
  • 网络Uniform motion;uniform linear motion;uniform rectilinear motion
  1. 该方法能够估计二维方向上任意运动形式的PSF,突破了国内目前大多数方法只能估计匀速直线运动模糊PSF的限制。

    It breaks through the limit that most national methods can only calculate PSF of uniform linear motion .

  2. 本文通过深入研究匀速直线运动模糊图像的点扩展函数,提出一种识别运动模糊图像模糊方向的频域方法。

    Through exploration of the point spread function of the blur of uniform linear motion , a novel method based on frequency-domain algorithm for identification of motion-blur direction was presented .

  3. 构建了非匀速直线运动SAR成像的方案&距离向进行运动补偿,方位向采用非均匀方法处理。

    Non-uniform motion SAR imaging program is constructed & motion compensation in range direction and non-uniform treatment in azimuth direction .

  4. 匀速直线运动模糊的PSF之估计

    Estimating the PSF of motion - blurred images

  5. 从离散直观理念分析了运动模糊图像的产生机理,通过Z变换方法,建立了任意方向匀速直线运动模糊的退化模型和恢复模型。

    According to discretional idea , mechanism of motion blur was analyzed . Mathematical model of degeneration and restoration were established by means of Z transform .

  6. 根据目标做匀速直线运动的特点,仿真系统采用最简单、有效的最邻近数据关联算法进行数据关联,并应用扩展Kalman滤波算法进行目标状态估计。

    The nearest neighbor data association algorithm is adopted in data association because of the uniform motion of target and extended Kalman filter is adopted to estimate target state to solve nonlinear filter .

  7. 根据目标运动状态建立了匀速直线运动模型、匀加速运动模型以及两个机动模型:Singer模型,当前统计模型。

    Then four target models are established based on the movement status of targets . Those target models are constant-velocity moving model 、 constant-acceleration moving models and two kinds of maneuvering targets models : Singer model and current statistical model , respectively .

  8. SAR要求天线相位中心的运动状态为匀速直线运动,但对机载SAR而言,载机所受的大气扰动会使APC偏离理想运动状态,从而产生运动误差,造成图象质量下降,分辨率降低。

    SAR system requires that the velocity of Antenna Phase Center ( APC ) must be constant , but to airborne SAR , due to the atmosphere turbulence , APC will deviate from ideal motion track , which will worsen image quality and resolution .

  9. 匀速直线运动演示装置

    Device for demonstrating the characteristics of uniform rectilinear motion Determining Straight

  10. 用投影迭代法实现匀速直线运动模糊图像的复原

    Restoration of uniform motion blurred images using the projection iterative method

  11. 匀速直线运动降质图像复原中的误差改善

    MSE improved methods in restoring images degraded by uniform motion

  12. 匀速直线运动带电体的电磁场

    Electromagnetic field caused by an electrically charged body in uniform rectilinear motion

  13. 利用代数约束法复原匀速直线运动降质图像

    A New Constrained Recursive Method for Restoring Images Degraded by Uniform Motion

  14. 一种匀速直线运动模糊参数的检测方法

    An Detecting Method for Fuzzy Parameter of Uniform Linear Motion

  15. 对匀速直线运动目标跟踪的转换坐标卡尔曼滤波算法

    Convert Measurements Kalman Filtering Algorithm for CV Target Tracking

  16. 基于熵准则的匀速直线运动目标的转动补偿

    Rotational motion compensation of the target moving uniformly

  17. 沿直线的垂直方向匀速直线运动的带电直线的电场

    Electric-field intensity of charged straight line moving straightly along the perpendicular direction in uniform velocity

  18. 在所有相互作匀速直线运动的坐标系中,自然定律都是相同的。

    All laws of nature are the same in all c.s.moving uniformly , relative to each other .

  19. 相应的定位方案适用于海上匀速直线运动的目标模拟。

    The corresponding strategy is valid for all targets moving in linear trace with constant velocity at sea .

  20. 匀速直线运动模糊图象中运动方向的检测是图象恢复过程的重要步骤之一。

    The identification of blur direction in motion-blurred images is one of the most important steps for image restoration .

  21. 又如匀速直线运动,世界上并不存在(暂不考虑微分世界)。

    And as uniform rectilinear movements , the world did not exist ( temporary not consider differential world ) .

  22. 对于匀速直线运动模糊图像,模糊长度和运动方向决定了点扩展函数。

    Setting the point spread function ( PSF ) of motion-blurred images is the key problem in image restoration .

  23. 沿任意方向作匀速直线运动的电偶极子的电磁场

    Calculation of the electromagnetic field generated by an electric dipole of uniform motion in a straight line of arbitrary direction

  24. 文章根据某型雷达对空间匀速直线运动目标的跟踪要求,采用了转换坐标卡尔曼滤波跟踪算法。

    To meet requirement of tracking a CV target , a convert measurements Kalman Filter ( CMKF ) is used .

  25. 提出了导弹体目标在匀速直线运动条件下基于窄脉冲的标量脱靶量测量新方法。

    A new miss distance measurement method based on narrow pulse is presented in condition of uniform and rectilinear motion .

  26. 如果没有改变物体运动的原因,那么物体将作匀速直线运动。

    A body can move uniformly and in a straight line , there being no cause to change that motion .

  27. 周期性误差是匀速直线运动降质图像复原中普遍存在的现象,它严重影响复原图像质量。

    Periodic error commonly appear in restoring uniform motion blurred picture , its appearance degrade the quality of restored image heavily .

  28. 波动的最简单形式是横向简谐振动和匀速直线运动的组合。

    The simplest form of wave motion consists of the combination of a transverse simple harmonic vibration and a uniform translation .

  29. 目标运动要素可通过解算声纳数据而获得,用匀速直线运动来模拟目标运动规律。

    Target moving element is given through calculating sonar data , then its kinematic rule is imitated with uniform straight line motion .

  30. 本文首先介绍了五种常用的运动模糊恢复方法,重点介绍了利用传播波方程对匀速直线运动引起的图像模糊进行恢复的方法。

    This thesis first introduces five widely-used restoration methods of motion-blurred images , especially the restoration method based on traveling wave equation .