
  • 网络Manufacturing Automation
  1. 在机械制造业自动化领域,PLC分布控制系统的可靠性和容错性日益受到关注。

    In the field of mechanical manufacturing automation , more and more attention is paid to the tolerance and the reliability of PLC distributed control system .

  2. 与此同时,本CAPP系统的建立与其研究成果也为制造业自动化进一步发展提供了借鉴。

    At the same time , the establishment of the CAPP and research results in this paper can provide a reference for the further development of manufacturing automation .

  3. 目前PROFIBUS已广泛应用于过程自动化、制造业自动化和楼宇、交通电力等领域。

    PROFIBUS has been applied into industries such as manufacturing automation , process automation and home building , transportation and electricity .

  4. 21世纪非制造业自动化的发展与特种机器人研究思考

    Non-manufacturing automation in 21-century and related development of advanced robot research

  5. 国外制造业自动化现状及其发展趋向

    The Status Quo and Future Trend of the Manufacture Automation Abroad

  6. 数控技术已经成为制造业自动化的核心技术和基础技术。

    NC manufacturing automation technology has become the core technology and basic technology .

  7. 机械制造业自动化技术的发展趋势研究

    Research of develop in manufacturing automatization

  8. 介绍了制造业自动化仓储物流系统的总体组成,提出了基于以太网的可扩展物流控制系统的设计方法;

    The design strategy of Automatic warehouse system and its extensible control system based on Ethernet are given .

  9. 随着制造业自动化程度的不断提高,机械故障诊断技术的重要性越来越明显。

    Along with the continuous improvement of manufacturing industry , the importance of the mechanical fault diagnosis technology is more and more obvious .

  10. 展会同期还举办了工业自动化高峰论坛及技术讲座,来自各地的业内人士在论坛上了解了制造业自动化的发展状况。

    Meanwhile , an industrial automation summit forum and a series of technical lectures were held to introduce the automation development in manufacture industry .

  11. 制造业自动化工程研究中心先进制造技术试验室信息集成与调度技术的研究

    The Techniques of Information Integration and Scheduling for Advanced Manufacturing Technology Laboratory of National Engineering Research & Technology Centre ( ERC_AMT_LAB ) for Manufacturing Automation

  12. 实现排样自动化,将有利于节省提高劳动效率和资源利用率,保证制造业自动化的良好实现。

    To realize the automation of packing will be helpful to increase efficiency of labor and utilization of materials and to realize the automation of manufacturing .

  13. 随着计算机控制技术、信息技术的应用和发展,中国的加工制造业自动化控制水平得到了飞速发展。

    With the application and development of the computer control technology , the information technology , the standard of the automation control of the manufacturing have been developed rapidly .

  14. 运动控制技术是推动制造业自动化前进的旋律,开放式运动控制器是实现信息处理与运动轨迹控制相结合的关键。

    The technology of movement controlling can promote the automation of manufactruing industry . Open movement controller is the key to combination of information processing and movement locus controlling .

  15. 广泛应用于制造业自动化、流程工业自动化、楼宇、交通、冶金、水利、电力等自动化领域。

    It is broadly used in manufacturing automation , flow industry automation , building automation , traffic , metallurgy , irrigation projects , electric power and many automation fields .

  16. 数控技术是制造业实现自动化、柔性化、集成化生产的基础,也是现代CAD/CAM、FMS、CIMS等技术的基础。

    NC technology is the manufacturing automation , flexible and integrated production base of the tomb , but also modern CAD / CAM , FMS , CIMS technology foundation .

  17. 随着计算机技术、自动化技术以及信息技术的发展,机械制造业的自动化、智能化水平的提高,陆续出现了CNC、FMS、CIMS等许多先进制造技术与系统。

    With the development of technology of computer , automation and information , and the automation of mechanism manufacturing and the improvement of the level of intelligent , many advanced manufacturing technology and systems such as CNC , FMS and CIMS come forth .

  18. 智能压力监控仪不仅能满足TOX冲压机监控、管理和通信的要求,也可作为通用压力检测设备而应用在机械加工制造业及自动化生产线中。

    It not only can meet the needs of the TOX punch ( press monitoring , the management and the communication requesting ), but also could be applied to the machine-finishing manufacturing industry and the automatic production line as the general pressure detector .

  19. 是制造业实现自动化、柔性化、集成化生产的基础;

    Is manufacturing automation , flexibility , integration of the production of the foundation ;

  20. 随着现代机械制造业向着自动化、集成化、智能化的先进制造模式方向的发展,实现理想切削加工过程的一个主要问题是切屑控制问题。

    With contemporary machinery manufacturing converting to automatic , integrated and integrated and intelligent advanced manufacture mode , chip control is crucial in order to realize ideal mechanical manufacture process .

  21. 随着科学技术的进步,制造业中自动化和信息化程度越来越高,客户对产品的需求逐渐呈现出个性化的趋势。

    With the scientific and technological progress , automation and informatization become more and more in manufacturing enterprises , customer demand for products is showing a gradual trend of personalization .

  22. 机器人技术作为制造业以及自动化产业的尖端技术,在帮助企业提高生产水平,降低工人劳动强度,提高重复加工精度等方面都有优异表现。

    As one of the cutting-edge technologies used in manufacturing industry and automation industry , the robot technology has demonstrated outstanding performance in improving the level of productivity , reducing the labor intensity , improving repeat machining accuracy , and so on .

  23. 目前,国内制造业的自动化需求不断提升,工业机器人技术、视觉伺服技术和气动技术等随之发展日益成熟,越来越多的自动化生产设备将这些技术应用其中。

    In China , with the constant improvement of the automation demand in domestic manufacturing , the industrial robot technology , visual servo technology , and pneumatic technology have been getting more mature . Naturally , these technologies have been applied widely into automated production equipment .

  24. 通过仿真,得到同一系统不同配置下的性能指标,以此为依据实现对资源的优化配置,这对制造业中自动化生产车间建设起到良好的指导作用。

    Using simulation methods , we can calculate the performance index under the condition of different system configurations . Then we can use the performance index as a basis to optimize the resource allocation . It will play a good guidance role in manufacturing automation production workshop .

  25. 第二个因素是将先进的工业自动化引入了制造业和其他自动化流程。

    The2nd pivotal factor is the infusion of advanced industrial automation into manufacturing and other automated processes .

  26. 数控技术对制造业实现柔性自动化、集成化、智能化起着举足轻重的作用。

    Numerical control technology plays an important role to achieve flexible automation , integration , intelligence in manufacturing .

  27. 工作流的概念起源于生产制造业与办公自动化领域。

    The conception of workflow is come from the domain of produce and OA ( Office Automation ) .

  28. 随着制造业企业生产自动化程度和现代化程度的不断提高,现代制造企业对设备的要求和依赖性越来越高。

    With the automation and modernization of the modern manufacturing company , the productions become more and more dependence on the equipments .

  29. 我司服务领域涉及机械制造业、工厂自动化、电器、手机、连接器、医疗等。

    Our range of service includes machine manufacturing , plant automation , electrical appliance , mobile phone , connector and medical treatment , etc.

  30. 工业机器人是现代制造业的重要自动化装备,广泛用于汽车整车、工程机械、电力等众多行业。

    The industrial robot is an important automation equipment of modern manufacturing , andis widely used in automobile , engineering machinery , electricity and many other industries .