
  • North Point;【地名】【印度洋】Nord, Pte.
  1. 同时庆祝马伯乐香港北角VIP葡萄酒分店试营业。

    Also celebrate the soft opening of VIP wine store , North Point , Hong Kong .

  2. 聚集在香港北角地区华丰国货(ChineseGoodsCenter)外的三十多名抗议者中,包括一名身穿大象道具服的孩子,以及多名来自加纳、多哥、喀麦隆和尼日利亚的鼓手。

    The three dozen or so protesters who gathered at the Chinese Goods Center in Hong Kong 's North Point neighborhood included a child in an elephant costume and drummers from Ghana , Togo , Cameroon and Nigeria .

  3. 他们正在北角外海某区域进行舰队演习。

    They 're carrying out fleet exercises somewhere off the North cape .

  4. 今天早晨,我去了北角,见了另一个公司。

    This morning , we went to North Point and met another firm .

  5. 北角下(海水)抽水站

    North Point Lower ( S.W. ) Pumping Station

  6. 本条例旨在授权北角码头有限公司订立附例。

    To authorize the making of by-laws by the North Point wharves , limited .

  7. 香港北角东港中心。

    East Harbour Centre , North Point . H.K.

  8. 教师中心在北角和红各有一个会址。

    The centre has two branches-one in North Point and the other in hung hom .

  9. 北角区持牌小贩联谊会

    Eastern District Licensed Hawkers Fraternal Association

  10. 小城的诱人之处主要在于它邻近日本的北角。

    Much of the town 's attractiveness lies in its proximity to the Northern Cape of japan .

  11. 地铁观塘站至北角站的列车,暂停一个小时后恢复正常。

    MTR trains between Kwun Tong and North Point resumed services following a suspension for one hour .

  12. 98香港动物医院,香港北角和富道126号地下。

    Hong Kong Animal Hospital , G / F , 126 Wharf Road , North Point , Hong Kong .

  13. 武器很容易找到,就在北面海湾北角的沙丘内,方位正东偏北四分之一罗经点。

    The arms are easy found , in the sand hill , n.point of nor inlet cape , bearing e.And a quarter n.

  14. 写到了自南端林纳斯尼斯,或纳斯,至北角都遍布小岛的挪威海岸。

    Of the coast of Norway , studded with isles from its southern extremity , the Lindeness , or Naze , to the North Cape .

  15. 海面温度:海面温度是利用藏于标准胶桶内的温度表在横澜岛及北角量度的。

    Sea surface temperature : sea surface temperature is measured at Waglan island and North Point using a thermometer housed inside a standard rubber bucket .

  16. 从日本列岛最北端到日本领土最南端的距离,相当于从挪威北角到罗马的距离那么远。

    To go from the northernmost tip of the Japanese archipelago to its farthest-flung southern rock is to travel from Norway 's North Cape to Rome .

  17. 同学建议于马宝道及春秧街一带加建公园、足球场及泳池等,以补北角区游乐设施的不足。

    In view of the lack of recreational facilities , students suggested to build parks , football court and swimming pools around marble road and Chun Yeung street .

  18. 我们找到了一个很合适的会址.教师中心在北角和红磡各有一个会址。

    We have found a meeting-place that will serve our purpose . The centre has two branches - one in North Point and the other in Hung Hom .

  19. 日前,香港北角的私立树仁大学的一位发言人称,56岁的刘德华获颁荣誉文学博士学位。

    A spokesman from the private Shue Yan University in North Point said that Lau , 56 , would be awarded a Doctor of Letters , honoris causa .

  20. 一列列车在早上繁忙时间发生故障,导致调景岭至北角之间的列车服务中断四十七分钟,数以千计的过海乘客上班迟到。

    A faulty train triggered the suspension of service between Tiu Keng Leng and North Point for47 minutes during the morning rush , leaving thousands of cross-harbour commuters late for work .

  21. 由于某种原因,每年都有几十个赛跑者参加一项叫“跨越欧洲”的比赛,从意大利一直冲向挪威北角。

    For some reason , every year a few dozen runners dash from southern Italy all the way to the North Cape of Norway , in what 's called the TransEurope-FootRace .

  22. 售票地点设于北角西码头(只售来回双程套票)及西贡大庙湾(只售前往北角之单程票)。

    Ferry tickets are available for sale at North Point West Pier ( Round-trip ticket only ) and Joss House Bay Pier ( Single-trip ticket from Joss House Bay to North Point only ) .

  23. 应县木塔全名佛宫寺释迦塔,坐落在山西省应县城西北角的佛宫寺内,始建于公元1056年,是我国现存最古老最高的木结构楼阁式建筑。

    Yingxian Wood Pagoda which was built in 1056 AD during the Liao Dynasty is the highest and oldest standing ancient storeyed wood structure in China . It is located in Fogong Monastery in Ying County , Shanxi Province .

  24. 当时的一个禁子,现在已年近九十了,还记得非常清楚,那天,那个可怜人待在院子的北角上,被锁在第四条链子的末尾。

    An old turnkey of the prison , who is now nearly eighty years old , still recalls perfectly that unfortunate wretch who was chained to the end of the fourth line , in the north angle of the courtyard .

  25. 本文提出一种基于解析的快速寻北方法,其原理是利用陀螺仪敏感地球的自传角速率分量,并由此计算出载体的参考轴向与真北方向的夹角,即偏北角。

    This paper introduces an analytic method of quick north seeker , whose principle is to use gyro to sense the component value of the angle-rate of the earth rotation , with which the northern azimuth angle between the referenced shaft of carrier and actual north angle can be measured .