
qū wèi
  • Location;area
  1. A:是的。价格低,区位又好,硬木地板。

    A : Yeah I mean low price , good area , beautiful hardwood floors then I met the landlord .

  2. HTIC店采用差异化的市场战略,目标市场选择为缅甸高尚住宅区的社区居民,在此区位内竞争尚不激烈,因此,利于项目赢得市场份额。

    The HTIC Chain Project adopts a differentiation strategy , whose target market is the citizens in luxury residential of Myanmar . The competition in this area is not that severity ; therefore it is to win market share .

  3. 基于GIS的上海银行网点及区位研究

    A Study on Distribution Pattern and Location of Shanghai Banking Service Stands Based on GIS

  4. 基于聚集经济的FDI区位选择研究

    A Study of FDI Location Choice from the Perspective of Agglomeration Economies

  5. 在华外商不同来源体FDI区位因素比较分析

    An Comparative Analysis on Location Factors of Different Groups of FDI in China

  6. 河北省吸引FDI的区位因素分析

    Locational Determinants Analysis on Absorbing FDI in Hebei Province

  7. 文章借助GIS手段,实证研究了上海市高新技术企业,深入探讨了具有高投入、高产出、高风险、产品生命周期短等特点的高新技术产业区位选择的特殊性。

    This paper takes Shanghai high-tech enterprises as a case and discussed the particularity of high-tech industry 's location choice by GIS .

  8. 随着跨国公司的战略调整,产业集聚成为影响外商直接投资(FDI)区位决策的重要因素。

    With MNC 's strategic adjustment , factor of industry agglomeration has become very important in FDI 's location decision-making .

  9. 新经济地理学视角下的FDI区位选择&基于中国省际面板数据的实证分析

    The Selection According to the New Economic Geography of FDI Regions : A Case Study Based on China 's Inter-provincial Panel Data

  10. 基于RS技术的土地覆被变化区位效应分析&以龙口煤矿塌陷区为例

    An analysis of the location effects on the LUCC based on rs : a case study of the Longkou Mine

  11. 空间分析功能一直都是GIS系统的薄弱环节,设施区位问题的可计算分析功能可以作为GIS的空间分析功能的一个重要实现,它增强了GIS的空间分析功能。

    Spatial analysis has been the weakness of GIS for a long time , facility location as an implementation of spatial analysis improves the spatial analysis ability of GIS .

  12. 这使得传统的产业集群概念有了深刻的变化和发展,并对跨国公司的竞争优势和FDI区位选择产生了重大影响。

    This brings both profound change to the traditional concept of industrial cluster and significant impact to the competitive advantage of TNCs and their FDI location choice .

  13. 本文根据FDI区位选择理论,运用协整分析方法,对影响北京市吸引FDI的关键经济因素进行了实证分析。

    This paper makes an empirical study on the economical determinants of FDI in Beijing city , by exerting co-integration , according to the locational choice theory .

  14. 用区位商(LQ)反映京津冀产业结构的大致情况及各自的优势产业。

    By location quotient ( LQ ), reflectingurbanization and the industrial structure in their competitive industries .

  15. 在此背景下,本文依托《加入WTO后中国工业企业开拓国际市场的成功因素研究》课题,从企业自身内部所有权优势与东道国区位优势两方面探索中国工业企业国际市场进入方式选择的问题。

    Under this background , this text investigates the problem that the Chinese industrial business enterprise how to choose the way into the international market , based on the both side of their internal ownership advantage and location advantage .

  16. 我们所采用的设施区位模型都是通过把经典运筹学模型与GIS的空间数据模型整合得到。

    In the test , the facility 's coordinate are convergent gradually , so we get the best location . We use the classical operational research models and introduce the GIS spatial data models into the operation research models .

  17. 与此同时,由于新经济地理学首次把运输成本纳入到一般均衡分析框架中,从而为FDI的区位选择研究提供了新的理论框架和研究视角。

    At the same time , since the new economic geography for the first time transport costs into general equilibrium analysis framework , so as to FDI Location Choice of study provides a new theoretical framework and research perspectives .

  18. 传统的Herfindahl指数、区位Gini系数是衡量产业地理集中程度最为常用的方法。

    Traditional date of Herfindahl index and locational Gini index are the most common approaches used for analyzing geographic concentration of industries .

  19. 对于FDI的区位选择问题,区位论及国际生产折衷理论都对其进行过很好的论述,说明FDI的区域分布差异是存在一定的理论基础的。

    Regarding the FDI position choice , the location theory and compromise theory of international production have carried on the good elaborations to it , which shows that there is a certain theoretical foundation for the differences in regional distribution of FDI .

  20. 贵州要充分利用中国-东盟自由贸易区建立带来的契机,发挥相对区位优势并协调区际经济关系,以进一步推动贵州GDP增长。

    Guizhou should make full use of the opportunities brought by the establishment of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area ( CAFTA ), give play to its relative locational advantage , and coordinate interregional economic relations , so as to further stimulate its GDP growth .

  21. 本文还运用Tobit回归分析模型对影响机场效率的员工受教育程度、机场区位单位GDP、机场规模这三个外在因素进行相关性研究,得出了它们对机场效率的相关关系和影响程度。

    This paper also applies to Tobit regression analysis model to study 3 external factors which affect the airport efficiency relatively including education of the airport staff , GDP of each department in airport and the airport scale .

  22. 第三章分析了世界ICT产业的总体发展态势、一般区位特征和地区格局,在此基础上,归纳了世界ICT产业的空间集聚特征;

    In the third chapter , the general development posture , the location character and the region pattern are analyzed , found on which , the spatial agglomerating feature of the world ICT industry is summed up . The fourth chapter is the section for case analysis .

  23. 优势:区位优势、资源优势、政策优势。

    Advantage : location advantages , resources advantage and policy advantage .

  24. 零售业国际化的区位选择和空间扩张模式

    On the Locational Decision of Retailing Internationalization and Special Expansion Models

  25. 区位类型还有其他的划分方法。

    There are also some other methods to define location type .

  26. 延边地区外商直接投资的区位决策分析

    The Regional Decision-making of the Foreigners Direct Investment in Yanbian Area

  27. 通过计算区位商等指标,分析了京郊乡镇企业发展的特色产业;

    By computing regional quotient , their characteristic industries are analyzed .

  28. 区位因素对城市地价影响的分析

    Analysis on Land Location Factors Influence on Land Value in City

  29. 发挥海洋区位优势开拓烟台旅游资源

    Develop marine regional advantages , open up Yantai tourist resources

  30. 区位论、空间结构与区域(空间)规划

    Theory of Location , Spatial Structure and Regional ( Spatial ) Plan