
  • 网络check;Selected;Select;check off
  1. 打开“GooglePlaystore”->“设置”->“默认自动更新软件”,然后勾选“无线网络”选项。

    Open the Google Play store , Settings , Auto-Update Apps by Default and check the Wi-Fi option .

  2. 在value字段提及/复制SOAP头部信息并勾选Header复选框。

    In the value field mention / copy the SOAP Header information and check the Header checkbox .

  3. 图31显示了扩展的事件子流程,其中勾选了InterruptParentProcess?设置。

    Figure 31 shows the expanded event subprocess with the Interrupt Parent Process ? setting checked .

  4. 接下来,我们对root屏幕进行改写,从而显示我们能够勾选和取消勾选的任务列表。

    Next , we adapt the root screen to show a list of tasks that we can tick and untick .

  5. 请注意,InterruptParentProcess?设置处于未勾选状态,这会使此事件子流程不可中断。

    Notice that the setting Interrupt Parent Process ? is unchecked , which makes this event subprocess non-interruptible . The Repeatable ?

  6. 不要勾选Facebook的照片加标签选项。

    And uncheck the Facebook photo-tagging option .

  7. 最后,勾选底下三个复选框的适当的组合,然后单击Deploy按钮。

    Finally , check any appropriate combination of the bottom three checkboxes and click the Deploy button .

  8. 勾选Addcustomclasstobindingregistry,并单击next(此操作可以在现有数据格式列表中显示)

    Tick the Add custom class to binding registry and click next ( this will make it available in the existing data format list )

  9. 当使用不同的目标运行时的时候,为了避免编译错误,请勾选Properties下的Optional复选框,如图1所示。

    To avoid compiling errors when using different target run times , enable the Optional check box under Properties , as shown in Figure 1 .

  10. 要阻止阈值在RoutingTopology页面上生成警告,通过取消勾选复选框禁用阈值。

    To prevent a threshold value from generating alerts on the Routing Topology page , disable the threshold by deselecting the enabled check box .

  11. 确认勾选了Tables和FullyQualifiedTableNames复选框,以便下一个窗口中显示的表名中包含模式名。

    Make sure you select the Tables and Fully Qualified Table Names check boxes so the table names display with schema name in the next window .

  12. 在每个小部件的配置模式中,选择Cooperative选项卡并勾选Enablethiswidgettointeractwithotherwidgets。

    In configure mode of each widget , select the Cooperative tab and check Enable this widget to interact with other widgets .

  13. 阅读完协议并勾选了复选框之后,输入URL,单击GenerateAPIKey,等待一二秒钟。

    Once you 've read the agreement and checked the checkbox , enter in your URL , click Generate API Key , and wait a second or two .

  14. 勾选记号可以显示出哪些程序集已经被引用,而侧栏会显示出选中DLL的详细信息。

    Checkmarks indicate what assemblies are already referenced and a side bar gives you more information about the highlighted DLL .

  15. 如果勾选了GenerateTablespaceNames复选框并且没有提供名称,那么在生成目标表时将使用源表空间的名称。

    If the Generate Tablespace Names box is checked and no name is supplied , the source tablespace name is used when generating the target table .

  16. 这令佩雷兹印象深刻,他在下拉框勾选了“乐于成为唯一的少数派”(ComfortinMinorityof1),这或许标志着这名学生会促进校园中的对话。

    Impressed , Dr. P é rez checked the box for " Comfort in Minority of 1 , " a sign , perhaps , that the student would contribute to campus dialogues .

  17. 我们能够隐约感觉到,友谊不只是拥有共同的兴趣或是在Facebook个人资料中勾选过多少相应的选项。他们的调查结果给出了我们期待的证明。

    The findings offer tantalizing evidence for the vague sense we have that friendship is more than shared interests or checking off the right boxes on a Facebook profile .

  18. 而且,需要勾选“RetrievePureXMLinstancefromDatabase”选项,以触发XFG插件真正从数据库中检索示例XML文档。

    Furthermore , the option " Retrieve PureXML instance from Database " needs to be checked to trigger the XFG plugin to actually retrieve samples from the database .

  19. 选择它适用的绑定类型,现在勾选MQ和在导入上,按照上述同一数据格式配置MQ绑定

    Select the type of bindings it applies to , for now tick MQ andOn the import configure an MQ binding with the same data format as above

  20. 还有一个预防措施,那就是不要在Safari的“选项/一般设置”里勾选“下载后打开‘安全’文件”。

    And as an extra precaution , uncheck " open ' safe ' files after downloading " in Safari preferences / general .

  21. 网站YouGov在7月的一项精选调查贴出了这样一个问题,“如果有的话,你曾在以下哪些地方小便?”62%的人勾选了“淋浴间”这个选项。

    A YouGov Omnibus survey in July posed the question , " In which of the following places , if any , have you ever urinated ? " Sixty-two percent of people checked the box that said " in the shower . " What 's more ,

  22. 取消勾选框只留下一个复选框,然后点击好。

    Uncheck boxes Leaving only one box checked and click okay .

  23. 如果勾选此项,打开的第一个编辑器窗口将最大化显示。

    If checked , the first editor window opened will be maximized .

  24. 勾选'仅使用以下选中的默认水印。

    Tick the option'Use only the default watermark selected below .

  25. 她将该表勾选为引用表。

    She leaves this table checked as a Referenced table .

  26. 勾选此选项,自动增量信息也被转换输出。

    Includes auto increment in the table with this option is on .

  27. 62%的人勾选了淋浴间这个选项。

    Sixty-two percent of people checked the box that said in the shower .

  28. 确保下列选项已经勾选

    Make sure that the following check boxes are selected

  29. 通过勾选复选框为指定的角色授予权限。

    Select a check box to grant the respective right to the named role .

  30. 请注意,一次只能勾选一个项目。

    Please note that you may choose only one Award category per submission form .