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bié hào
  • alias
别号 [bié hào]
  • [alias] 名和字以外另起的名号或称号

  • 苏轼字 子瞻,别号 东坡居士

别号[bié hào]
  1. 博主李健敏,别号“布朗先生”


  2. 从前有个希腊画家叫欧风里翁,别人给了他个别号,叫唇画家。

    There was a Greek painter named Euphorion , who was surnamed the painter of the lips .

  3. 室名别号所蕴含的意象,往往是文人毕生精神的寄托。

    The image embodied in these names is usually the spirit which the literati pursues in their whole life .

  4. 表达自我的方式:室名别号与文人心态解读&兼以徐渭为例

    An Expressing Fashion : the Relationship between Study 's Names , Nicknames and the Literati 's Psychology & Taking Xu Wei as an Example

  5. 文人有意识地为自己取室名别号是一个编码过程,读者解读室名别号则是一个解码过程。

    It is an encoding process for the literati to have study 's name or nickname consciously , but a decoding process for the reader to interpret them .

  6. 英俊的外表和吉卜赛风格的穿着让他迅速走红,他的大批粉丝称其为“中国最帅气的流浪汉”,而叫得最多的别号还是“犀利哥”。

    His prominent cheekbones and bohemian clothes quickly won him a legion of fans who called him " China 's Sexiest Tramp " and , most often ," Brother Sharp " .

  7. 一八二一年初,各地报纸都刊出了迪涅主教,“别号卞福汝大人”,米里哀先生逝世的消息。他是在八十二岁的高龄入圣的。

    At the beginning of1820 the newspapers announced the death of M.Myriel , Bishop of D & , surnamed " Monseigneur Bienvenu ," who had died in the odor of sanctity at the age of eighty-two .