
  • 网络Lily Lau;LILY;Lily Low;LILY LIU DARR
  1. 在接受采访时,刘莉莉表示,她所处理过的申请大多来自美国公民。

    Liu said that most applications she dealt with were from American citizens .

  2. 高乐和刘莉莉都选择带着这份自信来参加即兴表演考试。

    Both Cao and Liu chose to take this confidence into the improvised acting test .

  3. 刘莉莉说,绿卡持有者享受和中国公民相同的权利和义务。

    Liu said that Green card holders have the same rights and responsibilities as Chinese citizens .

  4. 刘莉莉说,早在绿卡制度正式实施前,政府就允许年老者归国居住。

    Liu said the authorities had been granting residence to returning senior citizens for some time before the Green Card system was formally launched .

  5. 如今,由于绿卡需求不断增长,刘莉莉表示,相关部门正考虑在不降低要求的基础上拓宽申请者范围,让更多人拥有绿卡。不过,她没有透露更多细节。

    To meet increasing demand , the authorities are considering making the Green Card more available by broadening the range of applicants without lowering the requirements , said Liu , but she gave no further details .