
lì shì
  • guardian;warrior;strong man;man of great strength
力士 [lì shì]
  • [Hercules] 力气大的人

  • 此人力士。--《史记.魏公子列传》

  1. 阿基里斯和海格立斯[何克力士]是古希腊的英雄。

    Achilles and Heracles were ancient Greek heroes .

  2. 传说狄德勒斯(Daedalus)从克里特岛飞到此地,赫丘力士(Hercules)曾睡过这里。

    Myth says that Daedalus flew here from Crete and that Hercules once slept here .

  3. 动画片《超级无敌掌门狗》(WallaceandGromit)当中的英国人华力士和他的爱犬格罗米特就生活在一座可以叫你起床、给你穿裤子、给吐司抹上果酱的房子――只不过它总是不完全按照设计初衷来运转。

    Wallace and Gromit , the animated Englishman and his dog , live in a house that can wake you , drop you into pants and spread jam on your toast -- though it never quite works as designed .

  4. 相比之下,美国伊士曼公司与吉力士接受类似的学习。

    In contrast , Eastman and Guinness embraced parallel learning .

  5. 进来看看在力士们在比什么了!

    Come to see them in the Guinness than anything !

  6. 你难道没有考虑过你的力士文化背景吗?

    Don 't you value your culture and your history ?

  7. 亚力士:我开车到超级市场买了些日用杂货。

    Alex : I drove over to the market to get some groceries .

  8. 丰田在中国其实有一款小型车:雅力士微型轿车。

    Toyota does offer a small car in China , the Yaris subcompact .

  9. 黑后和钢力士也会在续集中回归。

    Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Colossus will both be back , as well .

  10. 亚力士和亚历山大意思一样。

    Alex and Alexander are the same thing .

  11. 论《力士参孙》中参孙的弄笑者形象

    On the Trickster Figure in Samson Agonistes

  12. 他们会唤醒沉睡的力士,付出高额的代价。

    They would awaken the sleeping giant and would pay the ultimate price for it .

  13. “主人,我向你保证,德力士看起来非常确定”亚克斯利说。

    " I assure you , my Lord , Dawlish seemed quite certain ," said Yaxley .

  14. 一个鲜红的小虫突然嗡嗡鸣叫着从一个力士身子里往下降落。

    Out of one of them suddenly dropped a small scarlet insect , buzzing as it fell .

  15. 他的三部伟大诗作:《失乐园》《复乐园》和《力士参孙》。

    Milton wrote his three major poetical works : Paradise Lost , Paradise Regained , and Samson Agonistes .

  16. 虽然我还没有找到完美的联网烤面包机,但我感觉自己已经有点像华力士那样了。

    While I 'm still looking for the perfect Internet-connected toaster , I feel a little like Wallace .

  17. 藉著经常推出促销活动,亚力士的店与这个地区同质商店相比,仍有竞争力。

    Alex maintains his shop 's competitive edge over other similar shops in the area by running frequent promotions .

  18. 第二章追述了从亚力士多德到黑格尔的悲剧发展的批评史。通过分析悲剧人物、悲剧主题、悲剧冲突在文学批评中的发展变化,明晰了本文所要讨论的现代悲剧的指向。

    It is an analysis of the development of concepts like tragic hero , motif and collision in criticism .

  19. 亚力士:他们没有你需的每一样东西,可是却有我喜欢的每一样。

    Alex : well , they did not have everying you needed , but they did have everything I liked .

  20. 有五类职业能选择,例如战士,刺客,力士,男巫和谋士。

    There are five classes for players to choose such as Paladin , Assassin , Muscleman , Warlock and Priest .

  21. 现在,老实说吧,比勒达嚷着,这个非力士人是德脱罗诺米执事的宣道会的正式会友吗?

    Do tell , now , cried Bildad , is this Philistine a regular member of Deacon Deuteronomy 's meeting ?

  22. 亚力士:我找到花生酱了,可是他们没有我喜欢的那种。

    Alex : well , I did find the peanut butter , but they didn 't have the kind I like .

  23. 由于这种更复杂、力士的手表与意义作了旧式船。

    As a result of this greater complexity , Rolex 's watches were made with a greater sense of old-fashioned craft .

  24. 肩负着黑海科研工程的考古学家小组将一个可远程控制的名为“小力士”的潜水器从科研船上降入水中。

    A team of archaeologists with the Black Sea Project lowers a remotely operated submersible named Little Hercules from a research vessel .

  25. 他开着一辆老式丰田雅力士,为了省下停车费还总是将车停在离市中心很远的地方。

    He drove an old Toyota Yaris which he would leave away from the centre of town rather than pay to park .

  26. “主人”,亚克斯利接着说,“德力士认为有整整一队的傲罗会被派去转移那个男孩。”

    " My Lord ," Yaxley went on ," Dawlish believes an entire party of Aurors will be used to transfer the boy "

  27. 品,而雅力士则是针对欧洲小型车流行的特点推出的产品。

    Article , but the graceful muscle man then aim at the product that the characteristics that the European compact car spread release .

  28. 是力士赫拉克勒斯似的音乐之力量:音乐,在悲剧中达到最高表现时,便能够以一种新的最深刻的意义来解释神话;

    It was the Heraclean power of music , which reached its highest form in tragedy and endowed myth with a new and profound significance .

  29. 请看这块香皂,是力士牌的,具有柔和的肌肤调理剂,很受青年人的喜欢。

    Look at this piece , please . It is " Lux " brand with gentle skin conditioners . It is popular with young people .

  30. 今天亚力士提早下班回家,他决定帮妻子莎拉采购日用杂货。她最近太忙了。

    Alex came home from work early today , and he decided to do the grocery shopping for his wife , Sarah She 's been busy lately .