
  • 网络Fenghuang village;phoenix House;Phoenixville
  1. 凤凰村婚姻的变迁

    On Changes of the Marriage and Family in Fenghuang Village

  2. 凤凰村的婚姻从1918年葛学溥的论述到1995年笔者的实地调查,在七十多年的时间跨度中发生了很重要的变迁。

    Great changes have taken place in marriages in Fenghuang village during the seventy year period from Ge xufus report in1918 to the authors field trip in1995 .

  3. 本文是湖州凤凰村追踪研究成果之一。

    This paper is one of the series of follow-up research on the Phoenix Village .

  4. 但这些在附近的凤凰村长大的年轻男子不太清楚自己能帮上什么忙。

    But the young men , who grew up in nearby Fenghuan village , were unsure how they would be able to help .