- 网络medical practice

A Discussion on Guidance of the View of Socialism Honor and Disgrace on the View of Medical Practice
Every public health administrative department shall nominate medical practice supervisors who shall undertake the supervisory and administrative work of medical practice of medical institutions .
State medical boards also adopt policies and guidelines related to the practice of medicine .
Employing non-public health technical persons or non-registered public health technical persons to carry out medical practising activities ;
Any unit or individual person shall not be engaged in medical practising activities without getting a practice license .
The aim of medical practising activities is to heal the wounded and rescue the dying , to prevent and cure diseases and to render services for citizens health .
In response to the10th Amendment , each state legislature enacted a Medical Practice Act that defines the proper practice of medicine and responsibility of the medical board to regulate that practice .
It 's very important for good view of practice to culture medical workers ' diathesis of professional ethics , profession , science and culture , body and mind , which is the moral character of medical workers .
In addition , the availability of medical institution , does not affect whether the perpetrator to obtain qualification for practicing .
Being engaged in medical practising activities without the " Practice License of Medical Institution ", or the license being revoked or canceled ;
The result of the appraisal shall be one of the important criteria for examining the " Practice License of Medical Institution " .
The person who had obtained the certificate for doctor 's qualification can 't become the subject of the crime , when they are employed in the medical treatment institution without obtaining license for medical treatment .
The " practice license of medical institution " is unifiedly printed by the state public health administrative department , any unit or individual person shall not forge , alter , lease , lend or transfer it .
The practice license system is adopted in Shanghai for medical institutions .
Sanitation supervision functions did not include the supervision of medical institutions and medical practitioners .
Investigation and Countermeasures of part of the medical institutions in accordance with the law practice in Hebei Province
" Service targets " refers to sources of patients from society , from the unit the medical institution belongs to , or from abroad ;
It greatly promoted the rapid development of Korean Medicine education .
A medical institution shall submit the following materials on application for the practice registration .
A medical institution engaged in medical practising activities shall use the name ratified by the Municipal Public Health Administrative Department .
Some scholars take the object of illegally practicing medicine as a simple object , which is the order of medical administration .
The medical practising activities of a medical institution shall be performed within the scope of practice specified in the " Practice License of Medical Institution " .
The study about legal status of medical personnel is to study licensed doctors , nurses , pharmaceutical personnel and other health workers ' right and obligation .
Medical institutions established according to law and legal medical practising activities are all protected by law .
To develop new system of co-pay of medical risk and deal with medical dissension by medical liability insurance
Non-medical institution shall not organize medical persons to carry out medical practising activities without approval by the Municipal Public Health Administrative Department .
Medical liability insurance has being proved to be the effective method that can distract medical professional risk , and pay for medical damage from the insurance policy-holder .
The medical institution organizing medical persons to carry out medical practising activities at places outside the medical institution without approval of the Public Health Administrative Department ;
Introduction : Medical treatment is a professional behavior and the level of medical standards is directly related to patients health and safety .