
  • 网络libyan
  1. 洛蒂托意图加强和利比亚人小卡扎菲的关系。

    Claudio Lotito has the intention of strengthening his relationship with Libyan Saadi gheddafi .

  2. 正如一个利比亚人所说的:“我人生第一次有希望看到四十多年的噩梦快要完毕了。”

    As one Libyan said ," For the first time we finally have hope that our nightmare of40 years will soon be over . "

  3. 周一NTC发表声明称,它已为在突尼斯疗伤的利比亚人支付了数以十万计美元的医疗费。

    The NTC issued a statement on Monday saying it had released hundreds of thousands of dollars to help cover the hospital bills of injured Libyans undergoing treatment in Tunisia .

  4. Mohammedal-HadiBin-Noba说,许多利比亚人还没有真正明白他们究竟在选举什么,但是他说,在某种程度上这并不重要:

    Mohammed al-Hadi bin-Noba says many Libyans don 't really understand what they are voting for . But he says in a way that doesn 't matter :

  5. 我敢肯定利比亚人爱死他了(反讽)。

    I 'm sure Libyans really love him ( sarc ) .

  6. 一个利比亚人说,意大利人从前的行为很残忍。

    A man says the behavior of Italians was cruel .

  7. 大部分利比亚人的教育和工作前景还十分惨淡。

    Education and employment prospects for most Liberians remain poor .

  8. 身处战火中的利比亚人也应得到点名的邀请。

    Libyans on the ground should be invited to propose names too .

  9. 罗伯茨表示,许多利比亚人也不再相信检察官们的故事了。

    According to Roberts , many Libyans do not believe the prosecutors'story anymore .

  10. 这些媒体先锋们指出,利比亚人懂得他们一直以来为什么而战。

    These media pioneers say Libyans understand what they have been fighting against .

  11. 对利比亚人来说,地雷不是什么新问题。

    For Libyans , the problem is not new .

  12. 与此同时,利比亚人仍旧地逃往欧洲,这引发了另一场人道危机。

    Meanwhile , Libyans continue to flee toward Europe , creating another humanitarian crisis .

  13. 利比亚人与家人逃离冲突,穿过边境进入尼日尔。

    Libyans fleeing the conflict with their families and crossing the border into Niger .

  14. 问题3:关于那个利比亚人,这篇新闻报道是怎么描述的?

    Question 3 : What does the news report say about the Libyan man ?

  15. 正如在叛乱中一样,繁重的任务还是将由利比亚人自己完成。

    As during the revolt , most heavy lifting now will be done by Libyans .

  16. 问题25.利比亚人比英国人更能忍受疼痛的原因是什么?

    Question 25 . What makes Libyan men more tolerant about pain than British men ?

  17. 不过,有些利比亚人认为他更像是个外国人,太美国化了。

    But some Libyans believe he is too much of an outsider , too American .

  18. 每日电讯报的网站上登出了利比亚人检查飞机残骸的照片。

    The Telegraph web site showed local Libyans inspecting the charred wreckage of the plane .

  19. 但是很多经历了意大利统治的利比亚人发现很难忘记。

    But many Libyans who lived under Italy 's domination find it difficult to forget .

  20. 她说,瞧瞧他一头卷发,天生一副利比亚人的模样。

    With his curls , she says , he would fit into many a Libyan synagogue .

  21. 利比亚人对前领导人卡扎非及其支持者有可能逃跑进行迅速的谴责。

    Libyans were quick to condemn any possible escape of their former leader or his supporters .

  22. 利比亚人想要看到他们的前领导人及其周围的人在国内接受司法审判。

    Citizens want to see their former leader and those around him facing justice at home .

  23. 来自西北的利比亚人,来自南面的埃塞俄比亚人,以及来自东北的阿细里亚人都相继攻入了埃及。

    Libyans came from the northwest , Ethiopians from the south , and Assyrians from the northeast .

  24. 利比亚人要自己推翻卡扎菲的统治,这对该国长期而艰难的重建工作很关键。

    It is vital for the lengthy and difficult reconstruction of Libya that Libyans themselves depose Colonel Qaddafi .

  25. 的黎波里喜气洋洋的利比亚人涌入广场,他们高呼着口号,挥舞着新的利比亚国旗。

    Libyans poured into public squares like this one in Tripoli , and waving the new Libyan flag .

  26. 这位英国最严重恐怖主义事件的制造者被释放的消息激起了美国方面的抗议,但很多利比亚人却对此感到高兴。

    The release of the man convicted of the worst terrorist atrocity in the U.K.elicited protests in the U.

  27. 他还称生活在西部城市的利比亚人必须得到决定自己命运的自由。

    He also said Libyans living in western cities must be given the freedom to determine their fate .

  28. 实验发现,这种性别差异在利比亚人和英国人之间更为明显。

    The research found that these gender differences were stronger in the Libyan students than the British ones .

  29. 年轻的利比亚人目睹了突尼斯与埃及的革命狂热,也想趁机利用世界的关注。

    Catching revolution fever after Tunisia and Egypt , young Libyans took advantage of the world 's eyeballs .

  30. 如全国过渡委员会领导层已明确表示的那样,所有利比亚人的权利都必须获得尊重。

    As the leadership of the TNC has made clear , the rights of all Libyans must be respected .