
  • 网络Libyan War;Libya war
  1. 纵观近年发生的局部战争如利比亚战争,战争的局势往往是从防空开始改变的。

    Throughout the local wars happened in recent years such as Libya war , we know that war situation is usually decided by air defense began .

  2. 第一集同样也论述和证明:美军为什么几次对科索沃、海湾战争、伊拉克、阿富汗、利比亚战争中,潇潇洒洒的取得战争胜利,频频得手。

    The first episode also demonstrated several times : why the U.of Kosovo , the Gulf War , Iraq , Afghanistan , the Libya war , Xiaoxiao 's victory in the war , again and again procurable .

  3. 比利时人在2011年的利比亚战争中表现不俗。

    The Belgians distinguished themselves in the Libyan campaign of 2011 .

  4. 奥巴马政府显然不愿卷入利比亚战争。

    The Obama administration was clearly reluctant to get involved in Libya .

  5. 伊战是一场复仇战争,与利比亚战争不可同日而语。

    The Iraq war was a war of revenge – no comparison with the Libyan war .

  6. 利比亚战争拖延如此之长让人意外,不过这是双方采用战术导致的结果。

    The surprising length of the Libya campaign is a result of tactics employed on both sides .

  7. 利比亚战争表明,一是美国的“新型战法”取得成功;

    Libya is the United States war show , a " new tactics " success ; two for NATO in U.

  8. 张昂希望学校能邀请一些专家向学生们谈谈时事,比如利比亚战争。

    Zhang wants her school to invite experts to explain current affairs to them , for example , the war in Libya .

  9. 联军恐怕不会改变先前公开宣布的立场,即消灭利比亚战争领袖没有列入其空袭的目标清单。

    The coalition will not change its declared position that killing the Libyan war leader is not on its list of objectives .

  10. 北约大使已经在其一个日常工作会议会晤,试图就联盟应该在对利比亚战争中扮演什么角色的问题达成共识。

    Nato ambassadors have been meeting on a daily basis to try to agree on the role the alliance should play in Libya .

  11. 今天,我们在这里宣布对利比亚战争合宪性的法院诉讼。

    We are here today to announce the filing incredible court of a lawsuit that challenges the constitutionality of the war against Libya .

  12. 但是在西方外交家看来,利比亚战争结束以后,有些盟国却更多地参与到利比亚事务之中,并没有脱身而去。

    However , since the fighting ceased some allies have become more involved in Libyan affairs , not less , according to Western diplomats .

  13. 但是在国内,美国战事中规模最小的利比亚战争却开始成为最令人头疼的问题。

    At home , however , the least costly of America 's wars , the one in Libya , is turning into a serious headache .

  14. 自利比亚战争打响以来,英法关系战胜了无数动荡骚乱的考验,这主要归功于法国总统萨科齐英明的实用主义政策。

    Since the Libyan campaign began , the relationship has survived considerable turbulence , in large part due to the remarkable pragmatism of the French president , Nicolas Sarkozy .

  15. 当我读到即使是发生了阿富汗、利比亚战争,中国仍已成为欧盟最大的贸易伙伴时,我做了一个研究来验证他的结论。

    When I learned that China had become the biggest trading partner for the EU despite the wars in Afghanistan and Libya , I did research that corroborated his claim .

  16. 为什么北约支出利比亚战争,但是不给叙利亚提供帮助,我不明白,也许利比亚是他们容易得到利益目标。

    Why is NATO supporting the Libya uprising , but not offering the same support in Syria ? I don 't get it or maybe Libya is just an easy target .

  17. 但迄今为止一直没有议会起义,舆论勉强接受卡梅伦首相的坚持&利比亚战争是“必要的,合法的和正确的”。

    But to date there have been no parliamentary rebellions , and public opinion has grudgingly accepted Mr Cameron 's insistence that the Libyan campaign is " necessary , legal and right " .

  18. (利比亚战争的一个显著特点是,持续数月的轰炸并没有酿成令人震惊的悲剧,造成大量平民死亡,否则干预行动得到的支持可能会迅速减少。)

    ( One striking feature of the Libyan war was that months of bombing did not produce the kind of shocking tragedy , involving scores of civilian deaths , that might swiftly have reduced support for intervention . )

  19. 游客们已经被吓跑,而突尼斯尤其承受了利比亚战争的压力打开国门,接纳了近15万名出逃的利比亚人,以及20万其他国籍的难民。

    Tourists have been scared away , and especially Tunisia has felt the strains of the war in Libya it has opened its doors to almost 150000 fleeing Libyans , and some 2 00000 additional refugees of other nationalities .

  20. 五角大楼发布声明表示,美国依据利比亚境外战争的相关法律逮捕了该嫌犯。

    A statement from the Pentagon said he 's been detained under the law of war outside of Libya .

  21. 利比亚的战争已经使该国中部地区的沿海城市遭受严重破坏,不过反政府武装控制的东部一些地区,人们的生活已经处于某种程度的平静,但平静中却透着不安。

    The fighting in Libya has devastated coastal cities in the central part of the country , but life in parts of the rebel-controlled east has settled into some measure of uneasy calm .

  22. 然后是今年,埃及和土耳其爆发革命,欧元区出现更多的金融事件,利比亚发生战争;当然,还有日本可怕的地震、海啸和核危机。

    And this year there have been revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia , more financial dramas in the eurozone , war in Libya ; and , of course , a terrible earthquake , tsunami and nuclear crisis in Japan .

  23. 如果我现在看了这个病人,就将引发巴基斯坦和利比亚之间的战争!

    If I see this patient right now , there will be a war between Pakistan and Libya !

  24. 他告诉联合国安理会,他又证据表明利比亚政府犯有战争罪。

    He told the United Nations Security Council that he has evidence Libya 's government committed war crimes .

  25. 另一方面,尽管萨科齐和卡梅伦两人都表示,犯了罪的人应当被绳之以法,但是与此同时,英法两国领导人强烈敦促利比亚人在从战争转向和平的过程中,以宽容为怀。

    And while both leaders said those who committed crimes should be brought to justice , they urged forgiveness as the country moves from war to peace .

  26. 此次行动的目的是在利比亚上空设立禁飞区,以保护利比亚平民不受战争的危害。

    The operation 's goal is to enforce a no-fly zone over Libya and to protect that country 's civilians from the fighting .

  27. 洛杉矶时代杂志的记者卡罗琳·科尔在去利比亚执行拍摄任务的时候抓拍到了上图那令人震惊的一幕,揭露了利比亚战争巨大的破坏性影响。

    Los Angeles Times photographer Carolyn Cole took this terrifying photo during her assignment in Liberia . It shows the devastating effects of the Liberian Civil War .