
  • 网络dispersed element;dispersing element
  1. 在中国已经发现了许多分散元素独立矿床;

    In China , many dispersed element deposits have already been prospected .

  2. 铊是一种稀有分散元素。

    Thallium is a rare but widely dispersed element .

  3. Cd、Ge、Ga等分散元素可能形成了部分氯化物络合物或者被Pb、Zn的络合物吸附而随之一起迁移;

    Dispersed elements like Cd , Ge , and Ga were transported in the form of chlorine complexes or adsorbed by chlorine complexes of Pb and Zn .

  4. 许多密西西比河谷型(MVT)铅锌矿床中都含有具经济意义的锗(Cd)、镉(Ge)、镓(Ga)等分散元素。

    In many Mississippi valley type ( MVT ) Pb-Zn deposits , dispersed elements such as Cd , Ge , and Ga may reach to economically significant enrichment .

  5. 与Pb、Zn金属一起迁移而来的Cd、Ge、Ga等分散元素在有利的物化条件下便以类质同象的方式替代相应离子而进入闪锌矿、方铅矿的晶格并逐渐富集成矿。

    Under favorable physico-chemical conditions , dispersed elements such as Cd , Ge , and Ga that were co-transported with Pb and Zn may have replaced corresponding ions and accumulated as the mode of isomorphism .

  6. 扬子地块西南缘铅锌矿床的容矿岩石及区域地层中Zn、Pb和Cd等的高背景值是铅锌成矿和分散元素富集的物质基础。

    Regional strata and host rocks of the Pb-Zn deposits in SW Yangtze block have high contents of Zn , Pb , and Cd , which is fundamental for the Pb-Zn mineralization and the enrichment of dispersed elements .

  7. 由此可见,Zn、Pb和Cd等元素在区域岩石中的高背景值,为本区铅锌成矿及分散元素富集提供了物质基础。

    From this we can see , the high based value of zinc , lead and cadmium et al elements in region rocks , supply the matter foundation for the Pb-Zn mineralization and the enrichment of dispersed elements . 2 .

  8. Se、Tl、Cd的释放对环境的危害最主要的方式是通过污染饮用水进而影响到人类健康,其它分散元素对环境的作用目前还不十分清楚。

    Release of Se , Tl and Cd from ore and rock can pollute the drinking water and then may endanger the human health , while effect of other dispersed elements to environment is indistinct as yet .

  9. 分散元素Te、Se、Cd、Tl在某些类型金矿中可以富集,是黄金找矿的重要指示元素,甚至是最重要的指示元素。

    Geochemistry research results in some gold deposits show that dispersed elements like Te , Se , Cd , and Tl may be enriched in some types gold deposits . They are important indicator elements , sometimes even the most important indicator element .

  10. 变质岩中分散元素活化成矿过程中的力学&化学相互作用

    Mechanical-chemical interactions during mobilized mineralization of disperse elements in metamorphic rocks

  11. 稀土、稀有分散元素赋存状态多样。

    Rare earth and rare dispersed ele-ments appear in different forms .

  12. 吉林集安铅锌矿地球化学与分散元素

    Disperse element geochemistry of Ji'an Pb-Zn deposit , Jilin province , China

  13. 中国分散元素富集与成矿研究新进展

    A Review of Enrichment and Mineralization of the Dispersed Elements in China

  14. 分散元素共生,是一种常见的现象。

    Coexistence of disperse elements is an common phenomenon .

  15. Re是一种重要的分散元素。

    Rhenium is a very important dispersed element .

  16. 分散元素钪的矿床类型与研究前景

    Types of SC deposits and research prospects

  17. 云南省富乐铅锌多金属矿床闪锌矿中分散元素地球化学特征

    Geochemical character of dispersed element in sphalerite from fule Pb-Zn polymetal deposit , yunnan Province

  18. 热水沉积作用在某些分散元素的成矿过程中具有重要意义。

    Hot water sedimentation plays an important role in the mineralization of some disperse elements .

  19. 分散元素超常富集的资源与环境效应:研究现状与发展趋势

    Resources and environmental effects of abnormal enrichment of dispersed elements : research situation and tendency

  20. 相似的地球化学性质和地球化学行为,是导致分散元素共生的基本原因。

    Similar geochemical properties and behaviors are primary reason to form coexistence of some disperse elements .

  21. 广西大厂锡多金属矿田分散元素矿床地球化学研究

    Study on the Ore Deposit Geochemistry of the Dachang Polymetallic Tin Orefield Dispersed Elements in Guangxi

  22. 研究了世界首例碲矿床的地球化学特征,特别是微量分散元素碲富集成矿的地球化学条件。

    The geochemical features of the first tellurium deposit in the world are studied in this paper .

  23. 变质岩中分散元素的活化转移涉及到一个复杂的水-岩体系,这个体系在成矿演化过程中存在着力学-化学相互作用。

    Mineralization through mobilization of disperse elements in metamorphic rocks is involved in a very complicated water-rock system .

  24. 在一定地质条件下,分散元素可以发生超常富集,乃至形成分散元素的独立矿床。

    Disperse elements can be super richening , even to form independent deposits under some certain geological setting .

  25. 贵州天桥铅锌矿床分散元素赋存状态及规律

    The Occurrence States and Regularities of Dispersed Elements in Tianqiao Pb-Zn Ore Deposit , Guizhou Province , China

  26. 层间氧化作用下分散元素独立成矿的可能性

    Possibility of the Independent Mineralization of the Dispersed Elements ( e. g. Re , Se ) Under Interlayer Oxidation

  27. 对代表性铅锌矿床进行野外地质调查和系统采样鉴定后,应用电子探针微区分析手段,研究主要矿石矿物闪锌矿、方铅矿和黄铁矿中分散元素的富集特征。

    Enrichment characteristics of these dispersed elements in sphalerite , galena , and pyrite were delineated by electron microprobe analysis .

  28. 扬子地块西南缘铅锌成矿作用与分散元素镉镓锗富集规律

    Metallogenesis of Pb-Zn Deposits and Enrichment Regularity of Dispersed Elements Cd , Ga , and Ge in SW Yangtze Block

  29. 分散元素具有重要与广泛的用途,是高科技新材料的重要原料,有着极其巨大的市场潜力。

    They are very important raw materials of high tech and new materials and widely used thus has huge potential in the market .

  30. 广西大厂锡多金属矿田是我国著名的锡多金属生产基地之一,其伴生分散元素种类之多,储量之大更为世界罕见。

    The well-known Dachang tin-polymetallic ore field in Guangxi province is particularly rare in the world due to abundant dispersed elements and huge reserve .