
fēn pèi zhènɡ yì
  • distributive justice
  1. 看得见的正义&行为经济学的分配正义研究

    Perceived Justice : The Studies of Distributive Justice of Behavioral Economics

  2. 诺齐克的分配正义不以任何原则为标准。

    Nozick has refuted all kinds of criterion in his distributive justice .

  3. 分配正义是市场经济的道德底线。

    Fair distribution is the moral base of the market economy .

  4. 确保分配正义的标准和程序是什么?

    What are the standards and procedures that ensure just distribution ?

  5. 试论先秦儒家的分配正义观

    On the Concept of Distributive Justice in Pre-Qin Confucian School

  6. 他们从不同的角度分别对分配正义作了各自的阐释。

    They each give their own explanations from different aspects .

  7. 任何分配正义原则都是应该被超越的。

    Whatever the principle of distributive justice is , it should be transcended .

  8. 对分配正义的批判:马克思与哈耶克

    The Critique of Distributive Justice : Marx and Hayek

  9. 因此,分配正义问题已成为社会各界普遍关注与探讨的焦点问题。

    Therefore , the distributive justice has become a focal problem of various fields .

  10. 同时,市场不能带来分配正义。

    At same time , market mechanism can not bring up the distribution justice .

  11. 从伦理意义上讲,分配正义是指人人平等地享有社会基本价值。

    Ethically , distribution justice means that each person enjoys the basic social values .

  12. 论社会保障制度的政治道德基础&分配正义

    The political morals foundation of the social guarantee system & the justice of distribution

  13. 分配正义是政治伦理的核心内容。

    As we know , distributive justice is the key content of political ethics .

  14. 分配正义是罗尔斯的正义理论的重要内容。

    The justice of distribution is an important content in the theories of Rawls .

  15. 亚里士多德对分配正义与平均正义的著名区分拟另作讨论。

    The famous Aristotelian distinction between distributive and corrective justice will be discussed elsewhere .

  16. 首先,在对各种各样的分配正义观进行梳理的基础上,界定了分配正义的含义。

    First , distribution justice is defined after a survey of various views about it .

  17. 正义的社会性本质决定了正义的历史性和阶级性。社会正义可以在领域上分为经济正义、政治正义、法律正义、伦理正义,在形式上主要表现分配正义和交换正义。

    The social essence of justice determines the historical character and class character of justice .

  18. 分配正义的实现

    The Realization of the Justice of Distribution

  19. 恰逢其时,对沃尔泽分配正义理论的研究既具有理论价值,又拥有现实意义。

    Now the study of Walzer 's distributive justice has both theoretical value and practical significance .

  20. 阿马蒂亚·森的分配正义观

    On Amartya Sen 's Distributive Justice

  21. 社会价值的分配正义

    On Distributive Justice of Social Values

  22. 为此,政府管理创新应能促进生产创新、结构优化和分配正义。

    Therefore , government management innovation should promote production innovation , structure optimization and distribution justice .

  23. 市场经济与分配正义

    Market economy and distributive justice

  24. 会计准则应当以公正为伦理基础,准则的公正性表现为分配正义。

    The ethic foundation of Accounting Standard must be justice , and it displayed as distributive justice .

  25. 经济制度的正义包括分配正义、交换正义和矫正的正义;

    The Justice of the economical system contains the justice of distribution of transaction and of remedy .

  26. 本文还思考了实现当代中国分配正义的其他措施。

    Besides , this paper also discusses some other measures to realize distributive justice in contemporary China .

  27. 在资本主义时代,分配正义的自由和效率价值才得到明显的提升和有效的实现。

    However , during the period of capitalism , it has been obviously promoted and effective realization .

  28. 沃尔泽分配正义研究

    Researching Walzer 's Distributive Justice

  29. 该部分讨论了反向工程是对财产权劳动学说中先决条件的满足;是实现知识产品分配正义的必然要求;是信息接近与传播的有效途径。

    It is explored that reverse engineering can meet the premise of the Labor Theory of Property Right .

  30. 其次,对我国现阶段分配正义问题进行制度分析。

    Secondly , this article attempts to analyze the current distributive justice from the angel of the system .