
  • 网络functional group;Function Group
  1. 伏牛山森林生态系统灌木植物功能群分类

    Functional group classification of shrub species in the Funiu Mountain forest ecosystem

  2. 功能群多样性和功能群成分均对系统功能有显著影响。

    Functional group richness and functional composition both had significantly effects on ecosystem functioning .

  3. 放牧退化导致群落、各能值功能群C/N减小。

    Grazing-induced retrogression led community and energy PFGs C / N ratio to decrease .

  4. 中国东北样带羊草群落C3和C4植物功能群生物量及其对环境变化的响应

    The biomass of C_3 and C_ 4 plant function groups in Leymus chinensis communities and theirs response to environmental change along Northeast China transect

  5. 植物功能群(PlantFunctionalGroups,PFGs)把植物的功能特性与环境变化明晰地联系在一起。

    Plant functional groups ( PFGs ) link plant functional traits and environmental variations with great clarity .

  6. 5个功能群中C3豆科植物的生物量增加最为显著,其次为C4禾本科和C3非禾本科(P<0.01)。

    C3 legumes had the greatest biomass enhancement - among the 5 functional groups , followed by C4 grasses and C3 forbs ( P0.01 ) .

  7. 以阳泉二电厂DEH系统为例,从硬件、软件和控制功能群三部分叙述分析了DEH的组成和各部分作用,并对DEH系统的可靠性进行了分析。

    This text describes the constitute of DEH system from three aspects and analyzes the reliability of DEH system .

  8. 总体而言,物种数一定时,功能群多样性较高的群落其生产力水平也较高,而功能群多样性一致时,含C3、C4功能成分的群落其生产力水平较其他群落的高。

    In average , the community with more functional groups , while species richness maintained constant , had higher level of community productivity , and the community containing C_4 and C_3 functional group had higher productivity level than other communities in which same functional groups were included .

  9. 结果发现:该站物种组成以甲藻和硅藻为主要功能群。

    The result shows that the predominant groups were dinoflagellate and diatom .

  10. 德州市五种土壤中微生物功能群的调查

    Investigation on the Microbial Functional Groups in Five Soils of Dezhou City

  11. 2不同的植物功能群对群落地上生物量的贡献是不相同的。

    Different functional groups have different contributions to the community aboveground biomass .

  12. 在群落的植物生态类型功能群组成中,中旱生植物是群落地上生物量的主体。

    Intermediate xerophytes is the main component in plant life form functional groups .

  13. 长江口及邻近海域高营养层次生物群落功能群及其变化

    Functional groups of high trophic level communities in adjacent waters of Changjiang estuary

  14. 植物功能群及其在生态学研究中的应用

    Plant Functional Groups and Their Applications in Ecology Research

  15. 在沿河口梯度的不同采样断面,优势功能群不同。

    There was difference in the dominant functional groups in various transects along estuarine gradient .

  16. 增加控制实验系统的复杂性,研究线虫不同功能群之间及其与其他土壤动物之间的关系;

    Address more complex interactions between different trophic groups of nematodes and other soil fauna ;

  17. 退化沙质草场群落特征及功能群生物量的空间变异性

    Spatial Variability of Community Characteristics and Above-ground Biomass of Functional Group in Degraded Sandy Grassland

  18. 植物功能群多样性和功能群内物种数也随着演替过程呈增加趋势。

    Plant functional group diversity and species number within functional groups increased with the successional gradients .

  19. 黄海生态系统高营养层次生物群落功能群及其主要种类

    Functional groups of communities and their major species at high trophic level in the Yellow Sea ecosystem

  20. 荒漠草原地区不同载畜率对功能群特征及其多样性的影响

    The Effects of Different Stocking Rates on Grassland Functional Group Characteristics and Diversities in Desert Steppe Area

  21. 而优势物种和功能群组成对土壤全氮的影响作用相对较弱。

    Contrast to soil available nitrogen , soil total nitrogen was not influenced by the environmental factors .

  22. 桉树多代连栽林下植物多样性及功能群的变化

    Changes in plant species diversity and functional types among multi-successive rotations in eucalypt plantations of south China

  23. 中国东北样带羊草群落植物水分生态类型功能群生物量变化研究

    Study on Biomass Changes of Plant Ecological Type Groups in the Leymus chinensis Communities along Northeast China Transect

  24. 羊草群落植物生活型功能群多样性变化与环境因子关系的研究

    Study on Relation between Diversity Changes of Plant Life-Form Functional Groups and Environment Factors in Leymus chinensis Communities

  25. 现在对植物功能群研究的广度和宽度已经远远超过了这个概念本身。

    Currently , the extent and width of researches on PFGs have far exceeded the PFGs concept itself .

  26. 4植物多样性对群落稳定性的影响是通过不同植物功能群间的补偿作用来实现的。

    The effects of plant diversity on plant community stability result from compensated actions of different functional groups .

  27. 本研究探讨了高寒草甸在不同划破强度下植被组成、多样性、功能群和生产力的变化。

    The study probed the changes of alpine meadows in vegetation composition , diversity , functional group and productivity .

  28. 在呼伦贝尔草原群落植物生活型功能群组成中,多年生丛生禾草、多年生根茎禾草和多年生杂类草是群落地上生物量的主体。

    Perennial bunch grasses , perennial rhizomatous grasses and forbs are main components of plant life form functional groups .

  29. 同时生物标志化合物资料也表明蓝细菌、厌氧微生物和其他的自养微生物功能群丰度明显增高。

    Lipid biomarker records show distinct increase in the abundance of cyanobacteria , anaerobic prokaryotes and other autotrophic microbes .

  30. 混播物种多样性与草地初级生产力和群落稳定性成正相关,但考虑混播功能群可能更有意义。

    Although there is positive relation between species diversity and community stability , function group is a more meaningful .