
  • 网络Classification System
  1. 第六章:中国罪犯分类制度的完善。

    Sixth chapters : Chinese criminal classification system improving and perfecting .

  2. 健全法规制度和公务员的职位分类制度;

    Perfect the regulation system and the civil servants position classification system ;

  3. 出口管理实行分类制度。

    Carryout the rule of classification in the management of export .

  4. 销售人员的职责:选对客户并建立分级、分类制度;

    Responsibilities of sales staff : proper selection and classification of customers ;

  5. 贷款五级分类制度的本土化考验与对策

    The Naturalizing Tests and Countermeasures of the Five-grades Judgment System of Loans

  6. 我国旅行社分类制度及其效率研究

    A Study on China 's Travel Service Classification Institution and Its Efficiency

  7. 统一化学分类制度协调小组

    Coordinating Group for the Harmonization of Chemical Classification Systems

  8. 试析《公务员法》职位分类制度的创新

    Tentative Analysis of the Innovation Concerning Post Classification System in Civil Servant Act

  9. 首要标准下改革罪犯分类制度的实践与思考

    Practice and Thought on Reforming Crime Classification System under " Prior Standard "

  10. 本部分主要探讨动物福利立法模式,动物福利分类制度。

    This section mainly discusses animal welfare legislation mode and animal welfare classification system .

  11. 我国旅行社行业分类制度成因的再探讨&对姚延波我国旅行社行业分类制度及其效率研究一文的补充研究

    Re-Investigation on Chinese Travel Service Classification Institution Industry

  12. 我国公务员政事分类制度研究

    Study on the Dichotomy of the Political and Administration Officials in China 's Civil Servant System

  13. 我国职位分类制度探析

    Analyzes Our Country Position Classification System

  14. 我国证据分类制度有四个特点:一是具有某种形式主义倾向;

    There are four characteristics for China 's evidence classification system : it has certain formalistic tendency ;

  15. 点数因素职务分类制度

    Point-factor system of job classification

  16. 建立我国公务员的职位分类制度,是完善和创新公务员制度过程中一项基础性工作。

    Establishing the position classification system is fundamental to the improvement and innovation of the Chinese civil servant system .

  17. 随着医疗机构分类制度的推行,营利性医疗机构将得到不断发展。

    With the implementing of classification system of the medical institutions , the profit making medical institutions will be improved continually .

  18. 加强服务理念,合理设置职位,健全相关法律制度,加快公务员分类制度建设等。

    Strengthen the service concept , setting reasonable positions , sound legal system , accelerate the construction of classification systemof civil servants .

  19. 旅行社的分类制度是一种至关重要的制度,它在某种程度上制约着整个旅行社业的发展。

    The classification institution of travel services is a very important institution . It restricts the overall development Of travel services in certain degree .

  20. 职位分类制度是《中华人民共和国公务员法》中最基本的制度设计之一。

    The system of position classification is one of the most basic systems designed in Civil Servant Law of the People 's Republic of China .

  21. 针对我国生活垃圾资源利用率不高的现状,应推行生活垃圾分类制度,明确垃圾分类的标准。

    View of the solid waste resource utilization is not high status of the implementation of waste classification system should be clear criteria for waste classification .

  22. 制度中的问题主要存在于公务员职位分类制度、激励制度、考核制度和培训制度等几个方面。

    The problems lying in the mechanism are mainly as follows , position classification system of civil servants , incentive system , assessment system and training system .

  23. 由此本文提出了建立完善的投资产品分级制度、建立科学的投资者分类制度、重视对适合性义务履行过程的监管等建议。

    And then , the author put forward suggestions on establishing sophisticated classification system of investment products and investors , and attaching importance to the supervision of suitability obligation performance .

  24. 商业银行从今年开始要全面实行贷款质量五级分类制度,改进信息披露。

    Beginning this year , commercial banks will implement , in an all-round way , the system of classifying the quality of loans into five grades while improving their work in release of information .

  25. 中国实行的则是结合了品位分类制度的职位分类制度,它吸收了品位分类制度和职位分类制度的优势,但自身也存在着问题。

    China is practicing the position classification system incorporated with the personnel rank classification system , which absorbs the advantage of the personnel rank classification system as well as that of the position classification system .

  26. 因此应该加快公务员薪酬管理的法制化建设、工资等级实行波段宽化及公务员薪酬货币化显现化、来设置科学的公务员职位分类制度。

    Therefore we should speed up the legal system construction of the official salary management , implement the wave band width and the official salary currency appearance to establish the advanced official position classification system .

  27. 论文对已有的涉及民办学校法人制度的大量文献资料和研究成果中进行了认真归纳,找出了目前具有法人主体资格的民办学校在法人分类制度方面、筹资制度方面、治理制度方面存在的诸多问题。

    The paper sums up plenty of literature and research about juridical person system of private school and finds out many problems in classifying system of juridical persons , funds-raising system , fathering system in private school .

  28. 最后,对公务员的职位分类制度实施的必要性进行了分析,笔者认为,在改革与实践中,应尽可能多地运用职位分类原则,坚持职位分类过渡的原则;

    Finally the author analyses the necessity for the implementation of the classification system and proposes that in the practice and reform , the principles of position classification and interim position classification should be applied as much as possible .

  29. 公务员分类制度是公务员制度本质的外在表现形式,创制于科学的公务员分类制度上的《公务员法》才能真正有助于依法行政的实现。

    The classification system of civil servants is exterior representation of its essence . Only the " Civil Servant Law " based in scientific civil servants classification system can make for true realization of " Administration by Law " .

  30. 2001年,我国商业银行的贷款分类制度以五级分类标准取代了沿用多年的一逾两呆标准。

    In 2001 , The five-grades judgment system ( FGJS ) of loan assets adopted by China 's commercial bank began to replace the " one overdue - two slacks " system which had been in use for many years .