
  • 网络Animation World;Comic;Comic World
  1. 这是一个可以亲身体验动漫世界的场所。

    This is an animation of the world can experience the place .

  2. 一场路飞和特瑞科身为动漫世界战士的激斗即将上映!

    Luffy and Toriko will be having their hardest struggle as fighters in the world of anime .

  3. 在动漫的世界中,世界性得到了最好的体现。

    In the animation world , a world to be the best embodiment .

  4. 动漫是当今世界的朝阳产业,而我国的动漫产业才刚刚起步,亟待发展。

    Animation is the sunrise industry in the word , and in China it is still in its infancy , yet to be developed .

  5. 动漫产业是世界性“黄金产业”,与产业相关的专利保护尤其是外观设计专利保护非常重要。

    Cartoon industry is a world wide " golden industry ", and its patent protection , especially the protection of design patent , is very important .

  6. 近年来,由于日本的动漫作品在世界范围内广受好评,尤其是对当今青少年的成长与发展造成了重大的影响,越来越多的学者开始关注和研讨动漫作品。

    In recent years , as the Japanese animation becomes more and more popular in the world , especially for the teenagers , it has great influence over their development .

  7. 新影动漫文化城建成后,将名副其实是个动漫的世界。

    New video animation culture city completed , it will truly be a cartoon world .

  8. 盛会将提供机会给动漫迷们与他们的偶像进行交谈并从中学习更多有关动漫世界的知识,这场盛会也是一个与其他动漫迷交流的大好机会。

    While the convention offers enthusiasts the opportunity to speak with their idols and learn more about the anime world , it 's also a great chance to network with other fans .