤啊!

    And it 's important to note that these nets weigh more than a thousand pounds when they 're full of fish .

  29. 橡胶-大叶千斤拔复合生态系统中的植物生长与土壤水分养分动态

    The Dynamics of Plant Growth and Soil Moisture and Nutrient in the Rubber Plantation and Rubber-Flemingia macrophylla Agroforestry System in Xishuangbanna , Southwest China

  30. 既不能一一的细想,他便把这一切做成个整个的,像千斤闸那样的压迫,全压到他的头上来。

    Failing to analyse the business in detail , he accepted it as one whole which weighed on him like a thousand-pound metal block .