
  • 网络suppurative appendicitis;Purulent appendicitis;Amyand hernia
  1. 35例急性化脓性阑尾炎中仅有3例CT显示不清,CT诊断率91.4%。

    Only 3 examples CT can not show clear in 35 cases of acute suppurative appendicitis , the diagnostic rate of CT was 91.4 % .

  2. 化脓性阑尾炎232例,切口感染3例,占1.29%。

    Of 232 patients with suppurative appendicitis , incisions infection was found in 3 patients ( 1.29 % ) .

  3. 结果作过CT检查的52例急性阑尾炎均经手术及病理检查,病理报告显示急性化脓性阑尾炎35例,阑尾坏疽伴穿孔7例,急性单纯性阑尾炎9例,麦克尔憩室1例。

    Results 35 cases of them were acute suppurative appendicitis , 7 cases appendices gangrene accompanied with perforation , 9 cases of acute simple appendicitis , one cases was the Michael 's diverticulum .

  4. 方法将三组阑尾炎病儿(急性单纯性阑尾炎21例,急性化脓性阑尾炎33例,急性坏疽性阑尾炎18例)和疑似病儿(72例)血CRP和WBC水平进行比较。

    Methods The CRP and WBC in serum of suspected cases and three groups of acute appendicitis were examined respectively .

  5. 31例急性化脓性阑尾炎增粗阑尾管径11~16mm,且阑尾管腔呈中等均匀回声。

    There were 31 cases acute suppurative appendicitis with diameter of 11 ~ 16 and iso-echo .

  6. 急性化脓性阑尾炎致严重感染性休克1例

    A case report of severe septic shock induced by acute suppurative appendicitis

  7. 左氧氟沙星配伍甲硝唑治疗急性化脓性阑尾炎疗效分析

    Efficacy analysis of levofloxacin plus metronidazole in treatment of patients with acute purulent appendicitis

  8. 急性化脓性阑尾炎80例的术前术后高频超声表现

    Acute suppurative appendicitis in 80 cases of high-frequency ultrasound image before and after operation

  9. 急性阑尾炎可分为:急性单纯性阑尾炎、急性化脓性阑尾炎、急性坏疽性阑尾炎。

    The acute appendicitis may divide into : Acute pure appendicitis , acute purulent appendicitis , acute gangrene appendicitis .

  10. 运用经方桃核承气汤治疗化脓性阑尾炎、中毒性菌痢、术后吸收热和肝硬化腹水感染高热并消化道出血等急危重症。

    Taohe Chengqi Decoction , a classic formula , was used to treat suppurative appendicitis , toxic dysentery , post-operative absorbing fever , liver cirrhosis ascites with high fever and digestive hemorrhage .

  11. 全组入院诊断符合率35.4%,误诊为大网膜囊肿(23.5%)及化脓性阑尾炎或全腹膜炎(17.6%)。

    The diagnostic accuracy rates is 35.4 % , and the misdiagnosis rates to greater omentum cysts and appendicitis ( or peritonitis ) are 23.5 % and 17.6 % respectively at admission .

  12. 结果单纯性阑尾炎、急性化脓性阑尾炎、坏疽穿孔性阑尾炎及阑尾周围脓肿的显示率分别为57%、95%、75%、83%。

    Results The ratio of lesion displaying for pure appendicitis , acute suppurative , gangrene perforating and periappendiceal abscess appendicitis were 57 % , 95 % , 75 % and 83 % respectively .

  13. 74例经手术治疗后证实为急性阑尾炎,其中化脓性阑尾炎45例,坏疽性阑尾炎12例,蛔虫性阑尾炎1例,单纯性阑尾炎16例。

    74 of the 79 cases were confirmed to be acute appendicitis through surgical operation . Among them , pyogenic were 45 , necrotic 12 , simplex 16 and 1 case caused by round worm .

  14. 结果(1)17例回-结型肠套叠中合并急性单纯性阑尾炎13例,化脓性阑尾炎2例;11例复合型肠套叠中合并急性阑尾炎4例,化脓性阑尾炎6例。

    Results ( 1 ) Of 17 cases with simple ileocolic intussusception , acute simple appendicitis was accompanied in 13 and acute suppurative appendicitis in 2 , while of 11 cases with complex intussusception , acute simple appendicitis and acute suppurative appendicitis were accompanied in 4 and 6 , respectively .

  15. 为分析阑尾不同部位化脓性病变与并发门静脉炎的关系,对35年中收治的1683例急性化脓及坏疽性阑尾炎患者进行了回顾性分析。

    To analyze the relationship between the pyogenic infection at different site of appendix and the occurrence of portal pylephlebitis , the author retrospectively analysed 1683 patients with acute suppurative and / or gangrenous appendicitis .