
  • 网络distribution law;Distribution,Law of
  1. 对东北东部山地的19年生樟子松人工林的降雨分配规律进行了2a的观测。

    The precipitation 's distribution law of the 19-year Scots pine plantation was observed in the east of the Northeast Hills for two years .

  2. 第三,研究了高新技术企业RD投资的显著特点和发展趋势,RD投资资金的分配规律及在实践中应注意的问题。

    Third , the paper studied notable characteristic and the development trend of high and new technology enterprise R D investment , the distribution law of R D 's investment fund and the problem should paid attention to in the practice .

  3. 山葡萄~(14)C同化产物运转分配规律的研究

    Study on the retranslocation of accumulated ~ ( 14 ) C-assimilates of Vitis Amurensis Rupr

  4. 论按知识分配规律关于{x/n}的分布

    According to the X. On the Law of Distribution According to Knowledge

  5. 含Li的7000系铝合金空位分配规律的理论与试验研究

    Theory and Experiments of Vacancy Distribution Rule of Li-Containing 7000 Series Aluminum Alloys

  6. 西红柿对重金属Pb的吸收与分配规律

    Study on Pb Absorption , Accumulation and Distribution Pattern in Tomato

  7. 运用~(15)N示踪技术研究了麦棉套种条件下棉麦氮素吸收和运转分配规律。

    Using 15 N tracer technique , the N utilization and distribution of interplanted wheat with cotton were studied .

  8. 大厂花岗岩Sn,Cu,Zn的分配规律及成矿性评价

    Distribution of Sn , Cu , Zn and Ability of Mineralization of Granite in Dachang

  9. 利用~(32)P研究草莓对磷元素的吸收分配规律

    The Use of Radioisotope ~ ( 32 ) P in Detecting the Uptake , Transmission and Distribution of Phosphorous in Strawberry Plants during a Year 's Cycle

  10. 计算和推测所得到的冷却空气参数和分配规律与燃机净功率以及ISO温度基本吻合。

    The results are proved to be consistent with the known net power output and ISO temperature of the gas turbine .

  11. 主要内容包括与土壤流失关系密切的降雨量(P)、降雨强度(I)等降雨特征参数的等级划分和时间分配规律;

    The study calculated rainfall character in relation with soil erosion such as precipitation ( P ), rainfall intensity ( I ) and so on . Their class differentiation and time distribution regular were studied ;

  12. 本研究运用同位素~(15)N示踪技术,着重研究了水稻秧苗移栽前施肥,秧苗对N素的吸收动态、运转与分配规律以及对N素的利用;

    Dynamic of N uptake as well as N translocation , distribution and recovery rate in rice seedlings before transplanting , were studied by means of ~ ( 15 ) N tracer technique .

  13. 兰脐性状受多对基因控制,F2代籽粒脐色分离符合独立分配规律。

    The blue hilum character is controlled by pairs of genes . The segregational proportion of the hilum colour of the seeds in the F2 generation is in accordance with the law of independent assortment .

  14. 二者的计算结果表明:Cox剪滞法理论和有限元计算对SFRC内应力传递和分配规律的体现基本上是相同的。

    The results of both calculation show that : Cox shear-lag theory are fairly similar to finite-element calculation when they were applied to stress - transfer and distribution law of SFRC .

  15. 均匀化处理过程中Waspaloy合金铸锭中元素分配规律的研究

    Investigation on Elements Distribution in Waspaloy Alloy Ingot during Homogenization

  16. 在苗圃内进行了2a的重复施肥实验,研究了N、P、K施肥对红松(PinusKoraiensis)和落叶松(Larixgmelinii)苗木各器官养分分配规律和产量的影响。

    The effects of N , P , K fertilization on nutrient distributions of root , stem and leaf for Korean pine ( Pinus koraiensis ) and larch ( Larix gmelinii ) seedlings were studied through 2-year repeat experiment in nursery .

  17. 结果表明,模型预测值与实验值较吻合,该模型能较好地反映klebsiellaoxytoca发酵产2,3-丁二醇过程中葡萄糖碳流的分配规律,对利用溶氧合理控制代谢流分布具有一定的指导意义。

    So the model could reflect the rule of glucose carbon flux distribution and thus guide the metabolic flux controlling based on the oxygen transfer rate during the fermentative production of 2,3-butanediol by Klebsiella oxytoca .

  18. 通过对加氢裂化及其尾油的蒸汽裂解工艺的氢平衡计算及氢分配规律的探讨,证明HC(MHC)-SCR工艺的氢分配比较合理,得到了较好的利用。

    By calculating hydrogen balance and studying the rule of hydrogen distribution in hydrocracking and steam cracking of the resulting tail oil , it can be proved that the hydrogen in the process of HC ( MHC ) SCR is reasonably distributed and well utilized .

  19. 采集补正实验的数据,运用SPSS统计软件进行统计分析,根据数据分析结果归纳了省量的分配规律,并绘制东华原型的拓展结构图。

    Then make the fitting tests of sample garment , collect the experimental datas ; statistical analyses by the SPSS statistical software . Summarizes the allocation of darts proportion rule based on the data analysis ' results , the development structure of donghua basic block was established . 5 .

  20. 在结构&性能研究部分,本文首次采用有限元计算对SFRC内应力传递和分配规律进行了分析,同时把Cox剪滞法理论引入到SFRC研究中作为其应力传递模型。

    In the structure-property research portion , finite-element calculation was employed to analysis the stress - transfer and distribution law of SFRC . In the meantime the theory of Cox shear - lag was introduced to SFRC research and used as its model of stress - transfer .

  21. 结果表明:同源三倍体SAR-3花粉母细胞减数分裂中期染色体形成单价体、二价体和三价体;后期染色体分离遵守随机分配规律,但有一定比例整倍性二分体出现;

    The results showed that the univalent , bivalent and trivalent were observed at metaphase ⅰ, but the chromosome segregation was random at anaphase ⅰ .

  22. 洋葱氮、磷、钾养分吸收与分配规律的研究

    Absorption and distribution of nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium in onion

  23. 芋对氮磷钾吸收分配规律的研究

    Absorption and distribution of nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium in taro

  24. 棉花各器官干物质分配规律的数学模型

    Mathematical Models of Cotton Dry Matter Distribution Ratio in Different Organs

  25. 马铃薯钾素的吸收、积累和分配规律

    The patterns of potassium absorption , accumulation and distribution in potato

  26. 直接还原竖炉内磷反应机理与分配规律

    Reaction mechanism and rules of phosphorus in Dr shaft funace

  27. 油橄榄树体结构与太阳辐射能分配规律的研究

    Common olive : tree framework vs distribution of solar energy

  28. 不同季节温室黄瓜硼的吸收与分配规律研究

    Effects of Different Season on Boron Uptake and Distribution of Greenhouse Cucumber

  29. 熔融气化炉内硫的反应机理与分配规律

    Reaction mechanism and DISTRIBUTlON rules of sulfur in Melting Gasifier

  30. 大容量锅炉水冷壁系统流量分配规律的研究

    Flow distribution of steam-water in the water-wall of large boilers