
jù zhào
  • stage photo;still
剧照 [jù zhào]
  • (1) [stage photo]∶戏剧中某个场面的照片

  • (2) [still]∶电影中某个镜头的照片

剧照[jù zhào]
  1. 卷福公布了新电影剧照,饰演游说组织“VoteLeave”领导多米尼克·卡明斯(DominicCummings)一角。

    Benedict Cumberbatch has switched up his look to play Vote Leave campaign manager Dominic Cummings for a new TV one-off drama .

  2. 由艾什顿·库彻(AshtonKutcher)主演的乔布斯传记片首张剧照已经发布。

    The first official picture of Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs has appeared online .

  3. 想到这里罗君正气凛然地扳倒镜框,取出B姑娘的照片扔到一边,把A姑娘的彩色剧照装进去。

    Thus Mr. Luo took the picture of Miss B from the frame and threw it away , feeling well justified . In its place he put in a color stage photo of Miss A , and went on dreaming . See ?

  4. 妮可基德曼在Ins上晒出了HBO出品的《小谎大事》的第二季剧照,粉丝们得以一睹梅姨为快。

    Nicole Kidman showed her Instagram followers the first glimpse of Meryl Streep in character from the second season of HBO 's " Big Little Lies . "

  5. 上周,该部尚未拍摄完成的影片中的一些剧照遭到不法分子泄露,随后在互联网上疯传,其中包括一组男女主角Edward和Bella的床照。

    Several images from the unfinished film were leaked on the internet late last week , including several racy images of Edward and Bella in bed .

  6. 但是其中一张剧照中,Carol、Beth、Lori和Rick围着的那个人,就是Hershel。

    But that is Hershel that Carol , Beth , Lori and Rick are surrounding in one of the images .

  7. 施密特是一位历史学家,在纽伦堡2001年开放的博物馆内工作。他展示了60年代初一部标志性的德国纪录片《石中的残暴》(BrutalityinStone)的一些剧照,。

    Mr. Schmidt , a historian at the museum that opened here in 2001 , showed some stills from an iconic early 1960s German documentary , " Brutality in Stone . "

  8. 关于落跑的传言。上周曝光的剧照让很多粉丝相信Blair会从她的“大日子”上逃跑?

    RUNAWAY RUMOR | The " tell-tale " photo ( seen here ) that made rounds last week and convinced ( some ) fans that Blair will bail on her big day ?

  9. 这些剧照被用来取笑陪审团的裁决:三星抄袭了苹果公司广受欢迎的常见的长方带圆角形状的iPhone。

    The images were being used to poke fun at the jury 's ruling that the South Korean firm had copied the shape of Apple 's wildly popular iPhone , which ( like most ) is rectangular with curved corners .

  10. 《绯闻女孩》的剧照今天流传出来了,它暗示了Chuck(EdWestwick饰)和Blair(LeightonMeester饰)有一个圆满的结局。

    A Gossip Girl photo is making the rounds today and it hints at a happy ending for Chuck ( Ed Westwick ) and Blair ( Leighton Meester ) .

  11. 事情并不是你看到的那样,这原来是特立独行的艺术家AlisonJackson玩的小把戏,Alison将明星曾经扮演过的角色剧照拼接起来,制作了这些图片。

    No , things are not quite as they appear . What seems , at first glace , to be the ultimate paparazzi scoop , is actually an elaborate set-up by maverick artist Alison Jackson . Jackson is known for her reimaginings of iconic events in which actors play the leading roles .

  12. 乔伊,推广需要用你的剧照。

    Joey , publicity needs you for a cast photo .

  13. 什么时候会登出一幅她正在演的那出歌剧的剧照呢?

    When would a scene from her opera appear ?

  14. 剧照图片版权归迪士尼企业所有。

    All the pictures here copyright Disney enterprises , Inc.

  15. 我们准备发两版的剧照。

    We 've got two spreads of pictures .

  16. 单位摄影师其实即是剧照摄影师。

    The unit photographer is the stills photographer .

  17. 一位德国摄影师被请来为这电影拍摄电影剧照。

    A German photographer has been asked to take the stills for the movie .

  18. 从这些最新的剧照来看,克劳斯在返校节上备受关注。

    Judging from these new photos , Klaus is quite the attention-grabber at homecoming .

  19. 电影的宣传手段总是包括电影的时髦用语,预告片,海报,以及剧照。

    Ways of film promotion always include taglines , trailers , posters and photo gallery .

  20. 她只有勇气看看墙上那些争芳斗艳的剧照,就退了出来。

    She could find heart only to look at the pictures which were showy and then walk out .

  21. 随后剧组领导迅速撤下这些剧照,但罗伯特·帕丁森仍然非常愤怒。

    But while Twilight bosses quickly ensured the images were taken down , Robert Pattinson is still fuming .

  22. 最新发布的剧照里那些苍白、不安的人物显而易见看到了自己灵魂深处的黑暗面。

    The latest publicity photos show pale , edgy characters who have clearly seen the dark night of the soul .

  23. 首先,他从屏幕上截取剧照,将选区的细节描绘成小幅或中幅的水彩画。

    First of all , he photographs film stills from the screen , then paints small-or medium-format watercolours of chosen details .

  24. 这些问题从这几张《行尸走肉》第三季第二集剧照来看,我们找不到明确的答案。

    These photos from Season 3 's second episode , " Sick , " don 't exactly answer any burning questions .

  25. 劳拉·卡尔迈克尔在唐顿庄园剧照,该剧吸引了一亿六千万观众。

    Laura Carmichael in Downton Abbey , which attracted an audience of 160 million viewers . Photograph : Nick Briggs / AP

  26. 近日,《暮光之城4:破晓》一组剧照遭泄露,男主角罗伯特·帕丁森勃然大怒,甚至呼吁粉丝将相关的不法分子“消灭”。

    Robert Pattinson has let rip after photos were leaked from the Twilight : Breaking Dawn set , urging fans to'destroy'those responsible .

  27. 而近日网上爆出的魔法三人组人到中年拖儿带女的浓妆剧照也会让霍格沃茨的粉丝们倍感震惊。

    Hogwarts fans will be amazed when the magic of make-up fast-forwards the trio into middle age with children of their own .

  28. 最新剧照中,李宇春头戴宽沿斗笠,身穿素色紧袖上衣,及裸长裤。

    The latest still photos show Li in a broad-brimmed leaf hat , wearing a plain colored , tight-sleeved coat and ankle-length slacks .

  29. 哈利波特初吻剧照曝光:哈利波特在《哈利波特与凤凰社》中与秋·张组成一对。

    Photo of Potter 's first kiss released Harry Potter plants one on Katie Leung in Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix .

  30. 他伸手摸起桌上一个照相架,里面是一张他扮演老工人的剧照,相框是古铜色雕花的。

    Fumbling on the table , he took up a carved bronze-colored photo frame containing a stage photo of himself as a Veteran worker .