
láo dònɡ hé tonɡ
  • labor contract;contract of labor;working agreement
  1. 而假如你所在单位有工资集体协议,该标准高于劳动合同约定,你的加班工资就应该按照集体协议确定。

    And if you are in an unit to have salary collective agreement , contract of labor of this standard prep above agrees , your overwork salary should decide according to collective agreement .

  2. 劳动关系双方解除劳动关系后,说明劳动合同期限已经终止,《劳动法》第20条规定劳动合同期限是双方自愿约定的,而申诉期限是法定的。

    Working relationship both sides removes after labor concerns , explain labor contract deadline has been stopped ," labor law " deadline of contract of labor of the20th regulation is bilateral and voluntary agreement , and appeal deadline is legal .

  3. 本次罢工前,双方进行了长达19个月的谈判,但未能成功。而此前,双方签订的名为“互动媒体协议”的现有劳动合同已于2014年底到期。

    The strike comes in light of an unsuccessful 19 months of negotiations after the existing labor contract known as the Interactive Media Agreement expired in late 2014 .

  4. 劳动合同期满,即行终止。

    This contract shall be terminated on the expiration date .

  5. 交通运输部将督促网约车平台与驾驶员签订正式劳动合同,落实驾驶员权益保障责任。

    The Ministry of Transport will require ride-hailing platforms to sign formal labor contracts with drivers and clarify the platforms ' responsibilities to the drivers they employ .

  6. 浅析《劳动合同法》赋予工会的权利Boosting算法中基分类器权重的动态赋值

    A Brief Analysis on the Trade Union s Rights that Given by the Labor Contract Law ; Dynamic Assignment of Base Classifier 's Weight in Boosting Method

  7. 青岛HT物流有限公司(以下简称HT公司)是一家典型的中小物流企业,其劳动合同管理方面同样存在着缺陷与不足。

    Qingdao HT Logistics Co. , Ltd. ( hereinafter referred to " HT company ") is a typical small and medium-sized logistics enterprise , there gradually appears deficiency of current labor contract management .

  8. 我国劳动合同违约金立法研究

    Research on the Liquidated Damages Legislation of China 's Labor Contract

  9. 论违反劳动合同的归责原则

    On the Categories of Responsibility Attached to Breach of Labor Contract

  10. 就业协议的主要内容与劳动合同的主要内容一致;

    Their main contents accord with the contents of the latter .

  11. 论农民工劳动合同纠纷解决的法律机制构建

    Establishment of Legal Mechanism to Settle Contract Dispute between Peasant Workers

  12. 我国无固定期限劳动合同立法探析

    Research on the legislation of unfixed-term labor contract in our country

  13. 劳动合同法视野下职业球员工作合同的解除

    Dismissal of work contract of professional players under Labor Contract Law

  14. 无效劳动合同具有自己独特的制度功能与价值取向。

    Invalid labor contracts have their particular institution function and value orientation .

  15. 单方解除权应只适用于无固定期限的劳动合同;

    One-sided dissolution right should apply only to non-fixed term labour contracts ;

  16. 对完善劳动合同制管理的思考

    Some thoughts on improving management of the labor contract system

  17. 从实践看,许多争议都是在劳动合同订立时隐藏下来的。

    In practice , there are many arguments during the concluding contract .

  18. 实施《劳动合同法》企业劳动用工管理的风险分析

    Implementation of Labor Contract Law and Analysis the Risks Labor Employment Management

  19. 《劳动合同法》下劳动者保护范围的思考

    Consideration on the Protection Scope of Labourer under the Labor Contract Law

  20. 《劳动合同法》是和谐劳动关系的稳压器

    " Labor Contract Law ": the Stabilizer to Keep Labor Relationship Harmonious

  21. 用人单位与劳动者订立和解除劳动合同的情况;

    The conclusion and discharge of labor contracts by employers and workers ;

  22. 企业续订职工劳动合同的标准及其操作

    The standard and Fulfillment of the Renewal of Employees ' Labor Contracts

  23. 合同的范围应界定为合同法所保护的一切合同和劳动合同;

    Contracts in the contract law and the labour contracts .

  24. 浙江省实施劳动合同制度的历史考察

    Historical Review of the Labor Contract System in Zhejiang Province

  25. 《劳动合同法》必须向劳动者倾斜

    " Labor Contract Law " Must Stand Up for Labor

  26. 就业协议与劳动合同的冲突及其解决办法

    Conflicts between employment agreement and labour contract and ways to resolve them

  27. 关于劳动合同属性与基本原则的新思考

    Second thoughts on the legal attribute and fundamental principles of labor contracts

  28. 目的探讨协议解除劳动合同职工的心理健康状况。

    The article states the basic characteristics of new labour contract law .

  29. 后劳动合同法时代就业协议法律制度之重构

    On Reconstruction of Employment Agreement in Post Contract Law Era

  30. 诺基亚需与职工协商变更劳动合同内容。

    Nokia needs to negotiate with employees about changing labor contract content .