
  • 网络North Florida;university of north florida
  1. 18岁那年,科尔已经成熟到可以成为猫头鹰餐厅的服务员,她当时就读于北佛罗里达大学(UniversityofNorthFlorida)的工程技术专业。

    At 18 , Cole was old enough to become a Hooters waitress and was studying at the University of North Florida as an engineering major .

  2. 今天,NF-RUG的会议每月在北佛罗里达大学召开,除了七月和八月。

    Today , the NF-RUG meets monthly except for July and August at the University of North Florida .

  3. 北佛罗里达大学(UniversityofNorthFlorida)心理学教授丽贝卡·A·马尔孔(RebeccaA.Marcon)对343名参加学前教育的儿童进行了研究,其中有的学前班“以学业为导向”,有的鼓励“儿童自发”学习,或者介于两者之间。

    Rebecca A. Marcon , a psychology professor at the University of North Florida , studied 343 children who had attended a preschool class that was " academically oriented , " one that encouraged " child initiated " learning , or one in between .

  4. 北佛罗里达大学的约翰·坎特纳博士表示他几十年来一直研究查科肯扬南部地貌,这是现在被称为布鲁杰,实际上是普韦布洛祖先们的地区。

    Dr.John Kantner with the University of North Florida says he studied the landscape south of Chaco Kenyon for decades and new there were homes from Pueblo ancestors in an area now called Blue Jay .

  5. 杰克逊维尔北佛罗里达州大学研究鲨鱼的生物学家吉姆·格尔雷切特表示,科学家此前就曾多次发现独眼鲨鱼胎儿。

    Scientists have documented cyclops-shark embryos a few times before , said Jim Gelsleichter , a shark biologist at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville .

  6. 他的第一个步骤是寻找代表北佛罗里达的商业机构的IT负责人,包括北佛罗里达大学的相关人员。

    His first step was to identify IT leaders who represented the businesses of North Florida , as well as the University of North Florida .