
  1. 刘永好表示,中国大部分地区并未出现房地产泡沫。

    Mr Liu said most of China was not experiencing a property bubble .

  2. 刘永好正在将他的创业精力投入到建设一家单一的、垂直整合的全国饲料业务中。

    Mr Liu is now putting his entrepreneurial energy into building a single , vertically integrated national feed business .

  3. 刘永好不仅卖饲料,他还想控制从种畜到肉类加工的全过程。

    Instead of just selling feed , Mr Liu wants to control the whole process , from breeding stocks to product processing .

  4. 新希望集团董事长刘永好表示,新希望将通过发展生产来帮助灾区企业和人民重新站起来。

    Liu Yong of president of new hope group is good express , new hope will help disaster area enterprise and people regain one 's feet come through expanding production .

  5. 刘永好经营新希望集团,投资饲料产业和银行业。今年十月他以22亿美元的净资产排在中国富豪榜的第四位。

    Yonghao , who runs New Hope was listed in October at No.4 on the list of China 's richest , with a net worth of $ 2.2 billion and holdings in real estate , feed and banking .

  6. 刘永好指出,以国内农业为例,目前猪、禽等养殖产业仍依赖于进口,研究养殖新品种将能减少对外国的依赖并增加利润。

    The domestic farming industry , for example , still depends on overseas imports in terms of breeding animals including pigs and poultry , and research on new breeding varieties could reduce external reliance and boost profitability , Liu said .

  7. 全国政协委员、农业巨头新希望集团董事长刘永好表示,国家应加快支持企业升级以应对制约其发展的瓶颈。

    The country should move faster to support the upgrade of companies so that they can tackle the bottlenecks constraining their growth , said Liu Yonghao , chairman of China 's agricultural conglomerate New Hope Group and a national political adviser .

  8. 刘永好认为,出于与近期中国乃至全球食品通胀不相干的原因,中国农业成本将会继续上升,以便与城市工资水平竞争,并转化为更高的物价水平。

    Quite apart from recent food inflation in China and more recently around the world , Mr Liu says , farm costs at home will continue to rise , in order to compete with urban wages , and will translate into higher prices .