
  • 网络Beilun District
  1. 宁波市北仑区2008年麻疹IgM抗体检测与分析

    Analysis of IgM antibody result of measles in Beilun District of Ningbo in 2008

  2. 本文以宁波市北仑区H村为个案,对该村老年协会进行了考察。

    In the ease of the H village of Beilun District in Ningbo , we take an observation of the village 's association of the old .

  3. [目的]探讨宁波市北仑区1987~2005年性传播性疾病(STD)流行病学特征及发病趋势,为今后性病防治工作提出科学依据。

    [ Objective ] To analyze prevalence trend and epidemiologic features of sexually transmitted diseases ( STDs ) in Beilun district from 1987 to 2005 , providing scientific basis for effective prevention strategy .

  4. 试谈北仑区人口与经济社会协调发展

    About the harmonious development of population and economy of Beilun District

  5. 开发区位于宁波市北仑区。

    The Development Zone is located in Beilun District , Ningbo City .

  6. 发展循环经济促进经济与环境协调发展&以宁波市北仑区为例

    Promoting Environment-friendly Economical Development by Developing Circular Economy with Special Reference to Beilun District

  7. 宁波市北仑区制造企业对物流需求状况调查

    The Survey of the Logistics Demand of Manufacture Enterprises in Beilun District of Ningbo City

  8. 宁波市北仑区普通建筑石料矿产资源开发利用研究

    Study on developing and utilizing mineral resources about stone in beilun district of ningbo city

  9. 科技兴区,大力发展北仑区的软件产业

    Vigorously developing software industry in Beilun to make the District thriving by science and technology

  10. 拆迁安置小区规划的问题及解决途径&以宁波市北仑区为例

    A study on planning practice of resettlement residential area : a case of Beilun District , Ningbo

  11. 北仑区沿海防护林树种选择与造林模式研究

    Study on Tree Species Selection and Afforestation Models of Coastal Protection Forest in Beilun District of Ningbo

  12. 介绍北仑区郭巨峙南围涂工程概况及地质条件。

    The general status and geological conditions of the South Guojushi Reclamation Project in Beilun Region are described .

  13. 宁波市北仑区2002&2007年居民伤害死因分析

    Analysis on Death Causes of Injury Among Residents in Beilun District of Ningbo City from 2002 to 2007

  14. 针对宁波市北仑区矿产资源规划实施过程中存在的问题展开调查,调查包括议定方案、矿山实地调查、了解市场需求、综合分析资料。

    Survey of mineral resources about building stone includes scheme choosing , field survey , market demand survey and data analyzing .

  15. 文章阐述了发展旅游事业的重要性和必要性,分析了北仑区旅游事业发展的状况,提出了推进和发展北仑旅游事业的设想和举措。

    This article analyses the current situation of the tourism in Beilun District and the ways for the promotion of the industry .

  16. 宁波市北仑区新型农村合作医疗试点引入商业保险,并以建立城乡一体化的社会医疗保障体系为目标。

    Commercial insurance pattern was introduced in NRCMS of Beilun district , which incorporated rural and urban areas into medical security system .

  17. 宁波市北仑区产业发展现状计算机辅助评价

    Assisted examination Environmental Industry Information Industrial Trend Computer - aided Evaluation to the Development of Economic Sectors of Beilun District of Ningbo City

  18. 目前,本系统已在宁波北仑区辖区内的春晓等六个镇得以运行。

    At present , the system has been run in the six towns , such as , Chunxiao , etc. of Beilun District , Ningbo .

  19. 北仑区正面临着千载难逢的发展机遇。文章论述了北仑港区经济的定位和研究目的,探索了港区经济的特点和北仑港区经济的模式及布局。

    Beilun District is now enjoying a rare opportunity for its development , This article analyses the orientation , characteristics , pattern and layout of the port economy of Beilun .

  20. 文章以宁波市北仑区实施新型农村合作医疗的具体措施为研究对象,分析新农合制度最终走向城乡社会医疗保障一体化的可能性。

    In this paper , we chose the specific measure of new rural cooperative medical in Beilun district of Ningbo city as objects , and then analyzed the probability of integrative social medical care assurance in city and countryside .

  21. 最后,本文在上述研究基础上,归纳出北仑区海洋经济应该走一条以再增长发展为重点,以可持续发展为模式的、新型的产业发展道路。

    Finally , this article comes to the conclusion that Beilun 's marine economy should go on the new industrial development path of " taking growth development as the emphasis " and " taking the sustainable development as the pattern " .

  22. 北仑核心商务区开发前期工作中几种关系的处理

    Dealing with several relations of the preliminary work in Beilun Central Business District development

  23. 文章分析了北仑临港大工业区及治安工作的现状,指出了临港大工业区治安管理中存在的主要问题,提出了加强临港大工业区治安管理的五点建。

    With an analysis of the present public security situation in Beilun , this article proposes five suggestions for the maintenance of the public security of the district .