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  • 网络Northern Economy
  1. 试论金元时期的北方经济

    Northern Economy in the Periods of Jin and Yuan Dynasties

  2. 现在天津作为北方经济中心和环渤海经济圈的一支重要力量,对我国电子信息产业今后的发展和国际竞争力的提高都应起到一定的推动作用。

    As Tianjin now being the pivot of northern economy and mainstay of Bohai Economic Circle , it later will be an important force driving forward the whole electronic industry of China and enhancing its overall competitive ability in global market .

  3. 奥斯本还希望,通过访问中国一些通常不在外国要人访华行程上的地区,可以说服中国投资者将目光投向伦敦以外的英国其他地区、并投资于他在英格兰北部的“北方经济引擎”(northernpowerhouse)项目。

    By visiting parts of China that do not normally feature on the diplomatic circuit , Mr Osborne also hopes to persuade Chinese investors to look beyond London and put money into his " northern powerhouse " project in the north of England .

  4. 希拉里把重点集中在振兴北方经济。

    Hillary planned to focus on boosting the upstate economy .

  5. 滨海新区处于环渤海会展带的中心位置,会展业在打造北方经济中心的过程中,具有重要的战略地位。

    Binhai New Area in the center of Bohai Sea with an important strategic position .

  6. 要在支持与促进环渤海和中国北方经济的发展中,在东北亚区域的合作与发展中,发挥更大作用;

    Make greater contribution to support and accelerate the Bohai ring area and the economic development of northern China .

  7. 不过,黑人对美国北方经济发展也至关重要,波士顿10%的人口是黑人。

    But they 're also critical to the economy of the North . 10 % of Boston 's population is black .

  8. 这些,对今日北方经济社会的可持续发展是有启示意义的。

    The historical experience of the Fuyang River basin inspires hope for sustainable development of the economy and society of present day North China .

  9. 环渤海区域作为中国经济发展的第三大引擎,其发展不仅关系到北方经济的振兴,也影响着中部的崛起和西部开发。

    The development of Bohai region not only concerns the evolution of north region , but also concerns the growth of central and west regions .

  10. 天津是北方经济中心城市和重要港口,也是沉积高岭石矿与铝土矿的主要集散地。

    Tianjin is the economic center and main port in north China where products and raw ores of the minerals are concentrated in and diffused from .

  11. 有效的推进和加速京津冀区域经济一体化的发展,对北方经济乃至全国以及东北亚的经济的发展具有深远的意义。

    So it is significant to accelerate the process of the integration of the economy for the north and all over the country and the east-north Asia .

  12. 京津冀都市圈是北方经济发展的引擎,因此,对京津冀一体化进行系统的分析和研究,更加有重要的现实意义。

    As the engine of economic development on north , the research of economic integration of Beijing Tianjin and Hebei region has very important theoretical and practical significance .

  13. 京津两市自古以来就是休戚与共、息息相关的,而且这一地区是我国北方经济发展最活跃的区域。

    Beijing and Tianjin have been helpt each other for a long time and this area is the most active district of economic development in the north of china .

  14. 因而,制度创新、生产组织方式创新和自主创新是天津经济振兴进而带动中国北方经济发展的根本途径。

    Therefore , institutional innovation , production organizational mode innovation and independent innovation will be the fundamental approach to revitalize Tianjin 's economy and drive the economic development of North China .

  15. 天津发展创意产业具有很好的基础,对支持北方经济中心的建设具有重要意义。

    There is a very good foundation in Tianjin for developing innovation industry and it is very meaningful to the construction of it to be the economic center of north China .

  16. 而北方经济发展与南方有很大差距,这使得南北方与经济相关的赋役制度也产生了很大差别。

    While the economic development in the north and the south had very big difference , this made taxes that related to the economy also different between the south and the north .

  17. 因为南北对峙本身就是政治,就是国际关系,渗透于半岛南北方经济、政治、社会发展的方方面面。

    Because the north and south is the political standoff itself , is the international relations and penetration in peninsula at the economic , political , and social development in every aspect .

  18. 天津作为北方经济的发展中心,又占据港口优势,已经发展成为我国主要汽车工业基地,汽车产业也早就成为天津的支柱产业之一。

    Tianjin as the northern economic development center , and occupy port advantage , has developed into our major automobile industry base , auto industry has become one of pillar industries of Tianjin .

  19. 环渤海地区将成为珠三角和长三角后的第三增长极,成为促进区域经济协调、拉动北方经济增长的引擎。

    Bohai Rim will be the third growth pole after Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta , as the promotion of regional economic coordination , the engine driving economic growth in the North .

  20. 安史之乱以后,唐朝国势由盛而衰。经济上,北方经济遭到空前的破坏,经济重心转移至南方;

    After the rebellion of An lushan and Shi siming , Tang dynasty was from prosperity to declination when the central regions of economy transferred to the South and the eunuchs domineered in the palace .

  21. 从总体上来说,《中国北方经济史》既是一部运用历史区域经济地理方法对北方经济进行考察的力作,更是经济重心南移问题研究的集大成之作。

    On the whole , it is a book that not only studys the economy of the Northern China in terms of economic geography , but also investigates the problem of the economic center moving from north to south .

  22. 天津临港产业区是滨海新区九大功能区之一,承载着天津市建成国际港口城市、北方经济中心、生态城市的重要任务。

    Tianjin Harbor Economic Area is one of the nine functional areas of Tianjin Binhai New Area , which carrying the task of driving Tianjin to the international port city , the north economic center , and the ecological city .

  23. 特别是自滨海新区被定位为区域经济的第三极、北方经济龙头以来,天津市享受着国家的各项优惠政策,其开发和发展呈现出了积极、乐观的形势。

    Specially , Since the Binhai New Area had been positioned as the " Third pole " in the regional economy , Tianjin enjoys various preferential policies from the government . Its ' development has shown a positive , optimistic situation .

  24. 随着经济建设步伐的加大,作为四大直辖市之一天津北方经济中心的地位逐渐确立,与经济建设所协调的城市建设步伐也步入了快车道。

    With the increasing pace of economic construction , Tianjin which is one of the four municipalities is gradually confirmed its position as northern economic center , corresponding to economic construction , the urban construction pace is on the drive of development .

  25. 天津服务业在总量和结构上与其他相似省份和国家都有较大差距,与天津要成为北方经济中心格格不入。

    However , as compared with other provinces and countries with similar condition , the service industry of Tian jin lags fairly far behind not only in total size but also in interior structure , which is quite alien to the position of the future Bei fang center of economics .

  26. 北方城市经济适用住房研究

    The Research Work on Economical and Functional Residences in North City

  27. 这还会降低欧洲北方的经济增速。

    It would also reduce growth in northern Europe .

  28. 相对南方而言,作为明朝政治中心所在地的北方是经济落后地区。

    The northern part of China is the political center of Ming Dynasty .

  29. 关于建立北方能源经济圈的设想

    On the assumption that the northern economic circle of energy should be set up

  30. 可用作园林绿化的北方主要经济林木

    The main species of northern economic forestry trees which are used for garden greening