
liè yào
  • inferior medicines;medicines of low quality
  1. 严禁生产、经营、使用假药或者劣药。

    The production , selling or use of fake or inferior medicines is strictly prohibited .

  2. 本条所称劣药,是指依照《中华人民共和国药品管理法》的规定属于劣药的药品。

    The inferior medicines referred to in this article mean those inferior pharmaceutical products that fall into the category of inferior medicines in accordance with the regulations of the " Law of the PRC Governing the Management of Pharmaceutical Products " .

  3. 但是ACTA、欧盟或声称打击目标是不安全药物的肯尼亚立法根本没有提到解决劣药问题的手段。

    But measures to address substandard drugs do not figure at all in ACTA , the EU or Kenyan legislations that claim to target unsafe medicines .

  4. LeenaMenghaney说,假药和劣药都威胁着公共卫生,而应对它们的举措必须把重点放在质量上。

    Both fake and substandard medicines threaten public health , and efforts to tackle them must put the focus on quality , says Leena Menghaney .

  5. 利用近红外光谱仪建立劣药比对模型的研究

    Study on Establishing Matching Model of Inferior Drug with NIR Spectroscopy

  6. 我们更多地看见劣药而非假药。

    We see fake drugs less often than we see substandard ones .

  7. 假药能致人死亡,而劣药可能通过增加耐药性而对死亡有贡献。

    Counterfeit drugs can kill , and substandard drugs contribute to fatalities by fuelling resistance .

  8. 浅谈生产、销售假药、劣药违法行为的认定

    Discussion on the Cognizance of the Illegal Activities of Manufacturing and selling Counterfeiting and Substandard Drugs

  9. 而国际社会必须更加关注劣药&这是发展中国家的一个迫切问题。

    And the international community must give greater attention to substandard medicines & a pressing problem in developing countries .

  10. 生产、销售的假药、劣药以婴幼儿为主要使用对象的;

    An act of making or selling fake medicine or inferior medicine to be mainly administered to babies or infants ;

  11. 为了解决假药和劣药的问题,发展中国家的国家药物管理机构的管理功能必须得到改善。

    To tackle both fake and substandard drugs , the regulatory function of the National Medicines Regulatory Agency in developing countries must be improved .

  12. 这可能减少它们对于全球机构的依赖,并帮助解决质量不良的药物的贸易,不论它们是假药还是劣药。

    This can reduce their reliance on global agencies and help tackle the trade in medicines of poor quality , whether they are fake or substandard .

  13. 但是假药和劣药都对于那些没有得到所需治疗的病人有直接的影响。更重要的是,对于劣药,它们还可能产生增加对严重疾病疗法耐药性的灾难性副作用。

    And more so in the case of substandard medicines , they can also have the disastrous side-effect of increasing resistance to treatment for serious diseases .

  14. 一个关键的驱动因素是来源和品质有问题的药物的供应&换句话说,就是假药和劣药。

    One of the key driving factors is the availability of medicines of questionable origin and quality & in other words , counterfeit and substandard drugs .

  15. 对生产者专门用于生产假药、劣药的原辅材料、包装材料、生产设备,予以没收。

    The drug substances , excipients , packaging materials and manufacturing equipment specially used for producing counterfeit or substandard drugs by any producer shall be confiscated .

  16. 第五十一条生产、销售劣药的,没收劣药和违法所得,可以并处罚款;

    Where inferior drugs are produced or sold , the inferior drugs and the illegally obtained income will be confiscated and a fine may also be imposed ;

  17. 央视记者的调查显示,劣药、假名医出现在百度的搜索结果中,且排名靠前。

    The investigation of CCTV reporter shows , cure of bad medicine , anonym appears in the search result of Baidu , and before the rank leans .

  18. 2001年建立的这个机制的目的是让正规药店和药品零售机构及早发现、容易地报告和描绘可能的假药或劣药。

    Set up in2001 , this aims for the early detection , easy reporting and mapping of potential fake or substandard medicines by official pharmacies and drug outlets .

  19. 她说“假”的法律定义是对合法的仿制药贸易的一个威胁,仿制药恰好类似于商标药,而且这分散了人们对劣药的关注。

    She says the legal definition of'counterfeits'is a threat to the legitimate trade in generic medicines that happen to resemble trademarked ones , and diverts attention from substandard drugs .

  20. 在基本层次上,目标远不那么清晰:假药可能与合法生产但几乎没有药物价值的劣药混淆。

    At a basic level , the target is far from clear : counterfeit medicines can be confused with substandard ones that have little medicinal value but are produced lawfully .

  21. 生产、销售假药劣药的行为是违法还是犯罪,应从其客体、客观方面及主体、主观方面四个要件划分。

    The distinction between crime and illegality in production and sale of bogus or substandard drugs should be made by the four elements , namely subject , subjectivity , object and objectivity .

  22. 本文对假药、劣药的情形进行分析,说明行政违法与犯罪的界限,以期为药品监督管理工作提供参考。

    This article analyzed the status of counterfeiting and substandard drugs , expounded the borderline between illegal acts from administrative point of view and crime , in the hope of providing reference for drug administration .

  23. 作为药品安全质量的第一责任人,假药劣药生产企业难辞其咎,但是作为批准假药劣药进入市场的监管机构也难以推卸责任。

    As the first responsible person , Counterfeit and substandard drugs manufacturers should be blamed . However , as regulatory authorities who approved counterfeit or substandard drugs to market is difficult to pass the buck .