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Activists said tanks ringing Deir al-Zour opened up with shellfire during the early morning call to prayer , then moved into several districts under the cover of heavy gunfire .
The terrorists said that anyone caught informing on them would be killed .
The Maoists say they are fighting for land and jobs for the poor .
Zealots say fighting global warming is a moral imperative , so cost-benefit analyses are immoral .
Coffee party activists say their goal , to change Washington by and cooperation within the government .
The gangster said , " I 'll sell you the watch for $ 20 dollars instead . "
Megalians say the slogan was meant to decry a male idea that women need men to protect and support them .
Activists say government forces entered Daraya after the rebels had left on Friday and started to kill civilians in retaliation for hosting the rebels .
Because you can 't look away when not just the religious fanatics are saying we 're all going to be destroyed but the scientists are in on the act too .
Conservatives groused they were not ready to commit political hara-kiri
But green campaigners complained the data gathered were not published in full .
In her opinion the biggest issue facing Africa this century is what many activists call the " land grab . "
The only areas that we are dominating and expanding out lead are in creative litigation and allowing every activists or " stakeholder " veto power over any proposed project .
WOZA activist Salina Madukani , said the government 's efforts to fight the epidemic have been restricted to making statements .
Now we are no more than dissidents , he said .
She apparently convinced her Nazi interrogators she was a local member of the French Resistance .
For example , sodium in our blood plasma is almost to the point sometimes of100 millimol or that 's very , very concentrated .
Rebel sources say the explosions have wiped out fuel reserves needed to withstand the lengthy siege of Misrata , which is the last city in western Libya under rebel control .
I wasn 't holding out for a cool character , but I think the Mandalorians are probably the ones that the die-hards are going to be the most curious about ," says Favreau . " I grew up a fan of Star Wars .
Theory of hydrogen bond association among molecules ;
Molecular Evolution and Neutral Theory
" The patients with disease recurrence had these immunosuppressive molecules in their tumors ," he said .
The reason it stays smooth has to do with tiny organic molecules-such as decomposed plankton-on the surface of the water .
David Goldspink , Professor of Cell and Molecular Sports Science at Liverpool John Moores University , said that women 's longevity is linked to the strength of their hearts .
The Characterization of Chimeras of Tuber Mustard ( Brassica Juncea ) and Red Cabbage ( Brassica Oleracea ); If the entry times are a true indication of their abilities , the racers will fan out into the shape of a spearhead during the race .