
  • 网络mother-to-be;mothers;expectant mothers;The expectant mother;T.e.mami
  1. 埃米遇见的准妈妈们个个洋溢着自豪和喜悦。

    The expectant mothers that Amy had encountered positively glowed with pride .

  2. 怀孕28周以后的准妈妈一般不宜乘坐飞机出行。

    It is generally not advisable for expectant mothers to travel by air after the 28th week of pregnancy .

  3. 怀孕的女人本就需要身兼多职,而研究却证实长久以来流传的“孕傻”说法是真的,怀孕会造成准妈妈记忆力衰退,其影响力甚至会波及到产后一年。

    Just when a pregnant woman might need to multitask , research has confirmed that the long-suspected " baby brain " effect kicks in , as suspected , and may impair memory for up to a year after birth .

  4. 根据博姿网站,PregnacareMax维生素是给准妈妈的“终极方程式”。

    Pregnacare Max , according to the Boots website , is " the ultimate formula " for mums-to-be .

  5. 为享明年福利计划德国孕妇忙延产Pregnantwomenhopeforlatearrivals为了享受政府明年的一项高额补贴计划,德国的准妈妈们目前正在想方设法将产期推迟到明年1月1日。

    Expectant mothersin Germany are doing what they can to put off giving birth until January 1 when a generous government aid program takes effect .

  6. CNN主播:准妈妈们正在寻找一种庆祝她们妊娠的方式。

    CNNANCHOR : Now , mothers-to-be are looking for a way to celebrate their months of pregnancy .

  7. 据研究,准妈妈饮食习惯、运动量、酗酒抽烟与否,乃至接触过的污染性物质,都可能影响胎儿的DNA。

    It is thought that her diet , the amount she exercises , whether she smokes or drinks alcohol and even which pollutants she is exposed to can alter the DNA of her unborn child .

  8. 盖纳说,Glow上的时尚准妈妈们让她知道了随意搭穿衣风格的价值。

    Ms. Gaynor said the fashionable mothers she has featured on the Glow taught her the value of an ' anything goes ' approach .

  9. 盖纳说,Glow上的时尚准妈妈们让她知道了“随意搭”穿衣风格的价值。

    Ms. Gaynor said the fashionable mothers she has featured on the Glow taught her the value of an ' anything goes ' approach . '

  10. 7月份,该公司又向前迈进了一步——它推出了另一款移动应用软件GlowNurture,对象是准妈妈们,而不是想受孕的人群。

    In July , the company took another step . It launched Glow Nurture , a separate mobile application tailored to pregnancy rather than fertility .

  11. 这些聪明的准妈妈们把亚历山大・王(AlexanderWang)和瑞克・欧文斯(RickOwens)等特别照顾孕妇需求品牌的非孕妇单品和孕妇装品牌的时髦剪裁进行混搭。

    These resourceful women are mixing non-maternity pieces from surprisingly pregnancy-friendly labels such as Alexander Wang and Rick Owens with a chicer-than-ever crop of maternity brands .

  12. 一年前,贝宝(PayPal)创始人麦克斯o列夫琴参与推出了“好孕”应用软件Glow。现在,这一应用已经带来了可观的成果——2.5万名女性通过它成功晋级准妈妈。

    One year after PayPal founder Max Levchin helped launch Glow , the fertility app has some impressive results : the service takes credit for 25000 pregnancies .

  13. 在我发现FullTerm之前,克里斯塔下载了MyPregnancyToday,它能告诉充满期待的准妈妈子宫里每周发生的情况(12周的时候,那个应用程序说,我们孩子的大小跟一颗酸橙差不多)。

    Before I discovered Full Term , Chrysta downloaded My Pregnancy Today , which shows expectant mothers what 's happening in the womb week by week . ( At 12 weeks , the app said , our baby was the size of a lime . )

  14. 但是类维生素A是专家们,包括Baumann建议准妈妈远离的护肤品成份之一。

    But retinoids are one of the skin-care ingredients that experts , including Baumann , recommend that expectant moms stay away from .

  15. 根据新的NHS指引,鼓励低风险孕妇不在医院分娩,这就意味着半数左右的准妈妈们将不在传统的产房分娩。

    Women with low-risk pregnancies are to be encouraged to have non-hospital births under new NHS guidelines , which could see almost half of mothers-to-be planning to deliver their baby away from traditional labour wards .

  16. 胎儿被赋予了高度的象征意义,而准妈妈却被无视了。

    The fetus is given symbolic importance , not the mother-to-be .

  17. 每90秒就有一位准妈妈死于难产。

    one woman dies every minute and a half from childbirth .

  18. 那些不能生育的准妈妈们的绝望是一言难尽的。

    The desperation of the infertile would-be mother knows no bounds .

  19. 据悉,当初,这位准妈妈是在美国待产的。

    The expectant mother prepared for delivery in the United States .

  20. 把准妈妈送到医院去生孩子,真够惊险的。

    Sending the mother-to-be off to the hospital in labor !

  21. 危地马拉的准妈妈能使用手机学习如何在孕期保持健康。

    In Guatemala , cellphones inform mothers how to have healthy pregnancies .

  22. 准妈妈们都会住进单独的空调房里,并且安排专人24小时看护。

    Mothers-to-be are housed in air-conditioned single rooms and receive 24-hour care .

  23. 现在,她是一个保护的准妈妈。

    Now she is a protective prospective mother .

  24. 拍孕妇照是一种铭记她们成为准妈妈的漂亮时刻的新方式。

    Taking pregnancy photographs is a new way to remember their beautiful moments for mothers-to-be .

  25. 看起来另一位准妈妈像是要把自己塞到一条更紧的裤子里去。

    It was left to another expectant mother to squeeze into something a little tighter .

  26. 许多准妈妈都不想自己的孩子在2月29日那天出生。

    Many expectant mothers don 't want their babies to be born on Feb. 29 .

  27. 主持人乔恩?斯图尔在他的一段说词中还拿准妈妈安吉莉娜?茱丽开起了玩笑。

    During one of his monologues , host Jon Stewart poked fun of pregnant Angelina jolie .

  28. 3.:关心,挂念准妈妈也对吃鱼有顾虑,担心其汞含量超标。

    eg. Pregnant mothers may also be concerned about eating fish because of the mercury content .

  29. 例如,在一些饮食文化中,准妈妈们的口味会变淡;

    For example , an expecting mother 's cravings tend to fall within culturally available fare ;

  30. 准妈妈在怀孕期间应避免剧烈运动,但轻微的运动确实能给带来很多好处。

    While you should avoid strenuous activity , light exercise can offer many benefits during pregnancy .