
  • 网络chemical filament
  1. 拉伸应变速率与化纤长丝应力应变关系探讨

    Effect of Tensile Strain Rate on Stress-Strain Properties of Synthetic Filaments

  2. 化纤长丝断裂强力和断裂伸长测试方法的探讨

    On the testing method for breaking tenacity and elongation of manmade filaments

  3. 化纤长丝、短纤维生产机械、长丝处理机

    Machinery for the Production of Man-Made Filaments and Fibres and for Filaments Treatment

  4. 化纤长丝紧密精密卷绕的控制技术

    Control Technique of Close Precision Winding for Synthetic Yarn

  5. 变异-切断长度曲线在分析化纤长丝条干不匀中的应用

    Application of the variance & length curve to the analysis of unevenness in filament mass

  6. 纺丝机是生产化纤长丝的关键设备。

    The spinning machine is a key kind of equipment in chemical fiber silk manufacturing .

  7. 化纤长丝卷绕头是典型的参数慢时变转子系统。

    The filament winding head is a typical form of the rotor system with parameters slow time-varying .

  8. 化纤长丝纱线不是通过这种纱线细度体系来计量的,而是通过旦尼尔体系来测定的。

    Filament yarns are numbered not by the yarn number system , but by the denier system .

  9. 旦尼尔是指9000米长的化纤长丝或纱线的重量。

    Denier is defined as the weight , in grams , of9000 meters of filament or yarn .

  10. 因此一个化纤长丝是以它的旦尼尔数和它纱线中的纤维数为特征的。

    Thus a filament yarn is characterized by its denier and the number of fibers in the yarn .

  11. 没有人产生丝毫的怀疑。化纤长丝、短纤维生产机械、长丝处理机

    No one had the slightest suspicion ; Machinery for the Production of Man-Made Filaments and Fibres and for Filaments Treatment

  12. 在化纤长丝短纤维化的研究工作中,同板异纤度异收缩丝的制取具有重要意义。

    The making of same spinneret differential linear density and differential shrinkage filaments is of great value to the wool-like researches of man-made filaments .

  13. 在化纤长丝生产中,高速卷绕机是整个生产线的关键设备,其性能的好坏直接影响到长丝的品质。

    Dynamic properties of high speed winder machine being a critical equipment in the production of synthetic filament affect the quality of the fiber filament .

  14. 当它对化纤长丝发生机械作用时,不同结构的喷嘴可获得不同丝圈效果的变形丝。纺丝机是生产化纤长丝的关键设备。

    The different texturing effect of the filaments depends on the different design of the nozzle . The spinning machine is a key kind of equipment in chemical fiber silk manufacturing .

  15. 半个世纪以来,变形纱的发展迅速,特别是空气变形加工方法的产生使变形纱走上了化纤长丝短纤维化的道路。

    The rapid developing of textured yarns in the last semicentury , especially the appearing of air-jet texturing technique made the woollike yarn become a success to be achieved by textured yarns .

  16. 通过对化纤长丝高速卷绕机锭轴传动方式的深入研究,建立并论述了一种实施锭轴传动的模型和方案,介绍了应用可编程计算机控制器实现这种锭轴传动卷绕机的控制技术。

    A kind of model to describe the spindle drive is established on the basis of high speed winding machine for synthetic filament . The control technique of mechatronics of spindle drive mode for high speed winding machine with Programmable Computer Controller technology is introduced .

  17. 化纤厂长丝装置扩容改造

    Enlargement reformation of polyester filament plant in synthetic fiber factory

  18. 吉林化纤粘胶长丝生产纺丝过程控制与质量管理研究

    Research on the Management of the Quality and the Spinning Process of the Production of Viscose Rayon Filament Yarn of Jilin Chemical Fiber Co. , Ltd

  19. 某化纤厂涤纶长丝装置卷绕间通风系统设计

    Design of Ventilation for Take-up Room in PET Filament Plant