
  1. 影片类型:情节剧、喜剧、动作片、犯罪片、警匪片、传记、音乐动画剧、心理恐怖片

    Genres : Drama , Comedy , Action , Crime Drama , Gangster Film , Biography , Animated Musical , Psychological Thriller

  2. 在日本,电视卡通是个大生意,每个星期会制作出大约40部新的电视动画系列剧。

    Television cartoons are big business in Japan , where around 40 new animated TV series are produced every week .

  3. 金酸莓奖主办方表示,《最后的气宗》根据动画电视剧改编,原漫画作品的部分年轻观众对电影改编很不满。

    Organizers of the " awards " noted the film was based on an animated television show , and some young viewers of the cartoon were unhappy with the movie adaptation .

  4. 拥有如此佳绩,拍续集自然不在话下,漫威已承诺将于2017年上映第二部,并制作动画版电视剧。

    With that kind of money on the table , Marvel has already OK 'd the production of a sequel ( to be released in 2017 ) and a new animated television series .

  5. 在这400多年间,作为中国四大名著的第三部作品被多次改编,包括动画、舞台剧、电影、音乐剧等等。

    Over the course of 400-plus years , the third of China ` s Four Great Classical Novels has been adapted into a number of mediums , including : an animated series , dance pieces , films , musical numbers and plays .