
  • 网络regional investment environment
  1. 区域投资环境评价系统化研究

    A System Study on Evaluation Model of Regional Investment Environment

  2. 泛珠三角区域投资环境综合评价研究

    The Comprehensive Evaluation on Regional Investment Environment in the Pan-Pearl River Delta

  3. 故本文主要从FDI的数据入手进行区域投资环境的分析。

    Therefore , this article mainly carries on the region investment environment the analysis starting at the FDI data analyses .

  4. 湖南省区域投资环境的优化对策

    Bettering Countermeasures for Regional Investing Environment in Hunan Province

  5. 宁镇地区区域投资环境综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Regional Investment Environment in Ning-Zhen Area

  6. 建设良好的区域投资环境对于提升区域投资效应能够起到积极的促进作用。

    Constructing favorable regional investment environment could promote the region investment effect actively .

  7. 产业集群与区域投资环境关系解析及政策建议

    Relation Analysis about Industrial Cluster with Region Investment Environment and Its Policy Suggestions

  8. 甘肃省区域投资环境差异评价

    Evaluation of regional investment environment differences in Gansu Province

  9. 区域投资环境竞争力的模糊综合评价研究

    Research on evaluation for the competition ability of areal investment environment based on fuzzy theory

  10. 基于熵变原理的区域投资环境三维评价

    Three Dimensional Evaluation of the Region Investment Environment Based on the Change of Entropy Principle

  11. 区域投资环境评估与分析

    Regional Investment Environment Valuation and Analysis

  12. 中国区域投资环境评估指标系统的构建及综合评价方法

    The Structure and Comprehensive Evaluative Method of the Estimating Targets System of Chinese Regional Investment Environment

  13. 所谓企业跨地区投资的区位选择过程,实质上就是企业对各地的区域投资环境竞争力进行评价和比较的过程。

    Selecting a region for investment is essentially assessing and comparing the competitiveness of investment environment between different regions .

  14. 最重要的就是做出准确的区域投资环境评价。

    In my opinion , the first and foremost is to make an actual evaluation to regional investment environment .

  15. 首先分析湖南区域投资环境的概况然后,分析湖南外商直接投资的发展历程、现状与存在的问题。

    First of Hunan overview of the regional investment environment , then analysis of foreign direct investment in Hunan course of development , current situation and existing problems .

  16. 三是要充分利用资源优势,改善区域投资环境,实行倾斜政策,招商引资,扶持优势产业;

    And make use of the resources advantage , improve the district the investment the environment , practice the inclination policy , canvass business , support the advantage industry ;

  17. 区域投资环境的评价和比较不仅能够帮助投资者进行正确的投资决策,而且能够有助于致力于引进外资的地区主动改善投资环境,促进经济增长。

    The valuation and comparison on regional investment environment not only helps the investors to make decisions correctly , but also helps the regions with foreign investment to improve their investment environment .

  18. 本文是从投资人角度出发,以区域投资环境和房地产行业二者的交叉点为研究对象,对我国房地产投资环境进行细分研究。

    In this dissertation , I subdivide the investment environment evaluation according to different industries and research the intersection of regional investment environment and real estate industry from the viewpoint of investors .

  19. 本文以基于招商引资的区域投资环境为研究对象,从经济环境、社会文化、基础设施、政治法律和自然地理5个方面出发,建立了基于招商引资的区域投资环境系统。

    It establishes a regional investment climate sub-system based on investor and capital attracting from 5 aspects : economic climate , social culture , infrastructure , political and law , nature and geography .

  20. 为了科学客观地对投资环境进行评价,我们建立了区域投资环境多层次评价指标体系,在分析要素环境对企业跨区域发展影响的基础上着重分析制度坏境的影响。

    To give a scientific and objective assessment of investment environment , we establish a system of assessment indices at various levels of such environment . And we emphasize on the institutional environment in analyzing how environment elements influence cross-regional development .

  21. 对区域投资环境的外部和内部作用机制进行了深入研究,为实证部分区域投资环境评价指标体系的构建提供了逻辑推理的起点和方法的支持。

    This thesis carried on further investigation on the outside and internal function mechanism of the regional investment Climate , and offered starting point and support of method of logical reasoning for construction of regional investment Climate evaluation index system in positive section .

  22. 本文从投资环境的概念明晰、分类入手,对投资环境研究的理论基础,投资环境评价方法的选择和比较都做了细致分析,并从实际研究需要角度考虑,建立了区域投资环境评价指标体系。

    Based on the concept and classification of investment environment , this article have done a detailed analysis of investment environment about Theoretical basis and evaluation methods . In the respect of practical considerations , this article establish a regional investment environment evaluation system .

  23. 当前物流网络发展存在条块分割、模式单一、标准落后等问题,一体化物流网络对于改善区域投资环境、优化产业结构,发挥城市集聚作用等方面具有重要的意义,可有效促进区域经济的发展。

    There are some problems during developing logistics network , such as district division , mode singleness , standard lag and so on . The integration of logistics network can promote regional economy development effectively while improving investment environment , optimizing industry structure and developing centralized function of cities .

  24. 我国各区域的投资环境因子分析及政策建议

    Investment Climate in China 's Regions : Factor Analysis & policy-making Suggestions

  25. 一种区域风险投资环境的综合评价方法

    A Synthetic Evaluation Method for Regional Venture Investment Environments

  26. 基于突变级数法的区域风险投资环境评价区域突发环境污染事件风险与应急对策

    Evaluation on the Regional Venture Capital Based on Sudden Change Progression ; Analysis of risk and emergency countermeasures for pollution eventualities

  27. 经济技术开发区(简称经济开发区)作为吸引外资的特殊区域,投资环境是其竞争力最直接的体现。

    As the economic-technological development area is the special area for attracting foreign capital , its investment circumstances are direct showing of the competition power .

  28. 通过投资环境评价,以政府合作改善区域整体投资环境,拓宽关中一天水经济区政府合作领域。重点分析目前关中一天水经济区政府合作的现实依据、主要领域、方式以及加强合作的对策。

    Through the analysis of investment environment evaluation , to improve the overall investment environment of regional government cooperation , expand government cooperation in the field of Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Zone .

  29. 因此,房地产公司项目前期策划,尤其项目所在区域的投资环境分析和评价就成为了一个非常重要的内容。

    Etc Therefore , the real estate company item expected to plan before , particularly the investment environment analysis and evaluations of the item place district became a count for much contents .

  30. 同时高房价进一步拉大了贫富差距,产生了一系列社会问题,影响该区域的投资环境。

    The high building price level spaces out the gap between rich and poor further , and produces a series of social problem , and influences the investment environment of that district in the meantime .