
yī liáo fú wù hé tonɡ
  • medical service contract
  1. 医疗服务合同具有委托合同的基本属性。

    Medical service contract is a kind of contract for commission .

  2. 二是医疗服务合同的主体;

    Secondly , the parties to medical service contract are discussed .

  3. 建立医疗服务合同制度的必要性和可能性

    The Necessity and Feasibility of Establishing Contract System of Medical Service

  4. 医疗服务合同的问题分析及对策

    Analysis and countermeasure on problems in contract of medical service

  5. 司法鉴定与医学鉴定在医疗服务合同纠纷中运用的比较分析

    Comparison between expert testimony and medical testimony in medical service contract disputes

  6. 医疗服务合同的不完全履行及其救济

    Positive Breach of Medical Service Contracts and Its Remedies

  7. 论医疗服务合同对医疗市场和医疗服务提供市场化问题的思考

    On Medical Treament Serving Contract A Discussion on Medical Market and Marketization of Medical Services

  8. 医院见死不救被判赔偿的法律基础&医疗服务合同的特殊性分析

    The Legal Basis of the Judgement of the Hospital 's Compensation Obligation for not Rescuing the Dying

  9. 论医疗服务合同

    On Medical Treament Serving Contract

  10. 第一部分研究归纳与医疗服务合同相关的基本概念。

    The first part of the study summarized and medical services to the basic concepts related to the contract .

  11. 文章首先明确了医患关系的基本法律属性为医疗服务合同关系。

    The article first clarified the relationship between doctors and patients are familiar with the basic legal contractual relationship for medical services .

  12. 医患关系实质上是一种平等主体之间的民事关系,也即是医疗服务合同关系。

    Virtually , the relationship between hospitals and patients is a civil relationship between equal parties , which is called medical treatment serving contract relationship .

  13. 在此,医疗服务合同是判断医患关系是否存在,诊疗活动是否开始的一项依据,并不是其前提和基础。

    Here , the medical services contract is to determine whether the doctor-patient relationship exists , whether a basis to start treatment activities , not its premise and foundation .

  14. 并提出相应的立法建议,认为首先应该将医疗服务合同进行有名化规定,同时通过完善相关的法律法规,来调整和规范医疗服务合同的履行,保证和提高其履行的质量和效果。

    And propose appropriate legislative proposals , should be considered first of all medical services contract with the provisions of the famous through the perfection of the applicable laws and regulations , to adjust and standard medical services contract , guarantee and improve the quality and effectiveness .

  15. 医疗服务合同概念的提出,正是要弥补上述缺陷,从合同法的视角,对医患双方的权利义务进行系统规范,从而确立医疗活动中医患双方的行为规范。

    The concept of medical service contract , it is proposed to remedy those defects , from the perspective of contract law , the rights and obligations between doctors and patients for system specification , thus establishing the medical activities of the code of conduct between doctors and patients .

  16. 一位普通开业医师可与国家签订提供医疗服务的合同。

    A general practitioner contracts with the state to provide a medical service .

  17. 医疗关系是医疗服务合同关系。

    The medical relationship is the relationship of medical service contract .

  18. 医疗责任包括医疗服务合同违约责任和侵权责任,人民法院尊重受害人的请求选择权完全符合《合同法》总则和分则规定的要求。

    Medical liability includes the default liability of medical contract and tortious liability , the court respecting the patient 's right of choice agrees with the contract law .

  19. 其次,医疗告知义务是医疗服务合同的重要内容。

    Secondly , the obligation of health care is important for medical services contract .

  20. 医疗事故赔偿纠纷与医疗服务合同纠纷案件的比较

    Comparison between Breach of Contract and Tort in Medical Dispute Several issues relating to compensation in medical accidents

  21. 医疗机构的医疗过失行为既可能违反医疗服务合同,又可能同时侵害了患者的财产权及人身权,由此产生了违约责任与侵权责任的竞合。

    Medical institutions may assume the liabilities for breach of medical service contract or trespass of property right and personal right .

  22. 由于目前实际存在着医疗事故赔偿和人身损害赔偿的双重标准,于是在医疗纠纷诉讼案件中,患者可以选择医疗服务合同纠纷作为诉讼案由,以回避医疗事故技术鉴定和医疗事故赔偿标准。

    There is double standard in Medical Malpractice case recently . In Medical Malpractice case the patient has a choice between Breach of Contract and Tort .