
  • 网络start-up stage;early stage;start-up period;infancy
  1. 然后运用层次分析法和模糊综合评价法对初创期高新技术企业进行价值评估,最后选取初创期高新技术企业H公司,通过实际案例证明该模型的适用性及可操作性。

    Then use AHP and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method on the value assessment of the start-up stage high-tech enterprise , finally choose the start-up stage high-tech enterprise H Corporation to show the applicability and operability of the model through actual case .

  2. 高新技术企业初创期组织学习机制研究

    Organizational learning mechanism of high-tech enterprise in start-up stage

  3. 此外,论文还提出了CG公司初创期战略实施的保障措施。

    Furthermore , this paper advises some safeguard measures on the initial period of the newly-established firm .

  4. 创新基金推动宁夏初创期企业技术创新的实证

    Demonstration of promotion from innovation fund on Ningxia new-born technology-based firm

  5. 初创期新诗形式的两种发展趋势

    Two Tendencies in Developing the Form of the Earliest Modern Poetry

  6. 中华学的初创期包括酝酿、提出和起步三个阶段。

    It includes three phases : gestation , proposal and development .

  7. 处于初创期的我国企业集团财务战略的定位与实施

    The Financial Strategy Orientation And Implementation of Primary Chinese Enterprise Groups

  8. 中小知识型服务企业初创期产品化风险

    Middle & Small Knowledge-Based Service Enterprises Product Development Risk in Initial Stage

  9. 具体来看,第一章初创期。

    Concretely , chapter one demonstrates the newly establishing period .

  10. 初创期企业的组织职业生涯管理

    Organizational career management in the initial stage of an enterprise

  11. 在民族国家与文学之间&初创期的现实主义批评话语

    Between Nation-state and Literature & The Beginning of Realism Discourse

  12. 初创期高技术企业绩效评价方法研究

    The Study on Performance Appraises of the High-tech Start-ups

  13. 中华学的初创期及其研究进展

    The study of the Chinese nation and its research advance at initial stage

  14. 20世纪上半期是中国考古学的初创期,对这段学术史的研究具有非常重要的意义。

    The chinese archaeology was originated in the first middle period of the20th century .

  15. 初创期的研究以激烈的文化批判和社会批判为主要特征;

    In the first phase the study mainly focused on the criticism of culture society .

  16. 而这种不对称,是由初创期高科技企业的高风险性、技术的不确定性和创新性所决定的。

    Yet the asymmetry is generated by start-up companies'high risks , technological uncertainty and creativity .

  17. 在企业初创期,社会关系网络和市场网络对企业创业成功的影响更显著。

    In the embryonic phase , social network and marketing network affect firm success visibly .

  18. 十七年是少数民族题材电影的初创期和黄金期。

    Seventeen - year is gold issue and the newly established issue of minority subject film .

  19. 第二,整合性新式标点初创期。1920-1951。

    The second , preparatory initiating period of the integrated new type punctuation ( 1920-1951 ) .

  20. 初创期中小寿险公司绩效评价体系研究

    The Study on Performance Evaluation System of the Small and Medium-sized Life Insurance Companies in the Start-up Periods

  21. 第二章探究热闹童话的初创期&以张天翼为开创者进行说明。

    Chapter 2 is to probe the beginning period of our joyful tales which has initiated by Zhang tianyi .

  22. 家族制管理在家族企业初创期,有其相对的优势,但其不利于家族企业成长。

    The familial management has its own relative advantages , but it will hinder the growth of familial enterprises .

  23. 成长期企业捐赠资源的异质性要高于初创期、成熟期企业。

    And the companies in growing stage have more heterogeneity than the companies in baby stage or mature stage .

  24. 在经过十多年的发展后,目前整体课程仍处于理论初创期。

    After more than ten years development , the holistic curriculum is undergoing the period of theoretical formation now .

  25. 美国学校音乐教育的发展可分为发韧期、初创期、建设期、发展期、改革期。

    School music education in American be divided into Infancy period , start-up , construction , development and reform period .

  26. 初论中国风景名胜区制度初创期的特点与历史局限

    Preliminary Study on the Characteristics and the Historical Limitations of the Chinese National Scenic Area System in Its Early Period

  27. 许多发达国家经验表明,天使投资是初创期科技型企业融资的最佳途径。

    Many developed countries experience shows that angel investment is their initial science and technology enterprise financing the best way .

  28. 第一章主要讨论新时期女性主义文学批评初创期的特点及其这种特点产生的原因。

    Chapter One introduces the features of contemporary feminism at its early stage and reasons for the formation of the features .

  29. 该基金旨在将初创期孵化与种子基金结合起来,中国目前尚不存在这种商业模式。

    The fund intends to combine early-stage incubation and seed money a business model that does not yet exist in China .

  30. 然而根据如下语言现实:(1)语言符号的初创期并非完全任意;

    However , based on the following linguistic facts : ( 1 ) incomplete arbitrariness in the initial stage of linguistic sign ;