
  1. 全国农业展览馆建于1959年,是五十年代首都十大建筑之一。

    The National Agricultural Exhibition Center was established in 1959 , " one of the ten big constructions " in 1950s in Beijing .

  2. 但是很多年长的巴黎人担心,市政府官员没有接受蒙帕纳斯大厦的教训&该建筑经常被列入世界上最丑陋的十大建筑榜单。

    But many older Parisians fear that city officials did not learn the lesson of Montparnasse , a building that regularly makes lists of the 10 ugliest buildings in the world .

  3. 介绍大连中山广场十大欧式建筑外立面照明设计思想、设计方案、照明方式、灯具、光源的选择,以及布灯思路、照明控制方式等。

    Lighting system design of external facade of ten European style buildings in Dalian Zhongshan Square are introduced , i.e.lighting design thoughts , design plan , lighting way , selection of luminaire and source , and luminaire arrangement thoughts and control way etc.