
  • 网络madam xian
  1. 冼夫人文化源流和基本特征初探

    The Source , Course and Basic Characteristics of the Culture of Madam Xian

  2. 试论冼夫人文化

    On the Madam Xian 's Culture

  3. 海南岛冼夫人崇拜与妈祖信仰比较研究

    Comparative Study of Worship Between Madam Xian and Mazu in Hainan Island

  4. 冼夫人是岭南百越族的一位首领。

    Madame Xian Tai was the chief of the Baiyue ethnic group in the Lingnan region .

  5. 这冼夫人是谁啊?

    Who was Madame Xian Tai ?

  6. 冼夫人与民族团结

    Madam Xian & Ethnic Unity

  7. 至少从唐代开始,冼夫人就成为粤西和海南的主要神灵崇拜对象。

    Madame Xian has become the main God of worship in Western Guangdong and Hainan Island ever since the Tang Dynasty .

  8. 试论旅游文化节的构建理念与营造&以冼夫人文化节为例

    On the Construction Idea and Creation of Tourism Culture Days : A Case Study of the Mrs . Xian Culture Day

  9. 从经济、政治、文化等方面列举大量事实论证冼夫人时代高凉的社会性质。

    From the aspects of the economy , politics and culture , the authors list plenty of historical facts to demonstrate the social character of the Gaoliang of the Madam Xian Age .

  10. 浅论冼夫人、冯宝联姻在岭南民族融合中的历史功绩明清冼夫人崇拜与地方经济变迁

    The historical contribution of FENG and XIAN 's marriage to the peoples ' reconciliation in Lingnan On Correlation between Worship of Madame Xian and Regional Economic Development during the Ming and the Qing Dynasties

  11. 综观一千多年以来有关冼夫人的事象,在粤西茂名和海南等地早已逐渐形成了以亲缘、神缘、地缘、物缘、业缘为网络的冼夫人文化。

    The legend of Madam Xian in the past one thousand years and more has developed into a culture in Maoming of West Guangdong and Hainan , which consists of the relationship of clan , religion , locality , materials and deeds .