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yī shù
  • medical skill;art of healing;leechcraft;physic
医术 [yī shù]
  • (1) [leechcraft]∶医学知识和技术

  • (2) [medical skill]∶医疗技术

  • 医术高明

医术[yī shù]
  1. 这次手术是医术上的一个奇迹。

    The operation was a marvel of medical skill .

  2. 他医术高超,在紧急情况下几乎无人企及。

    His medical skill is so superb that he can hardly be filled in for an emergency .

  3. 为什么聪明人会被江湖医术所吸引?

    Why do intelligent people find quack remedies so appealing ?

  4. 在有些人看来,用草药治病纯属江湖医术。

    To some people , herbal medicine is quackery .

  5. 草药医术在西方已经成了一门几乎绝迹的技艺。

    Herbalism had become an all but extinct skill in the Western world .

  6. 这一病例使我们最有经验的医生也无法施展其医术。

    The case baffles the skill of our most experienced medical men .

  7. 他把一个孤儿养大,并且把自己的医术传给了他。

    He brought up the orphan and passed onto him his knowledge of medicine .

  8. 老中医把自己的医术传给年轻一代。

    The old man passed on his knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine to the younger generation .

  9. 她生孩子的时候,产科学还是一门原始医术。

    She brought her children into the world at a time when obstetrics was a primitive art .

  10. 竘曾经给宣王治疗过痔疮,医术高超,听了张仪这番话,心头的压力一下子就没有了。

    Sheng Gou had cured the carbuncle of King Xuan before , and was a skilful2 doctor . Hearing what Zhang Yi said , the doctor felt no pressure at all .

  11. 魏文王问名医扁鹊说:“你们家兄弟三人,都精于医术,到底哪一位最好呢?”

    Bianque was a famous physician in ancient China . One day the King of Wei asked him , " You and your two brothers are all skilled in medicine , which of you is the best ? "

  12. 严重之时。一般人都看到我在经脉上穿针管来放血、在皮肤上敷药等大手术,所以以为我的医术高明,名气因此响遍全国。”

    As for me , I treat a disease when it is already well developed and very serious . People observe me perform bloodletting by injecting tubes into vessels3 or applying medical ointment4 on the skin , and thus look upon me as well versed5 in medicine . So I have become well known all over the country . "

  13. JustinBieber,JenniferAniston和GwynethPaltrow都是中国传统医术的粉丝,热衷于能够祛除身体病痛和促进血液循环,不过这门医术会在身体上印出痕迹。

    Justin Bieber , Jennifer Aniston , and Gwyneth Paltrow are among the celebrity fans of the ancient Chinese practice , which is said to ease body pain and stimulate circulation , but it leaves tell-tale bruise marks .

  14. 杰克森的母亲,同时也是医术精湛的凯瑟琳·艾弗里(CatherineAvery)医生来到西雅图进行一例极富创新精神的器官移植手术,所有的住院医师都争着抢着要和这位传奇人物合作,但机会最终花落梅尔迪斯(Meredith)。

    The great Catherine Avery , also Jackson 's mom , was in town to perform this revolutionary surgery . All the residents were clamoring to work with this legend of a woman , but the honor went to Meredith .

  15. 但没有人质疑这些职务反映了医术水平。

    But no one disputes that the positions reflect skill levels .

  16. 但是,邻近有一位医术高明的人。

    But there was a great medicine man in the neighborhood .

  17. 他能够康复充分说明该医师医术高超。

    His recovery is a tribute to the doctors ' skill .

  18. 医术最精湛的医生们在国王生病时诊治他。

    The most eminent doctors treated the king in his illness .

  19. 他宣称有治病的医术。

    He claims to have the power to heal the sick .

  20. 王大夫的高超医术博得同行的称赞。

    Doctor Wang was praised by his colleagues for his superb skills .

  21. 但我希望向你学习医术。

    But I am eager to learn from your methods .

  22. 我绝对相信医生(的医术)。

    I have absolute trust in the ( skill of ) doctors .

  23. 因为有了更好的医术,人们认为会发生什么事情?

    What did people think would happen because they had better medicine ?

  24. 萨满巫医术与蒙古族传统医疗文化关系探析

    On the relationship between shaman witch medicine and traditional Mongolian Medical Culture

  25. 他们确信欧洲医术和科学的优势地位。

    They were convinced of the supremacy of European Medicines and science .

  26. 你能介绍我去看个医术高超的牙医吗?

    Can you put me onto a good dentist ?

  27. 他自称是医术高明的医生。

    He gave himself out for an excellent doctor .

  28. 论医生的学术与医术

    Discussion of Doctor 's Academic Science and Leechcraft

  29. 中国的传统医术,不仅是一种技术,而且是一种哲学。

    The traditional medicine of China is not about technology , but also Philosophy .

  30. 用我所学的东方医术

    With some eastern medicine I 'd learned .