
  • 网络analytical concentration
  1. 平衡移动法在使用中时常以反应物的分析浓度代替平衡浓度,以致引起不容忽视的误差。

    The replacement of equilibrium concentration by analytical concentration in determination of stability constants of complexes with equilibrium-shift method will lead great error .

  2. 目的:观察不同浓度重组肿瘤坏死因子α对于培养的人原代成骨细胞和人成骨细胞系HOS-8603的凋亡作用,并分析浓度效应。

    AIM : To investigate the influence of tumor necrosis factor alpha ( TNF - α) on the apoptosis of cultured human osteoblasts and osteoblast cell line HOS-8603 , and analyze the concentration-effect relationship .

  3. 基于三维荧光光谱技术的多组分分析浓度校准方法研究

    Concentration calibration of multi-component analysis based on three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy

  4. 薜荔籽果胶分子中至少含有三种单糖,为鼠李糖、甘露糖和半乳糖。(2)分析浓度和温度对薜荔籽胶流变性质的影响。

    Rhamnose , Mannose , Galactose were contained in the structure of pectin at least . ( 2 ) Effects of concentration and temperature on rheological property of pectin solutions were studied .

  5. 应用复合激光诱导荧光技术在光学发动机上测量了燃油喷雾气液两相荧光图像,提出分析浓度场分布的无量纲参数,最终获得喷雾气液相浓度场相对分布。

    The images of liquid and vaporphase of diesel spray at ultra-high injection pressure were measured by planar laser induced exciplex fluorescence technique in an optical engine . The concentration distribution of liquid-phase and vapor-phase were obtained and analyzed .

  6. ICP发射光谱分析中浓度比法的应用&人工晶体分析

    Application of the concentration ratio method in ICP atomic emission spectrometry-analysis of synthetic crystals

  7. 将该方法应用到某综合传动油液分析Fe浓度的预测中,能捕捉到其发生故障的征兆信息,具有很好的应用价值。

    The new method was applied on the Fe concentration forecast of the power-shift steering transmission , the premonition fault information was obtained .

  8. 为了分析不同浓度血清胆红素对免疫功能的影响,将60例患儿根据血清胆红素浓度分为A、B、C三组;

    In order to analyze the influence of different concentration of serum bilirubin on the immune function , we divided them into 3 groups : A , B and C ;

  9. 应用流式细胞术分析不同浓度PRL对外周血淋巴细胞中T、NK细胞的影响。

    The proportions of T , NK subsets were detected by flow cytometric analysis .

  10. 用双向凝胶电泳分析低浓度烷化剂N-甲基-N′-硝基-N-亚硝胍引起的人羊膜FL细胞蛋白质的表达差异

    Differential protein expression induced by low-concentration N-methyl-N ′ - nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine in FL cells using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis

  11. 本文报导了制做碳糊电极的方法及对苯二酚测定中当集时间、分析物浓度、底液pH等因素的影响。

    A method of making the carbon paste electrode , and the effect of variation of pH , preconcentration period , bulk concentration , and other factors upon the characteristics of the stripping currents in the determination of hydroquinone are reported .

  12. 通过细胞形态观察、油红O染色、香草醛测总脂法和考马斯亮蓝测总蛋白等方法分析不同浓度AA和DHA对大鼠前体脂肪细胞分化的影响。

    By observed cells morphologic changes , oil red o staining lipids assay , vanilline total fat and total protein assay method to detect regulation of AA and DHA on adipocytes differentiation .

  13. 采用Western-blot分析不同浓度白藜芦醇处理24h的类风湿关节炎滑膜细胞,天冬氨酸特异性半胱氨酸蛋白酶3酶原的裂解。

    Splittings of synovial cell of rheumatoid arthritis and asparagic acid specific cysteine protease-3 proenzyme treated with resveratrol in various concentrations for 24 hours were studied with Western-blot method .

  14. 分析了浓度对吸附效果的影响和10X分子筛活化后重复使用的情况。

    The effect of formaldehyde concentration and the adsorption capacity of 10X zeolite used in adsorption were also studied .

  15. 方法采用ELISA方法检测131例妇科肿瘤患者及92例健康献血员血清VEGF(S-VEGF)浓度并分析S-VEGF浓度在治疗中的变化及意义。

    Methods The S VEGF concentrations of 131 patients with gynecological tumors and 92 healthy controls were measured by ELISA to analyse the alteration and significance in the treatment .

  16. 方法运用体外细胞培养、端粒酶重复序列扩增酶联免疫吸附法(TRAPELISA)及流式细胞技术观察、分析不同浓度的紫杉醇作用72h的MCF7细胞。

    Methods By techniques of cell culture in vitro , telomeric repeat amplification protocol with ELISA ( TRAP-ELISA ) and flow-cytometry ( FCM ), MCF-7 cell line was treated by paclitaxel in various concentration for 72h .

  17. 方法:用流式细胞仪(FCM)分析不同浓度5F对HPF周期分布、免疫细胞化学法(ICH)检测5F对增殖指数Ki67抗原的影响。

    Methods : The changes of the cell cycles of HPFs were evaluated with flow cytometry ( FCM ) and the expression of Ki-67 was determined with SP method .

  18. 克隆形成实验分析不同浓度多西紫杉醇对Hela细胞生长抑制的影响,多靶单击拟合模型方程测定的各组细胞放射增敏比,评价增敏效果。

    Inhibitory effect of different concentration of docetaxel on Hela cell line growth was analyzed using clony formation test , and radiosensitizing effect through sensitizing enhancement ratio ( SER ) of different group cell line was measured with multi-target single-hit model .

  19. 分析磷酸浓度、氨用量、中和度、磷酸中的SO3含量、磷石膏带入量、磷酸中的杂质对磷酸铵产品有效养分含量的影响;

    The effects of phosphoric acid concentration , ammonia consumption , neutralization degree , SO_3 and phosphogypsum and other impurities in H_3PO_4on the available nutrients of AP are examined .

  20. 所有场的结构分析表明浓度场及Shadowgraph强度的等值线图可以很好的特征行进波的运动特性。

    The detailed structural analysis of all fields indicates that the motion property of traveling wave can well be characterized by the contour maps of concentration field and sideview shadowgraph intensities .

  21. 应用电导法测定了298K下ErCl3在水中的活度系数,并分析了浓度对电解质溶液活度系数的影响。

    In this paper , we applied in activity coefficient of ErCl_3 in H_2O solvent in 298K with conductivity method , and discussed the effect of concentration on activity coefficient of electrolyte solution .

  22. 对数字滤波方法在BHF-I仪中的应用及线性回归分析用于浓度值的定量计算等进行了详细地讨论。

    This paper in detail discusses the application of the digital filtering to the BHF-I instrument and the quantitation calculation of concentration with linear regression analysis .

  23. 应用电导法测定了298K时稀土氯化盐YCl3在混合溶剂(DMF-H2O)中的活度系数,并分析了浓度对稀土盐溶液活度系数的影响。

    In this paper , we applied in activity coefficient of Rare Earths salt YCl_3 in DMF and H_2O with conductivity method at 298K , and discussed the effect of concentration on activity coefficient of electrolyte solution .

  24. 改进后的差示光度法分析低浓度挥发酚

    Analysis of Low Concentration Volatility Phenol with Improved Differential Photometric Method

  25. 采用药物动力学软件(PK-GRAPH)分析药物浓度-时间数据。

    The concentration - times data were analyzed with PK - GRAPH .

  26. 采用蛋白质组分析高浓度葡萄糖对人腹膜间皮细胞的影响

    Effects of high glucose on human peritoneal mesothelial cells : a proteomic analysis

  27. 河西走廊东部空气污染的天气成因分析及浓度预报

    Relations Between Weather and Air Pollution & Pollutants Thickness Forcast in the East of HeXi Corridor

  28. 校正曲线标准溶液用于制作仪器相应和分析物浓度相关的标准曲线。

    The CAL solutions are used to calibrate the instrument response with respect to analyte concentration .

  29. 高效液相色谱法同时分析低浓度的葡萄糖、乙醇和甘油

    Simultaneous Analysis of Low Concentrations of Glucose , Ethanol and Glycerol by High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method

  30. 水封湿式除渣装置及常见问题分析高浓度酚水的湿式氧化研究

    Introduction of Water-Filled Intermittent-Removal Ash Hopper and Analysis of Normal Problems Wet Air Oxidation of High Concentration Phenol Solution