- 【地】shear strain

A double-surface model of dilative soils is put forward with plastic work and plastic shear strain as hardening parameters .
Gravity variation distribution in high negative value region is just consistent with the second shear strain ′ s high value region of strain field obtained from GPS observation .
Effect of Transverse Shear Strains on Plates Resting on Elastic Foundation Using Modified Vlasov Model
Based on the mathematical features of many shear strain curves across ductile shear zones , the expressions of the functions of shear strain γ( x ) and distortion distance s ( x ) were given .
It is concluded that the relationships of dynamic shear modulus and damping ratio versus dynamic shear strain of MSW are similar to those of peaty soil .
However , in the PS domain lots of pure shear strain indicators are found in outcrops perpendicular to foliations , and sinistral shear indicators can been seen locally in subhorizontal outcrops .
Meanwhile , by comparing to the x-direction displacement distribution and Mises local shear strain invariant distribution , the effects of defect on the material atomic system microstructure have been systematically revealed .
The southern area of shear strain concentration is basically in a compressive strain condition and there exists relative high shear strain concentration area on the two sides of the principal fault .
For 20s ~ 40s , circular shear strain had got been very large and pore-water pressure came to the peak , soil liquefied and collapsed .
The residual shearing strain of asphalt pavement after a vehicle passed was calculated by stimulating the viscoelasticity characteristic of mix material of asphalt , using viscoelasticity theory and Burges model .
Conclusions Under rotational inertia loading , the shear strain ( stress ) in brain tissues can lead to diffuse axonal injury . The uneven strain ( stress ) may cause serious avulsion damage in brain tissues .
The tangential rotation and shear stain along each element side are determined by Timoshenko laminated composite beam theory presented in reference [ 6 , 7 ] to avoid the shear locking problem of Mindlin plate element .
A special way with the local equilibrium equations , the constitutive and geometrical relations is used to account for shear deformations which are proportional to square of plate thickness . In the limit of thin plates the Kirchhoff assumption is satisfied automatically .
Numerical simulation of the low-cycle fatigue damage and crack initiation lives for the bracing members was also conducted by the FE-SAFE program based on the critical plane damage models , including the principal strain , maximum shear strain and Brown-Miller combined strain damage models .
Dynamic flow properties of the 0.2 % C steel are obtained at a temperature around 200 ℃ and over a range of shear strains 1-2 and shear strain rates 3 × 108 - 3 × 105s-1 , using orthogonal machining experimental technique .
Beijing-Tianjing-Bohai and Xingtai regions are higher shear strain rate region .
Deduction of failure criterion for geomaterials based on maximum principal shear strain
Deduction of formula for calculating shear strain with leveling data
Shear strain increment applying in Stability Studying of debris slope
Effects of shear strain rate on mechanical behavior of Zhanjiang strong structured clay
A model for cyclic shear strain of cohesionless soils
The shear changed the quadrilateral into a parallelogram .
The range of plastic shear strain is important to fatigue of composite .
The effect of shear deformation on the vibrations of elastic thin walled beams
To become encrusted . the shear changed the quadrilateral into a parallelogram .
Thick / Thin Rectangular Plate Element with Complementary Rotation and Shear Strain Fields
Analysis of Shear Strain Under Large Torsion Deformation
Parameters of Dynamic Stress-Strain Models for Cohesive Soils
Time-space distribution of maximum horizontal shearing strain in soils before the 1976 Tangshan earthquake
A Triangular Thick / Thin Plate Element with Shear Strain and SUPplementary Deflection Fields