
  • 网络Molecular physics;Particle physics
  1. 原子分子物理学研究的意义与发展趋势

    Scientific significance and present development tendancy of atomic and molecular physics

  2. 自然科学学科发展战略研究报告之二:原子分子物理学

    Strategic Research on Natural Science Disciplines : Atomic and Molecular physics

  3. 原子分子物理学的研究进展

    Progress in the Research of Atomic and Molecular Physics

  4. GB3102.8-1993物理化学和分子物理学的量和单位

    Quantities and units of physical chemistry and molecular physics

  5. 原子、分子物理学及光学发展展望

    Atomic , molecular and optical physics

  6. 这个新定律也可引伸到分子物理学的范畴。

    It is suggested that the law may be extended to the realm of molecular theory .

  7. 物质的量是物理化学和分子物理学的基本量。

    The Amount of Substance is regarded as the elementary quantity in the sciences of Physical Chemistry and Molecular Physics .

  8. 当前分子物理学的根本任务是了解电子与核在分子场中的联合运动等问题。

    The fundamental task of molecular physics is to understand the electron and nu-clear joint motion in the molecular electronic field .

  9. 本文首先介绍了原子与分子物理学的发展概况、高离化原子研究领域的发展以及研究高离化原子的意义。

    This thesis first introduced the general situation of atomic and molecular physics , the development and the significance of the research about highly charged ions .

  10. 本文首先简要介绍了原子分子物理学的发展概况,评述了其学科地位及目前主要的研究内容和发展方向。

    The developments of atomic and molecular physics are introduced briefly , the discipline status , the present main research contents and the development directions are commented firstly .

  11. 这里,我举分子物理学中研究气体运动规律的例子,与《资本论》对剩余价值的研究作一比较分析。

    Here I will make a comparison between the revelation of the law of movements of gas in molecular physics and the examination of the surplus value in Capital .

  12. 本文综述原子分子物理学研究的重要意义和当前发展趋势,简要描述国内研究状况及今后发展的设想。

    This article discourses to the scientific significance and present development tendency on atomic and molecular physics , and it describes briefly the research state and development tentative idea in the future on atomic and molecular physics in the China .

  13. 由于第四强度理论还存在不足之处,因此本文从分子物理学关于引力和斥力的理论出发,再结合一些实验依据,对第四强度理论进行修正,使其适应范围更广。

    As to the fourth strength theorem , there is still inadequate on application , so this paper at first starts from the theorem of molecular attraction and repulsion , then combining some experimental facts to revise the fourth strength theorem in order to make it more applicable .

  14. 测量和控制生物大分子&物理学和生物学交叉的一个热点

    Measurement and Control of Biomolecules & A Hot Issue in the Frontier Across Physics and Biology

  15. 这个小组里有25位研究运算设计、建筑学、海洋科学、分子生物学、和物理学等方向的成员和访问学生。

    The group includes 25 affiliates and visiting students pursuing computational design , architecture , marine science , molecular biology , and physics .

  16. 分子势能函数是原子分子物理学中的重要研究方向之一。

    Molecular potential energy function is one of the important research fields in atomic and molecular physics .

  17. 研究分子激发态结构、特性和动力学是原子分子物理学科学研究的重要前沿,对阐明化学反应的机制、规律和产物的特性有着重要的意义。

    Investigation of the structure , characteristic and dynamics of excited states is an important frontier in atom and molecule physics . These investigations are significant to elaborate the mechanism , regularity of chemical reaction and the characteristic of the products .

  18. 分子影像学是一门新兴的交叉学科,涉及到分子生物学、物理学、数学、信息科学、放射医学等多个学科。

    Molecular imaging is a new interdisciplinary subject , involving the molecular biology , physics , mathematics , the information science , the radiation medicine and so on .

  19. Frank-Condon因子代表了分子的两个能级耦合紧密程度,这个因子和分子结构以及分子能级跃迁有关,因此它在原子分子物理学中是一个重要的参数。

    Frank-Condon factors represent coupling degree between two energy levels in a molecule ; the factors are related with structure of the molecule and transition between molecular levels , so they are very important parameters in the atomic and molecular physics .