
běi suō yú
  • bonefish;ladyfish;macabi;doncella
北梭鱼[běi suō yú]
  1. 在水中,这种假饵看起来就像是小鱼一样,我当时就意识到北梭鱼一定喜欢吃小鱼。

    In the water the fly looked like a minnow , so I realised that bonefish must like minnows .

  2. 我走下海滩,立刻就用它钓到了一条北梭鱼。

    I went down to the beach and right away I caught a bonefish with it .

  3. 北梭鱼科的一个唯一的模式属。

    Type and sole genus of the family albulidae .

  4. 别误解我,我喜欢北梭鱼,如果吃的时候可以去除鱼刺就更好了。

    Don 't get me wrong , I like northern pike , except for removing the bones while eating !