
  • 网络A warehouse;Eject
  1. 在复杂地层掘进中的盾构出仓检查、更换刀具施工技术

    Construction Technology for Final Tunneling-out Inspection and Cutter Replacement under Complicated Ground Condition

  2. 海关仓库货物出仓单发货单上列出了样品费。

    The invoice charges us for the sample .

  3. 这将使每一轮危机都变为胆小鬼游戏:害怕受罚债券持有人都出仓了。

    That will turn each crisis into a game of chicken as bondholders sell before they get penalised .

  4. 几乎所有的个股都出仓在高点,也不怕“踏空”。

    Almost all the stocks go out of the position at high points , no fear of being vacant .

  5. 今天午盘开盘不久杀入的,明天在高点就可以出仓了。

    The stocks coming in not long after afternoon opening , could get out of the position at high points .

  6. 个人意见,不太看好~!庄家大量出仓了吧,会是好消息吗?

    Individual opinion , not quite value ~ ! Banker gives a storehouse in great quantities , can you be good news ?

  7. 美国的罗伯特。贝肯和英国出生的尼古拉斯。帕特里克出仓6.5小时以完成新安装的宁静节点的收尾工作。

    American Robert Behnken and UK-born Nicholas Patrick are on a6.5-hour outing to put the finishing touches on the recently-fitted Tranquility Node .

  8. 出仓煤灰分的预测有利于更好地进行配煤,从而提高燃煤效率和减少污染物排放。

    Prediction of bin delivered coal is beneficial to coal well blending so as to improve coal combustion efficiency and decrease amount of contaminant emission .

  9. 爱荷华州玉米农,詹森·希松是爱荷华州金斯敦市附近的一个6代相传的玉米农民,一边为他的联合收割机出仓,一边照看着他的地螺钻。

    Jason Hinson , a sixth-generation corn farmer near Kingston , Iowa , keeps an eye on his auger as he unloads his combine on the fly .

  10. 被更换货物出仓前,更换货物应当先行入仓,并应当与原货物的商品编码、品名、规格型号、数量和价值相同。

    Before they are taken out , their replacements of the same codes , brands , specifications , models , quantities and value shall be put into such warehouses first .

  11. 对平房仓、浅圆仓和立筒仓三种仓型进行储粮观察、性能比较和结果分析,归纳出三种仓型各自的优点和缺点,以便更好的为储粮服务。

    Through observation and comparison of storability and function of the horizontal bin , squat silo and silo , the advantages and disadvantages of the three bins were summed up respectively .

  12. 经过大量实验,探讨出水泥磨机球仓和棒仓的最佳位置关系,球仓长为3.16米,棒仓长为4.84米,磨出矿粉细度和品位综合效益最好;

    According to a lot of experiments , the best ubiety of the cement grind machine 's ball storehouse and stick storehouse is discussed .

  13. 本文还给出了计算储仓原煤温度场的简化公式,提供工程设计中实际应用。

    For the application in engineering design practice , a simplified formula has also been given for calculating the temperature field of raw coal in cylindrical coal-bunker .

  14. 通过对国产轿车在给定工况下的测试分析,确定出试验车发动机仓内最大噪声的位置、司机耳旁辐射噪声产生的原因,为进一步降低该车噪声提供了参考。

    By testing and analyzing on domestic car under given working conditions , the position of maximum noise in engine compartment and the reason of radiation noise generated beside the driver s ear have been ascertained . This provides the reference for further lowering the noise of the given car .