
  1. 梁思成、林徽因与北京城市规划

    The famous couple of Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin with Beijing urbanism

  2. 透过长安古城看北京城市规划

    Viewing Beijing Urban Planning through Chang An Ancient City

  3. 北京城市规划建设的思考

    On the Urban Planning and Construction of Beijing

  4. 北京城市规划编制中信息整合标准化和制度化的建设

    Standardization and Systemization in Information Integration in the Preparation of Urban Planning of Beijing

  5. 西方学者对北京城市规划建设的历史有许多一般描述和专题论著。

    The Western scholars have written many works about the history of programme of Beijing City .

  6. 对北京城市规划的几点设想

    Opinions on City Planning of Beijing

  7. 论北京城市规划

    On City Planning of Beijing

  8. 对北京城市规划的评论

    Review on Beijing city planning

  9. 北京城市规划延续至今的人造太阳系模式,目前已经进入了非良性的红巨星期,难以胜任为城市长远发展提供健康的基本空间框架的职能。

    The solar system pattern of city planning in Beijing has continued up to now and has now entered the period of malign red gigantic star .

  10. 北京城市规划委员会副主任王飞称,计划在建的五个主要的通风廊道宽度达到500多米。二级通风廊道宽度达到80多米。

    The five primary ventilation corridors are designed to be more than 500 meters in width . Some secondary corridors will be over 80 meters wide , said Wang Fei , deputy head of Beijing 's urban planning committee .

  11. 北京市城市规划管理信息系统的建立与设想

    The Construction and imagination of Beijing Urban planning and Managing System

  12. 北京城市色彩规划的困境及可能性

    Difficult Position and Possibility of the Color Plan of Beijing City

  13. 基础地理信息在北京城市总体规划修编中的应用

    Use of Basic Geo-information in Revision of Beijing Urban Overall Planning

  14. 以北京城市总体规划修编工作为重点推动规划工作的全面开展

    Revising the Beijing City Master Plan and Promoting the Development of Plan Work

  15. 北京市城市规划与体育设施发展

    Urban Plan and Sports Facilities Development in Beijing

  16. 1949年新中国成立后,梁先生参加了北京的城市规划工作。

    He served as a Beijing city planner after new China was founded in1949 .

  17. 北京城市总体规划(2004~2020年)

    Beijing city master plan ( 2004-2020 )

  18. 视点回眸&解放前的北京城市总体规划

    City Master Planning of Beijing Before Liberation

  19. 本次线网修编采用招标方式,由中外两家咨询单位分别同时编制,最终方案由北京市城市规划设计研究院汇总综合。

    The final scheme is integrated by Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning and Design .

  20. 《北京市城市规划条例》比较、分析和建议

    Research on the Beijing Urban Planning Ordinance

  21. 北京姚建伟城市规划设计有限公司是我国城市视觉设计先锋公司。

    Yao Jianwei Urban Planning and Design isa pioneer of urban visual design of our country .

  22. 从长期看,这样的结构符合北京市城市规划和对林业的定位。

    In a long time , this structure fit city program of Beijing and its forestry orientation .

  23. 1992年12月《北京城市总体规划》评审会专家发言摘要(上)

    Summary of Expert Speech at Beijing City Master Plan Examination and Appraisal Meeting Held in Dec.1992 ( part 1 )

  24. 结合北京市城市规划信息系统,阐述了专题制图模块的功能设计及实现过程。

    In this paper , the design and realization of the thematic maps module of ShenZheng Police GIS is introduced .

  25. 基于遥感影像的北京市城市规划区内农用地控制成效分析

    Assessment of the Effectiveness of Agricultural Land Use Control in the Urban Planning Area of Beijing City by Remote Sensing Images

  26. 改革开放30年北京城市交通规划理论与实践回顾

    A Review of Urban Transportation Planning Theories and Practices in Beijing at the 30th Anniversary of Reforming & Opening of China

  27. 随着新修订的《北京城市总体规划(2004年&2020年)》的实施,郊区的地位将得到提升。

    With the enforcement of the newly revised " The Overall Planning of Beijing City ", the sub-urban area of Beijing will become more and more important .

  28. 《北京城市总体规划(2004年-2020年)》明确要求加快首都信息社会建设,全面建设‘数字北京’。

    The overall plan of Beijing ( 2004 - 2020 ) requires clearly to accelerate the construction of information-intensive society in capital and comprehensive construction ' digital Beijing ' .

  29. 但北京大学城市规划与景观设计学教授俞孔坚表示,它们在一个资源匮乏的发展中国家树立了建筑浪费的坏榜样。

    But Yu Kongjian , Professor of urban planning and landscape architecture at Peking University , says they set a bad example of wasteful construction in a resource-poor developing nation .

  30. 据《新京报》上周五报道,北京市城市规划设计研究院正在研究,限制六条廊道沿线的建筑物高度和地点,从而有望给四个区域的空气流通带来改善。

    The Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning and Design is now investigating how limits on building height and location along six corridors may improve air flow in four areas , The Beijing News reported on Friday .