
  • 网络Kitagawa keiko;Keiko Kitagawa;Dear friend;lady
  1. 日前,日本演员兼模特北川景子再次在粉丝投票中当选日本最美丽女艺人。

    Model and actress Keiko Kitagawa has once again topped a poll for the most beautiful Japanese female celebrity .

  2. 现年30岁的北川景子于2003年以日本杂志《17》模特的身份正式出道。

    The 30-year-old female celebrity made her debut in 2003 as a model for Japanese magazine ' Seventeen ' .

  3. 北川景子共得到3836张选票,大幅领先于排在第二位的吉永小百合,后者的得票数为2414。

    This amounted to a massive 3836 votes , a huge lead over Sayuri Yoshinaga in second place , who had 2414 votes .

  4. 曾前往新加坡进行拍摄工作的北川景子在20岁至59岁年龄段的观众中得票数最高,在60岁观众的票数中则位列次席。

    Kitagawa , who has filmed scenes in Singapore , was ranked first by voters between the ages of 20 - 59 , and second among voters in their 60s .

  5. 北川景子在社交应用“连我”的官方账号上就节目内容做出回应:“现在我才发现自己是第一名,这实在太让人惊喜了!谢谢大家!”

    On her official LINE account , Kitagawa responded to the live broadcast , " Just now , I coincidentally found out I topped the ranking . I was surprised ! Thank you ! "

  6. 即使在女性群体中,北川景子也颇受欢迎,在去年败于石原里美前,她曾连续三年蝉联最美女星的称号。尽管如此,北川景子今年仍在女性观众投票中位居第二。

    Even among just female fans , Kitagawa is immensely popular , having been voted the most beautiful celebrity three years in a row before losing out to Satomi Ishihara last year . She still made second place , though .