
  • 网络fore-spinning;preparation
  1. 要减少细纱毛羽,首先要选择前纺各工序的工艺参数,要保持良好的机械状态;

    To reduce yarn hairiness , the processing parameters in fore-spinning should be fixed firstly ;

  2. 前纺工序与细纱毛羽关系的探讨

    Relations between Fore-Spinning and Yarn Hairiness

  3. 该工艺采用的细纱第三代大牵伸(50~100倍)是在我国自主开发的VC牵伸及其相应工艺配套下实现的,另外全面提高前纺半制品质量也是细纱大牵伸的必要条件。

    This high efficient cotton spinning technology is now realized on the selt-developed VC draft mechanism of 50-100 times of draft . Long draft of spinning is also the key to improve the quality of semi spinning product .

  4. ITMA回顾:前纺部分

    ITMA Review : Spinning Preparation

  5. 前纺车间女工呼吸系统症状阳性率及肺功能FEV1.0异常急性改变率明显高于络筒和织布车间。

    Prevalences of respiratory symptoms and acute change of pulmonary function ( FEV_ ( 1.0 )) in female workers of pre-spinning workshop were obviously higher than those in copping and weaving workshops .

  6. 前纺工序减少结杂、短绒的措施

    Measures of reducing knots and short - piles in spinning procedure

  7. 谈谈气流纺前纺配套设备与气流纱后加工问题

    Discussing on Fore-spinning Equipment and Aftertreatment of Yarn for Rotor Spinner

  8. 前纺车间影响亚麻纱质量的几个因素

    Factors of Affecting Linen Yarn Quality at Preparatory Spinning Workshop

  9. 其它半精梳毛纺及毛纺前纺机械

    Other preparatory machines for semi-worsted and woolen spinning systems

  10. 聚乳酸短纤维工业化生产的前纺工艺研究

    Research on Spinning Process of PLA Staple Fiber Production

  11. 精毛纺前纺各过程理论不匀率指数的研讨

    A Study on the Theoretical Irregularity Index for the Preparatory Passages of Worsted Spinning

  12. 谈新疆麻的前纺工艺

    Approach on Primary Spinning Process of Xinjiang Linen

  13. 摩擦纺前纺工艺路线对成纱质量的影响

    The Relationship between Yarn Quality of Friction Spinning and Its Process Route of Preparatory Spinning

  14. 其它精梳毛纺前纺机械

    Preparatory machines for worsted spinning systems

  15. 提出了适用于纺织机械中的并条机、梳棉机等前纺设备的棉条在线检测及纺织质量检测的一种压阻式传感器。

    The piezoresistive transducer in monitoring the quality of textile yarn in the textile machines is presented .

  16. 减少涤纶及高比例涤纶混纺纱毛羽的前纺工艺

    The Means of Decreasing the Hairiness of Polyester and High Content Polyester Yarn in the Fore-spinning Process

  17. 在巴黎举办的ITMA'99上,并未出现前纺设备的重大革新。

    Spectacular spinning preparation equipment innovations were , on the whole , largely absent at ITMA '99 in Paris .

  18. [结论]在棉纺厂的职业卫生实际工作中,应特别注重前纺车间的粉尘监测和粉尘治理,并加强前纺车间工人的粉尘防护。

    [ Conclusion ] Emphasis should be paid in dust monitoring , administrating and protection especially in the thick-spinning workshops .

  19. X线胸片有炎症片状影者5人,经常发热的工人15人,且均工作于前纺和后纺工序。

    Workers showed inflammation in chest X ray findings and 15 workers often had fever , they all worked in roving and spinning processes .

  20. 减少纺纱毛羽是一项系统工程,其重点应在细纱工序和络筒工序,再及前纺工序和原料。

    Reducing hairiness is a system engineering , its emphases are spinning process and coning process , also including preparatory spinning process and primary material .

  21. 通过实验,分析了前纺各工序对细纱毛羽产生的各种因素。结果表明:细纱毛羽与半制品质量有一定关系。

    By repeated experiments , the factors of causing yarn hairiness were discussed and analyzed , which indicates some certain relations between semi-finished products and yarn hairiness .

  22. 通过九孔喷丝板设计、前纺工艺与后纺工艺的调整,生产出质量优异的10dtex/9f三维卷曲涤纶短纤维。

    The top quality 10 dtex / 9f 3D crimp PET staple fiber was manufactured by design of 9 holes spinneret and adjusting of spinning parameters and post process .

  23. 通过对前纺切片干燥、纺丝和后纺拉伸变形等工艺的调整,在改造后的SDS800B型加弹机上成功地生产了111dtex/48f网络低弹丝。

    With the chip-drying process , spinning process in POY production and draw-texturing process in DTY production adjusted , the 111dtex / 48f interlaced yarn was successfully produced on the modified SDS 800B draw-texturing machine .

  24. 通过对粘胶原料、前纺工艺流程及参数、转环纺元件和工艺参数的合理选择,采用优化工艺纺制的19.7tex粘胶转杯纺针织纱质量优,产量高。

    By making a reasonable choice of raw material , receding process and parameters , component of rotor spinning and technical parameters , we adopt the optimized technique to process the kind of yarn with superior quality and high yield .

  25. 我们匆忙洗一洗,然后就在窑洞前坐下纺起线来。

    We quickly washed up and sat down in front of our cave-homes , spinning .

  26. 棉散纤维前处理是色纺产品的关键工序。

    The scouring of dispersion cotton fibers is the key part of colored spinning products .