
  • 网络10th grade;Sophomore Year
  1. 但乔迪读十年级的时候成为了一名“职业技术”学生。

    But Jody ? When he entered the tenth grade he became a " vo-tech " student .

  2. 我的朋友萨姆上十年级。

    My friend Sam is in the tenth grade .

  3. 解析tenth-grader到底是十年级的学生,还是十岁的小孩?

    What would you recommend for a tenth-grader ?

  4. 从十年级开始她就是我最好的朋友

    Look , she is my best friend in tenth grade .

  5. 丹尼尔:我经常讲的一件尴尬事跟我十年级学校照有关。

    Daniel : A personal favourite was my Year Ten school photo .

  6. 请替我和十年级的乔安娜-卡尔顿取得联系。

    Please get in touch with Joanna Carlton from the tenth grade .

  7. 一个十年级女生提到偶然交往的问题。

    One 10th-grade girl asked about approaching someone about a casual encounter .

  8. 当你还没通过五年级时又怎么可能上十年级呢?

    How can you go to the10th grade unless you pass the5th grade ?

  9. 十年级的时候尝试自杀,

    He tried to kill himself in grade 10

  10. 十年级的学生都要做。

    All tenth graders have to do it .

  11. 十年级时青少年的内疚、羞耻、感恩的发展达到最高。

    The highest grade of teenagers ' guilt , shame and gratitude is in Grade 10 .

  12. 在你进入十年级前,五、六、七、八、九年级都是你要经历的障碍。

    The 5th , 6th , 7th , 8th , and 9th grades are obstacles to the 10th grade .

  13. 十年级的时候,我和我同学法金和扎罗图金是学校里跳高最棒的。

    In the10th grade I was the school 's best high jumper , together with my classmates Fakin and Zolotukhin .

  14. 如今,我已是默乐高中二年级(十年级,即中国的高一)的学生了。

    Now , I am a sophomore at Moeller ( 10th grade , it 's equivalent to the Chinese high school freshman )

  15. 九年级和十年级的尖子生可以男女分班学习数学,科学,英语和社会学。

    Top students in the ninth and tenth grades can attend single-sex classes for math , science , English and social studies .

  16. 后来,在我十年级的时候,我转学了,我转到了一家名叫“印第安泉”的小型寄宿学校,

    And then , when I was in tenth grade , I went to this school , Indian Springs School , a small boarding school ,

  17. 参加二战的数百万军人甚至没从小学毕业,许多美国年轻人都没有读到十年级。

    Millions of members of the armed forces had not even graduated from grammar school and many young Americans did not go beyond the10th grade .

  18. 我和妻子来中国学习中医,她现在在沈阳枫叶高中教十年级英语。

    I came to China to study Chinese Medicine with my wife , who is teaching English 10 for the Shenyang Maple Leaf high school .

  19. 十年级时,好朋友是改变原来的计划留下来与你共进午餐的人。

    In tenth grade , your idea of a friend was the person who changed their schedule so you would have someone to sit with at lunch .

  20. 十年级的时候尝试自杀,那个时候他还在家住,他的爸爸妈妈跟他说的只是,“你要克服它。”

    He tried to kill himself in grade 10 when a kid who could still go home to Mom and Dad had the audacity to tell him , " Get over it . "

  21. 经频谱分析等时序分析法的估算可知该红灰韵律层是受十年级与百年级主周期的控制,可能与太阳黑子或太阳磁场活动等天文周期有关。

    Results from spectral analysis on time sequences show that the reddish-grey rhythmic deposits were controlled by decade-or century-level climatic periods which might be related to several astronomic cycles , such as sunspot or solar magnetic field .

  22. 通过对宁夏省银川市西夏区第十小学五年级两个班学生的阅读现状、阅读教学现状进行调查,发现学生的阅读状况不容乐观。

    By reading the current situation from Xixia district the tenth primary school , the fifth grade , two classes , in Yinchuan , Ningxia province .

  23. 甚至还有一个来自香拉县的主事,吹牛说自己最大的功劳就是把十个九年级的男孩送去克什米尔接受圣战士训练。

    There was even a headmaster from Shangla who would boast that his greatest success was to send ten boys in Grade 9 for jihad training in Kashmir .

  24. 近来,位于芝加哥的伊利诺斯大学分校校长说,在他学校里百分之十的一年级学生读书能力比一般中学八年级学生好不了多少。

    Recently the chancellor of the University of Illinois 's branch campus in Chicago said that 10 percent of the freshman at his university could read no better than the average eighth grader .