ADAPT : a data acquisition and processing software package for regional digital seismological networks
We have developed a data processing software package for regional digital seismological networks , named as ADAPT ( Adaptive Data Acquisition and Processing Tools ) .
We take the surface wave magnitude M S measured by the state seismic network as the standard . The comparison and statistical analysis between Fujian regional digital seismic network and state seismic network for M S had been made .
On the basis of the S waveforms of 178 earthquakes with M ≥ 3.0 recorded by Yunnan Regional Digital Network , we used Moya method to inverse the site effects of 22 stations .
The research for earthquake monitoring and clipping level of Yunnan seismic network
The introduction to the practical near-source shear-wave splitting study in regional digital seismograph network
Determination of surface wave magnitude M_S and systematic error analysis for regional digital seismic network
Enhancing the Construction of Local Digital Seismic Network and Advancing the Application Research of Digital Seismology
Analysis of the automatic processing capacity of real-time earthquake information system for earthquakes near the boundary of seismic network
The inversion result from the data of regional digital seismic network in Yunnan also shows that the observed waveforms can be fitted reasonably .
The characteristics of seismic coda wave attenuation in Yunnan area in 7 frequency bands from 1 Hz to 20 Hz were estimated by using the local earthquake ′ s waveform data recorded from 22 Yunnan digital seismic stations .
Determining Teleseismic Parameters Using Yunnan Regional Digital Telemetric Seismic Network Data
Effectiveness Analysis on Some Seismic Location Programs for Near Shock Used in Lanzhou District Digital Telemetered Seismic Network
Along with continuous development of broadband seismologic observation techniques , the density of global and regional digital seismologic observation networks is constantly increasing , and the quantity of broadband seismograph using for mobile seismologic observation will rapidly increase .