
zhì fāng
  • prescription formulating
制方[zhì fāng]
  1. 该软件在设计上也许不经意之间犯了一个小失误,也就是会让反制方比较方便找到黑客的真实IP地址。

    The software 's design also inadvertently included a way for the reverse attacker to find the hacker 's real IP address , Eriksson said .

  2. 《医学衷中参西录》制方规律研究

    Rules in Prescriptions of Intergrating chinese and western medicine

  3. 方法对代表著作《医学衷中参西录》自拟方进行总结分析,探讨其制方规律。

    Methods Analysis and conclusion were made on prescriptions in Intergratlng Chinese and Western Mediclne to find its rules .

  4. 总的来说,调理脏腑并活血祛瘀则是制方的共通要点。

    Generally speaking , it makes the square main point applicable to all to recuperate the internal organs and invigorate blood circulation to dispel the silt .

  5. 结果方中诸药分类符合中医制方理论;选择大黄、当归、麻仁、熟地和升麻为生产中间体和产品质量控制主要指标较合理。

    It was relatively rational that rhubarb , red ochre , Chinese angelica , cimicifuga rhizome and liquorice were selected to control production intermediate and preparation quality .

  6. 这种补益而不滋腻、调中以运四旁的制方思路和治疗思路,为后世补土学派的发展奠定了坚实的基础,同时也为其治疗开创了新的思路。

    This benefit without AIDS greasy , tune in to the system of party ideas and its treatment shipped all around , and laid a solid foundation for later the putty school development , but also for its treatment and created a new way of thinking . 3 .

  7. 水热制备方沸石和方钠石共构空心球

    Hydrothermal synthesis of hollow spheres co-constructed by analcime and sodalite

  8. 对纳米磁流体的制备方进行了评价,着重介绍了国内外纳米磁流体在癌症治疗中的应用研究进展。

    The research progress of the nanoparticle magnetic fluid and applications in the cancer therapy both home and abroad were reviewed .

  9. 木堡是基本城堡防御设施,但仍然无法抵御长期进攻,只能视之为临时堡垒,需进一步加固为石制城堡方可大用。

    Wooden Castle serves as a basic strongpoint but it should not be thought of as a long-term defence , rather as a stop-gap until more funds are available for an imposing stone bastion .

  10. 提高实体车制保持架方兜孔加工精度的研究

    Study on improving machining accuracy of square pocket of solid turned cage

  11. 精密挤压(拔制)圆角方型材等相似成形模具映射建模优化

    Mapping and modeling optimization on similar shaped die of precision extruding / drawing arc square products

  12. 五服之制下,九方有序。

    Wufu system was under the nine squares orderly .

  13. 本文从实际应用角度介绍了钢制板式散热器在世方豪庭项目成功使用的经验。

    From a view of practical application , this article introduces the successful experience of using steel panelradiators in the Century Hill project .

  14. 在溶剂热条件下,制备了六方纳米晶镍,并研究了镍的六方和立方晶形转变规律,发现不同的反应条件诸如反应温度、反应时间、有机溶剂等影响镍的晶形转变。

    Different reaction condition such as temperature , time and organic solvent have large effect on crystal phase transition of nickel , from face-center cubic ( fcc ) phase to hcp phase .

  15. 自我国推行工程监理制以来,监理方在工程建设中发挥了重要作用,有效避免了许多重大责任事故的发生,提高了工程项目的建设水平。

    Since our country pursued the constructional supervision system , supervisor has played an important role in construction projects . Now , it has effectively avoided the emergence of a lot of serious liability accidents , and has improved the level of projects .

  16. 而内部审计的发展必须适应由工厂制企业到转变后的公司制企业集团,方能在行业大集团化的背景下履行好内部审计的使命。

    The development of the internal audit system must adapt to the corporate enterprise groups after they change from the factory companies , which make them fulfill their mission well on the ground of industries being groups .