- cladding;jacket;involucrum
There is B penetration in cladding inner surface , the amount of B penetration is propotional to the square root of the test period .
Calculation of the Oxide Film Thickness Changing for Zircaloy Cladding in In-pile Meltdown Case
The Effect of Heat-Treatment on the Microstructure and Thickness Measurement of Cladding for U_3Si_2-Al Fuel Plates
Effects of Ti on strengthening of ODS ferritic alloy for advanced FBR cladding application
Progress of Using Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Ferritic Steels as Fuel Cladding Materials in Supercritical Water Reactor
Electron beam welding for clad tube of lower tin Zr-4 alloy
Axial and ring tensile test of M5 alloy cladding tube was carried out .
Alloy Element Evaporation Phenomenon of Low Sn Zr 4 Cladding Tube During Electric Beam Welding
M5 zirconium alloy is mainly applied in the nuclear reactor core as the fuel cladding tubes and structure materials .
Because of their high strengthes and low swelling properties , oxide dispersion strengthened ( ODS ) ferritic steels are competitive structural materials in reactors .
Computing with MCNP the thermal flux density due to the delayed fission neutron generated in processing the clads of burned-up fuel roads
M5 alloy was a new zirconium alloy used in high burn up assembly such as fuel cladding , end plug , guide tube and grid spring and so on .
Although the materials of nuclear fuel cladding , internal surface and the main reactor internals , and operating temperatures of the pool type light water reactors in China are different from each other . All of pH value of water in the pools are always selected as slight acidity .
In order to extend the life of nuclear fuel cladding tubes , this paper proposes to improve microstructure and properties by heat treatment of M5 zirconium alloys on recrystallization annealing state .
The results indicate that the failure mechanisms of U_3Si_2-Al fuel plates during tension and flexure are crack initiation , propagation , and failure of the fuel layer , without shearing failure between the fuel-cladding sintering interfaces .
Co γ source consists of 60 high specific activity cobalt pellets and double stainless steel sealed by argon arc welding . Its safety performance , surface contamination and leakage testing meet the requirements of GB 4075 and GB 4076 .
As a light water nuclear reactor fuel cladding material , Zr alloy has been wide used and its application experience accumulated , hence it is the potential materials for SCWR .
Lately studies showed that the low activation Fe-Cr-Mn type alloys were very likely to substitute the high activation Fe-Cr-Ni type alloys and can be used as first wall and cladding materials in fusion reactors .
Nuclear fuel handling and storage system ( PMC ) is a system which directly handles nuclear fuel assemblies , namely , it directly faces to nuclear fuel cladding which is the first of the three barriers of nuclear safety for nuclear power station .
Tth interdiffusion between core and cladding was investigated . Core material is Al-Li alloy and cladding material is Al-Mg-Cu-Si alloy . The diffusion couple have coextruded and solution-heat-treated ( 520C , 2h ) .
B 4C pellets with different B / C ratio and nuclear purity grade sodium were put into a stainless steel cladding tubes and the out of pile tests were carried out at 550,650 and 750 ℃ .
By comparing the 1-D and 3-D calculation results of LOFT L2-5 test progress , related 3-D effects and its influence on such emergency core cooling progress as ECC bypass etc and that on the fuel peaking cladding temperature ( PCT ) is preliminarily investigated .
The results obtained from irradiation test show that the corrosion resistance , creep resistance and irradiation growth for M4 and M5 are superior to the optimized Zircaloy 4 , especially the performances of M5 in and out of pile are much better .
The susceptibility of domestic 316-Ti stainless steel cladding tube with respect to Fuel Cladding Chemical interaction ( FCCI ) and Fission Products - induced Liquid Metal Embrittlement ( FPLME ) under four oxygen POtentials has been investigated by out-of-pile simulation test .
A series of cubic AgBr core-shell emulsions were prepared from the core emulsions reduced by DMAB and shelled by AgBr . These core-shell emulsions doped with Ag_2 in the interior of grains exhibited a significant increase in sensitivity .
Thermal Field on Shell Surface of Large Ladle During Baking
Structure Improvement for Induction Ladle Furnace Shell with Vector Electric Potential FEM
Radial and axial failure mode of fuel and cladding are simulated ;
A safety check-up method for decommissioned reactor fuel element cladding
Research on Nodular Corrosion Resistance Performance of Zircaloy-4 Cladding Tubes